Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Looks like that EW container wasn't wiped.

The seized unit will be examined by Western spy agencies, The Telegraph reported, adding that it would likely be taken by road to the US Air Force's Ramstein Air Base in Germany, before being flown to the US.
Donbass yes. If Putin hadn't sent his saboteurs in and rogue Buk units they would have been able to vote in the elections like everyone else. They decided to hold their own little elections for DPR and LPR instead, which are not internationally recognised or monitored.

So? Pakistan sent fighters into Kashmir, that didn't stop elections there, or anywhere else.

That's not how international law works I'm afraid. And don't confuse persuasion with bullying. You have no clue about the west in your little misinformation bubble over there. We have a free press unlike Russia. They tend not to die as well.


Let's have some links so we can see the reasons. The only ones I found were banned 24 days into the invasion. Some parties get banned even in the EU due to laws centred around the likes of terrorism, inciting violence/hate etc. The fact international monitors saw no problem,

Lol, banning fringe outfits and banning regular parties is not the same.

Nobody had bothered exploiting them, another sure sign that their government was in cohorts and likely taking bribes with Russia. Equally Syria would make shed loads of money and be much richer if it allowed a pipeline to the EU, how could it not be, but again Russia.


Ukraine holds 395,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 51st in the world and accounting for about 0.0% of the world's total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels.

Donbass didn't take part under Russian instruction. Remember the MH17 incident, people said Russia would never be incompetent enough to shoot down a civilian jet (even though a Buk launcher with 3 missiles was seen heading back to Russia moments after). Well this war was proven you wrong on their incompetence.

No, the Russians wanted elections held in Donbas. Putin asked for it publicly.
>2/3rds of the world's nations still voted against Russia, hardly anyone voted for them, even you. Malaysia had previously good relations with Russia and they too voted against Russia, simply because Russia is very obviously in the wrong. You are not that important in influencing global opinion, we just expected better.

Yes. After pressure was applied. Look at how much pressure the West is applying on India every single day for abstaining.

Very few countries can resist such pressure.

Well that's nice but sometimes the security isn't available for such, like when there is a war on. Putin caused all this by interfering. Without that Ukraine's elections would have been full, and fully monitored by international observers. These observers have not red flagged any party ban. They attempted to ban the Communist Party for the following reasons but that was not successful.

Lol, nope. Euromaidan finished the Ukrainian Russians for good.

India lacks joined up thinking. But then the EU did too, but now they've changed their mind.

Don't be stupid. For India, QUAD doesn't stretch anywhere outside the Indo-Pacific. We have ZERO interest in dealing with your problems. Whereas China is your problem and our problem, a mutual problem.

We are doing very well with "joined up thinking", thank you very much. India has a greater population and is more diverse than Europe, but you don't see our states going to war with each other over cockamamie reasons.
Finland who's now considering joining NATO as a result of the war and taking in people fleeing Russia.

You are living in cloud dumbass land.

Deliberately reduced firepower. No they were incompetent, the same incompetence that shot down MH17.

Thinks Putin is a kind humanitarian, calls Europeans and Americans 'sheep'.

"Boh, wwwwwonnnnder you're sheeeep. Baaahhhh."

The West is the reason for the war in Ukraine. Wallace's comments prove that.

"We (US and UK) will support your application into NATO, so fight Russia."

After war begins:
"Oh, you can't join NATO because other members don't want you here. Too bad. Now please continue fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian."
3. Just generally bad information/propaganda. I get when people take Iraq and say, "NATO shouldn't have been there even though Saddam had gassed and tortured a bunch of people and invaded a country. You are not world police." I get that, the aftermath was a clusterfuck. But when the same people speak on Ukraine and say, "NATO, or US and UK, masterminded this whole thing, it's not Russia's fault, this is why Britain left the EU a year ago...." I just think, these people are f#cked in the head, they'll clearly blame 'the west' for everything no matter what. Is there really any point in even trying to sensibly converse with such utter morons.
Look, India as far as its policy goes, does not and cannot care for a war in Europe -- Just as Sweden does not give a shit about what China is doing in Asia. We have our own shit to deal with. Come Asia pacific, we will work with anyone who can help us keep China in check. Now as it happens, Japan and Australia are major US allies and have trouble with China and are in and around the region. So we will work with them and US to deal with China. Its that simple.
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I get the feeling that it's because of two main reasons:

1. Historical incidents which are now an irrelevance in 2022.

Nope. Just that we don't trust you. So we need Russian vote.

2. Overly invested in Russian defence equipment.

Partly true. But not enough. Buying more oil will more than offset the difference.

3. Just generally bad information/propaganda. I get when people take Iraq and say, "NATO shouldn't have been there even though Saddam had gassed and tortured a bunch of people and invaded a country. You are not world police." I get that, the aftermath was a clusterfuck. But when the same people speak on Ukraine and say, "NATO, or US and UK, masterminded this whole thing, it's not Russia's fault, this is why Britain left the EU a year ago...." I just think, these people are f#cked in the head, they'll clearly blame 'the west' for everything no matter what. Is there really any point in even trying to sensibly converse with such utter morons.

