Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I will not mention the Chinese tactical model.
If I remember correctly, the first American army to enter Basra in 2003 was a reconnaissance unit of the Marine Corps, and they didn't even have a Humvee, so they could only use ATVs, which was worse than the GRU,
Use armored units to blindly storm heavily defended cities, refer to the first Chechnya battle
Battle of Basra was fought by UK.
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The Russian ghost logistics.
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No. During a report by Fox Mike Tobin he was asked by the anchor why no UK troops in the city of Lviv and he stupidly said they are in the outskirts of the city and area. He was talking about Ukraine's 3rd Territorial battalion.
Ukraine's 3rd Territorial battalion.
Sounds good,
Do they have tanks? no
Do they have infantry fighting vehicles? no
Do they have self-propelled guns? no
what do they have?
There are thousands of warriors who fought for their country,
Defeat hundreds of tanks of a Russian army with light infantry
Ukraine is not fighting head on against Russian armor they are letting Russian armor in and hitting Russian logistics which is having a domino effect. Ukraine hasn't used any of their armor brigades in offensive operations. Russians did destroy a convoy of UK T-64BV on a highway on first day of war heading likely to their hidden positions. But that has been the only time a significant group of UK tanks have been taken out.
True, no armored units fought against the Russians, because they were all placed on the Donbass-Luhansk line, where there were 10 armored brigades of the main Ukrainian force.
If they fall back, the only result is to be wiped out by the air force like the Gulf War death road, or by the artillery like in Debaltsev in 2014

Don’t feel that the Russian army will fail when you see the vehicles abandoned by the Russian army. The armored troops will have a lot of equipment failures in their march. As long as they can reach the position within the specified time, no matter how much losses are acceptable, once the heavy army group in eastern Ukraine is encircled, Ukraine is tantamount to extinction,
As for Kiev and Kharkov, without external support, it is impossible to repel the Russian army by street fighting alone.
Once the Russian army in Brest went south and cut off the possibility of NATO interference, then Russia won a complete victory
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A war in Europe is never short. It's never short. Let's say that from a statistical point of view, since the 100 years war, we have been conscientiously fighting each other for long periods of time. There is never a small war in Europe, and wars in Europe always awaken what François Mitterrand called "telluric forces". No one knows where the current situation will lead us. There is no small war in Europe. There never is. Let's hope that this time we can make history lie.
to be honest with you, US has ensured that entire Europe gets destabilised and their economies destroyed. Now every European nation is scrambling to buy weapons and nearly all weapon purchases will be that of US origin. Even since the Brexit, US+UK worked to ruin EU and cripple the economies of EU block countries. Imagine who have been most critical of this war-US+UK.
Imagine who have been most critical of this war-US+UK.

Sir , Putin was in a hurry to do something big before he died

Only Eastern Ukraine supports Russia

The Rest of Ukraine wants to be independent

In fact he has now Militarized European And American WOKES

And now he has to face

1 )stiff resistance in Ukraine ,

2) European Conventional forces -- Newly Raised units in future

3 ) And economic sanctions which will make him very unpopular at home

Now He will always be worried about a Coup
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There is nothing for India to learn from Russia.
For indian military, none from Russia. For GOI/PM yeas, huge lesson from both Putin & Zelenskyy. He should learn learn from putin how to be proactive in achieving or securing your intrest, dont attend election rallies or completely ignor media when thete is crisis or blame pow through twitter followers. From Zelenskyy, of course its how to handle a bully, means dont ask his citizens to celebrate yoga day.
There is nothing to celebrate in it. All military had done that in every war. When equipment failure occur they left it behind move forward. Its matter of shame when they runaway by leaving an active equipment in agony.
The ultimate game plan of Putin is what is shown below.
View attachment 22837
I am insisting you, you must stay away from all defense forums when there is a war breakout happens in future which involves India. 😝😝😝😝

If my memory is correct, you said india's best bet is to climb kailash range and do bargaining, IA executed it later, but goi ruined that plan by forcing IA to vacate.
Its start of Day five which means under 100hrs since the operations started. All cities do stand but completely cut off and surrounded and now will come the final blow. RA will now start creating thrusr axis and isolate these cities into small areas completely cutoff with no water and food supply while RA makes a dash for Dniper river. I give Ukraine maximum a weak before they get bifurcated and made land locked state. With Novo Rossiya acting as a barrier between Nato and Russia.
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For indian military, none from Russia. For GOI/PM yeas, huge lesson from both Putin & Zelenskyy. He should learn learn from putin how to be proactive in achieving or securing your intrest, dont attend election rallies or completely ignor media when thete is crisis or blame pow through twitter followers. From Zelenskyy, of course its how to handle a bully, means dont ask his citizens to celebrate yoga day.
Putin does what he thinks is good for them whether it succeeded or failed is a different thing but intention is present. He is not letting the problem to some future leader to solve it.

