Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Wow. Our malnutrition is result of 200 hundred years of loot and rape

Some deny holocaust some deny colonial genocide . All of them are delusional psychopaths

It's funny how British never had famines even when they are fighting two world wars but only colonies and slaves have .

@mods is this site owned by British or you some kind money hungry bloggers where only money and few international users need to boossf your site even when they outrightly twist history and throw mud on our genocides and laugh it off .

The quality of this forum is too slavish and pathetic.

I guess we need another kashmir files or another gora sahib telling 2022 ethics what to post and what not to post . We only control or ban what gora sahib tells us . Homophobia banned here not because we care but because it's banned by goras . Anti Semitic comments banned . Anti Indian comments: well gora sahibs glorify it hence we should take it light . Infact we should not talk too much about past because it hurts goras but we can whine about WW2 or nazis the older than our country because they are gora approved .

We cannot even run a forum with our views and our moderation . But here we are talking about Indian defende the hypocrisy and sepoy syndrome . Shame on this forum .this is not the first time mor thus not last time that briturd has beenthat way since old forum and nothing changed even with new forum .

Is this some kind of deep state sleeper cell collecting our personal info .?

He is just finding any excuse possible to try and deny that his ancestors, basically from merely his grandfather's generation, were total pieces of sh!t.
Epic footage of the destruction of the Ukrainian BUK air defense system, in the Danilovka area near Vasilkov:

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Apparently the Ukrainians fly low enough to pick up road signs:


Err: It was in 2020 !

Possibly picked it up during landing or takeoff from a road strip.
The most powerful fire in Lviv after the strike on the oil depot: the city is shrouded in black smoke:

Countries are gonna reduce their reliance on Western payment systems. Those big enough will create their own. Those too small will latch on to multiple players. For example, both China and India are guaranteed to create such a system, separately.

No for both. For the former, China should start importing Russian hardware in greater quantities than India does, which they will not. Furthermore, we have signed an agreement with Russia last year to create JVs for spares production in India, which should significantly offset our dependency in time. The latter won't happen because of China's dependency on Russian oil. Even if it does happen, it's gonna take 15 years at the minimum, or at least until Putin is done. In just 10 more years, our dependency on Russia will fall massively due to the phase out of Russian equipment.
Those not planning an all out invasion against democratic neighbours have nothing to worry about.


In 2019, countries that imported more from Russia than India were China ($49.3B), United Kingdom ($25.3B), and Netherlands ($22.5B).

In December 2021, Russia exported mostly to China ($6.32B), Netherlands ($4.26B), Turkey ($3.6B), Germany ($2.99B), and Italy ($2.64B), and imported mostly from China ($8.2B), Germany ($2.56B), United States ($1.73B), Belarus ($1.57B), and Italy ($1.14B).

In 2020, China imported $150bn of crude petroleum, of which only ~16% or $23.8bn came from Russia.
The West did all three.
We nuked India? News to me. Anyway, your maths sucks.
The Russians stopped them voting in the main elections. DPR, LPR and Crimea. They had their own referendum on independence which was swamped with fraud and not monitored independently.

That's why.

'Cause those voting booths were in Ukrainian majority regions.

Gas is the main issue, not oil, although there is suspected to be more unproven oil too.

They would have drilled it out if they could.
Your evidence that pressure was applied.

Seriously? Just look it up. It's all over the news. Even the Irish PM spoke about it.

Strong words?

Very, very few. Basically India, or a collective GCC. Of course, China and Russia. And some deemed to be enemies, like Iran, Ven and NoKo.

Nope Russia's little green men aka rebels did.


That's where your thinking isn't joined up. It's one thing turning a blind eye to a few autocracies here and there for reasons of oil supply but when their interests are counter to yours in your locality. But then you have invested way to heavily in Russia to pull out, this is why your thinking is not joined up. You were playing checkers while China was playing chess.

We can become the global police after we also become a $50000 per capita economy. Until then, we will take care of ourselves and our neighbourhood.

I doubt it's more diverse if you're talking about ethnicities. Europe has every ethnicity that India has due to Indian ethnic population and more.

Lol, it's about political power and power centers. Not just tourists, expats and immigrants with no political power.
Not caring for it is one thing, but many here are definitely taking sides, the Russian side, which stands at odds with being a democracy, or neutral.

Russia's survival is very important for India, at least for the next 20 years, and even Europe. Europe is not looking at the big picture, they are still stuck in the Cold War era. They are not realising Putin won't stay in power forever, he's just a temporary blip in history. China is the real threat, and not simply because China is now enemies with India. What you fear Putin is capable of doing, China is actually capable of executing.
Captured lieutenant colonel of the communications centre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.:

Those not planning an all out invasion against democratic neighbours have nothing to worry about.


In 2020, China imported $150bn of crude petroleum, of which only ~16% or $23.8bn came from Russia.

It's naturally because of oil and gas. At market prices, Russian crude is more expensive than ME crude because of transportation costs. So the Russian market was China and Europe.

Due to sanctions, the Russians are providing discounts that make it affordable for shipping. In India's case, the Russians are selling oil at $25-30 discount, whereas shipping costs just $3-4 more than ME oil. So more countries will start buying their crude.
What you fear Putin is capable of doing, China is actually capable of executing.
I have a question though, you saw what Russian Army has been doing till now. How do you know Chinese won't suffer a similar fate? They have never fought a real war properly and on their own. They have third rate weapons based mostly on stolen and improvised technologies. Their Army is basically conscripts. And their government lies. A lot! All ingredients for a massive mess in real world operations.
I have a question though, you saw what Russian Army has been doing till now. How do you know Chinese won't suffer a similar fate? They have never fought a real war properly and on their own. They have third rate weapons based mostly on stolen and improvised technologies. Their Army is basically conscripts. And their government lies. A lot! All ingredients for a massive mess in real world operations.

Yes, the Chinese will suffer the same problem, especially logistics and poor training. While they will struggle to supply their troops over those insanely great heights and distances, not helped by the IAF interdicting them frequently, whatever reaches the frontline will have to be manned and used by a whole army of conscripts not used to living in the terrain at all, let alone fighting in one. So it could be even worse than what the Russians are experiencing, if the Chinese fall victim to the same situation.

The only thing that works in the Chinese favour is their hardware is relatively more advanced than ours and very new, just a few years old in most cases, to the point where enough time has passed to get rid of many teething problems, but not enough time has passed for serious maintenance issues to show up. So they won't face serious reliability issues as long as their army has tested the equipment enough. The issue of logistics and training will still complicate things for them.

Where they have another advantage is, unlike the Russians, the Chinese have the option of bombing civilians, forcing us to allocate manpower and resources away from warfighting.