Lol. Sheep.
So? Pakistan sent fighters into Kashmir, that didn't stop elections there, or anywhere else.
The Russians stopped them voting in the main elections. DPR, LPR and Crimea. They had their own referendum on independence which was swamped with fraud and not monitored independently.

But in the Donetsk region alone, where rebels declared independence earlier this month in defiance of Kiev, only 426 out of 2,430 polling stations were open, and none in the main city.

Even before polling day, election officials had reported numerous cases of intimidation and attacks on polling centres and rebels threatened on Saturday they would disrupt the vote "by force if necessary".

That's why.

It's true, you think the sun shines from within Russia's *censored*.

Lol, banning fringe outfits and banning regular parties is not the same.
The Communist Party is regarded as a fringe party, in Ukraine due to history, both criminal and terrorist in nature. They killed far more people than Daesh or any of your Kashmir outfits can even dream of.


Ukraine holds 395,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 51st in the world and accounting for about 0.0% of the world's total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels.

Gas is the main issue, not oil, although there is suspected to be more unproven oil too.

Excluding Russia’s gas reserves in Asia, Ukraine today holds the second biggest known gas reserves in Europe. As of late 2019, known Ukrainian reserves amounted to 1.09 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, second only to Norway’s known resources of 1.53 trillion cubic meters. Yet, these enormous reserves of energy remain largely untapped. Today, Ukraine has a low annual reserve usage rate of about 2 percent. Moreover, more active exploration may yield previously undiscovered gas fields, which would further increase the overall volume of Ukraine’s deposits.

No, the Russians wanted elections held in Donbas. Putin asked for it publicly.
I'll post it again.

But in the Donetsk region alone, where rebels declared independence earlier this month in defiance of Kiev, only 426 out of 2,430 polling stations were open, and none in the main city.

Even before polling day, election officials had reported numerous cases of intimidation and attacks on polling centres and rebels threatened on Saturday they would disrupt the vote "by force if necessary".

What Putin says and what Putin does are two different things. Putin said his troops had not gathered on the border to invade Ukraine remember. They were only there for training remember? He said that repeatedly. He denies knowledge of any Russian assassinations even when his agents have been caught on CCTV. Why listen to a proven liar?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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Yes. After pressure was applied. Look at how much pressure the West is applying on India every single day for abstaining.
Your evidence that pressure was applied.

Very few countries can resist such pressure.
Strong words?

Lol, nope. Euromaidan finished the Ukrainian Russians for good.
Nope Russia's little green men aka rebels did.

But in the Donetsk region alone, where rebels declared independence earlier this month in defiance of Kiev, only 426 out of 2,430 polling stations were open, and none in the main city.

Even before polling day, election officials had reported numerous cases of intimidation and attacks on polling centres and rebels threatened on Saturday they would disrupt the vote "by force if necessary".

Don't be stupid. For India, QUAD doesn't stretch anywhere outside the Indo-Pacific. We have ZERO interest in dealing with your problems. Whereas China is your problem and our problem, a mutual problem.

We are doing very well with "joined up thinking", thank you very much. India has a greater population and is more diverse than Europe, but you don't see our states going to war with each other over cockamamie reasons.
That's where your thinking isn't joined up. It's one thing turning a blind eye to a few autocracies here and there for reasons of oil supply but when their interests are counter to yours in your locality. But then you have invested way to heavily in Russia to pull out, this is why your thinking is not joined up. You were playing checkers while China was playing chess.

I doubt it's more diverse if you're talking about ethnicities. Europe has every ethnicity that India has due to Indian ethnic population and more.
Look, India as far as its policy goes, does not and cannot care for a war in Europe -- Just as Sweden does not give a shit about what China is doing in Asia. We have our own shit to deal with. Come Asia pacific, we will work with anyone who can help us keep China in check. Now as it happens, Japan and Australia are major US allies and have trouble with China and are in and around the region. So we will work with them and US to deal with China. Its that simple.
Not caring for it is one thing, but many here are definitely taking sides, the Russian side, which stands at odds with being a democracy, or neutral.
Those tables are getting longer and longer, somebody is scared that his subordinates are about to ice him.
No such thing as de-dollarization happening.

Countries are gonna reduce their reliance on Western payment systems. Those big enough will create their own. Those too small will latch on to multiple players. For example, both China and India are guaranteed to create such a system, separately.

This war will give China the leverage to force Russian help to neutralize all our Russian origin weapon systems. Russia is China's bitch now.

No for both. For the former, China should start importing Russian hardware in greater quantities than India does, which they will not. Furthermore, we have signed an agreement with Russia last year to create JVs for spares production in India, which should significantly offset our dependency in time. The latter won't happen because of China's dependency on Russian oil. Even if it does happen, it's gonna take 15 years at the minimum, or at least until Putin is done. In just 10 more years, our dependency on Russia will fall massively due to the phase out of Russian equipment.