There is nothing to celebrate in it. All military had done that in every war. When equipment failure occur they left it behind move forward. Its matter of shame when they runaway by leaving an active equipment in agony.
Agreed , its not a big deal. Should expect atleast 20-30% of your plans to go awry. In fact for the first few days of the war there will be lot of issues from communicating to collaborating effectively across the units, even supply line will not properly established. Its not as if every military keeps invading countries every now & then to put up a perfect fight.

This war has a lot of lessons to learned especially for India. Weapons & practice are no substitute to real experience. During war all those SOPs & drills will be as good as the men doing them. Instead of buying & hoarding expensive weapons we need to use them quite often & fine tune our fighting machine or get ready for such surprises especially given the battles in subcontinent are only fought for short duration. By the time military gets things right battle might already be over.
Putin does what he thinks is good for them whether it succeeded or failed is a different thing but intention is present. He is not letting the problem to some future leader to solve it.
Thats what i said in my post.
The ultimate game plan of Putin is what is shown below.
View attachment 22837

Well good thing we have leaked Sputnik documents to prove you wrong.

Could you please translate this
Putin does what he think

Agreed , its not a big deal. Should expect atleast 20-30% of your plans to go awry. In fact for the first few days of the war there will be lot of issues from communicating to collaborating effectively across the units, even supply line will not properly established. Its not as if every military keeps invading countries every now & then to put up a perfect fight.

This war has a lot of lessons to learned especially for India. Weapons & practice are no substitute to real experience. During war all those SOPs & drills will be as good as the men doing them. Instead of buying & hoarding expensive weapons we need to use them quite often & fine tune our fighting machine or get ready for such surprises especially given the battles in subcontinent are only fought for short duration. By the time military gets things right battle might already be over.
Do not blame the equipment here, blame the tactics, lack of co ordination.
And yeas, s400 is an over hyped non battle proven system. We are just a victim of Russian marketing. Always invest heavily in offensive platforms instead of investing on land based defensive platforms, except indigenous defence platforms.
Could you please translate this
Russia is restoring its historical fullness, gathering the Russian world, the Russian people together - in its entirety of Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians.
A new world is being born before our eyes. Russia's military operation in Ukraine has ushered in a new era - and in three dimensions at once. And of course, in the fourth, internal Russian. Here begins a new period both in ideology and in the very model of our socio-economic system - but this is worth talking about separately a little later.
Russia is restoring its unity - the tragedy of 1991, this terrible catastrophe in our history, its unnatural dislocation, has been overcome. Yes, at a great cost, yes, through the tragic events of a virtual civil war, because now brothers, separated by belonging to the Russian and Ukrainian armies, are still shooting at each other, but there will be no more Ukraine as anti-Russia. Russia is restoring its historical fullness, gathering the Russian world, the Russian people together - in its entirety of Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians. If we had abandoned this, if we had allowed the temporary division to take hold for centuries, then we would not only betray the memory of our ancestors, but would also be cursed by our descendants for allowing the disintegration of the Russian land.
Denazification is the liberation of Ukraine >>
Vladimir Putin has assumed, without a drop of exaggeration, a historic responsibility by deciding not to leave the solution of the Ukrainian question to future generations. After all, the need to solve it would always remain the main problem for Russia - for two key reasons. And the issue of national security, that is, the creation of anti-Russia from Ukraine and an outpost for the West to put pressure on us, is only the second most important among them.
The first would always be the complex of a divided people, the complex of national humiliation - when the Russian house first lost part of its foundation (Kiev), and then was forced to come to terms with the existence of two states, not one, but two peoples. That is, either to abandon their history, agreeing with the insane versions that "only Ukraine is the real Russia," or to gnash one's teeth helplessly, remembering the times when "we lost Ukraine." Returning Ukraine, that is, turning it back to Russia, would be more and more difficult with every decade - recoding, de-Russification of Russians and inciting Ukrainian Little Russians against Russians would gain momentum.
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Now this problem is gone - Ukraine has returned to Russia. This does not mean that its statehood will be liquidated, but it will be reorganized, re-established and returned to its natural state of part of the Russian world. Within what boundaries, in what form will the alliance with Russia be consolidated (through the CSTO and the Eurasian Union or the Union State of Russia and Belarus)? This will be decided after the end is put in the history of Ukraine as anti-Russia. In any case, the period of the split of the Russian people is coming to an end.
And here begins the second dimension of the coming new era - it concerns Russia's relations with the West. Not even Russia, but the Russian world, that is, three states, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, acting in geopolitical terms as a single whole. These relations have entered a new stage - the West sees the return of Russia to its historical borders in Europe. And he is loudly indignant at this, although in the depths of his soul he must admit to himself that it could not be otherwise.
Crimes of the Ukrainian authorities against civilians >>
Did someone in the old European capitals, in Paris and Berlin, seriously believe that Moscow would give up Kyiv? That the Russians will forever be a divided people? And at the same time when Europe is uniting, when the German and French elites are trying to seize control of European integration from the Anglo-Saxons and assemble a united Europe? Forgetting that the unification of Europe became possible only thanks to the unification of Germany, which took place according to the good Russian (albeit not very smart) will. To swipe after that also on Russian lands is not even the height of ingratitude, but of geopolitical stupidity. The West as a whole, and even more so Europe in particular, did not have the strength to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence, and even more so to take Ukraine for itself. In order not to understand this, one had to be just geopolitical fools.
More precisely, there was only one option: to bet on the further collapse of Russia, that is, the Russian Federation. But the fact that it did not work should have been clear twenty years ago. And already fifteen years ago, after Putin's Munich speech, even the deaf could hear - Russia is returning.
Chance of Ukraine >>
Now the West is trying to punish Russia for the fact that it returned, for not justifying its plans to profit at its expense, for not allowing the expansion of the western space to the east. Seeking to punish us, the West thinks that relations with it are of vital importance to us. But this has not been the case for a long time - the world has changed, and this is well understood not only by Europeans, but also by the Anglo-Saxons who rule the West. No amount of Western pressure on Russia will lead to anything. There will be losses from the sublimation of confrontation on both sides, but Russia is ready for them morally and geopolitically. But for the West itself, an increase in the degree of confrontation incurs huge costs - and the main ones are not at all economic.
Europe, as part of the West, wanted autonomy - the German project of European integration does not make strategic sense while maintaining the Anglo-Saxon ideological, military and geopolitical control over the Old World. Yes, and it cannot be successful, because the Anglo-Saxons need a controlled Europe. But Europe needs autonomy for another reason as well — in case the States go into self-isolation (as a result of growing internal conflicts and contradictions) or focus on the Pacific region, where the geopolitical center of gravity is moving.
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But the confrontation with Russia, into which the Anglo-Saxons are dragging Europe, deprives the Europeans of even the chance of independence, not to mention the fact that they are trying to force a break with China in the same way on Europe. If now the Atlanticists are happy that the "Russian threat" will unite the Western bloc, then in Berlin and Paris they cannot fail to understand that, having lost hope for autonomy, the European project will simply collapse in the medium term. That is why independent-minded Europeans are now completely uninterested in building a new iron curtain on their eastern borders - realizing that it will turn into a corral for Europe. Whose century (more precisely, half a millennium) of global leadership is over in any case - but various options for its future are still possible.
Because the construction of a new world order - and this is the third dimension of current events - is accelerating, and its contours are more and more clearly visible through the spreading cover of Anglo-Saxon globalization. A multipolar world has finally become a reality - the operation in Ukraine is not capable of rallying anyone but the West against Russia. Because the rest of the world sees and understands perfectly well - this is a conflict between Russia and the West, this is a response to the geopolitical expansion of the Atlanticists, this is Russia's return of its historical space and its place in the world.
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China and India, Latin America and Africa, the Islamic world and Southeast Asia - no one believes that the West leads the world order, much less sets the rules of the game. Russia has not only challenged the West, it has shown that the era of Western global domination can be considered completely and finally over. The new world will be built by all civilizations and centers of power, naturally, together with the West (united or not) - but not on its terms and not according to its rules.