Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Bruh you're crazy, it's a kongo line convoy isolated in a random neighborhood.

Russians are meat like us all. You shoot them a hole appears.

That situation with the recce team in Kharkiv is pretty normal.

They go in with surveillance. For political reasons, they did it with LMVs instead of IFVs and tanks.
US/SAC and 6th Fleet reached DEFCON 3 during Yom Kippur war and September 11th 2001. DEFCON 2 was Cuban missile crisis and SAC got airborne when DEFCON2 was ordered.

We're not even close to being there yet.

I suppose we have our answer. Russia is at DEFCON 2 whereas the US remains at DEFCON 3.
This war has a lot of lessons to learned especially for India. Weapons & practice are no substitute to real experience. During war all those SOPs & drills will be as good as the men doing them. Instead of buying & hoarding expensive weapons we need to use them quite often & fine tune our fighting machine or get ready for such surprises especially given the battles in subcontinent are only fought for short duration. By the time military gets things right battle might already be over.

No, while generally acceptable, this situation doesn't really apply to us. We have career soldiers, not conscripts. So our NCOs have years of experience where even our lientenants and captains learn from them and take their advice. Otoh, Russia's army is majorly conscripts, to the point where young officers have to also take up the duties of the NCO.

We use different doctrines. The Russians believe in artillery, so they use that to destroy their enemies and then mop up after, which apparently doesn't require as much training and experience as required for NATO doctrines, so this gives them an army on the cheap.

Plus the unit compositions of the BTGs are suitable for a fight against NATO, not get stuck dealing with low level fighting in cities, urban warfare. They are more tuned to obliterate a city with artillery.
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Lol. Kiev just lifted its curfew and not surprising Kharkiv has become a fail for Russian forces.

At some point they need to take him out.

If Ukraine had a little bit more capability that 3 mile long convoy north of Ukraine that is still static would have taken a severe beating. But then again Ukraine is more than likely waiting for it to get closer before they hit it with arty, Javs, NLAWS and drones.

Oh boy. Another possible disaster this time for Belarus. More cannon fodder

This is going to be a disaster for Belarus soldiers they are even less capable than their failing Russian allies.

I wonder how many Belarus soldiers will fight since Belarussians and Ukrainians have had good relations with each other.

No, genius. Russia is allowing Kiev's civilians to escape so the RA can enter and demolish the city, in the eventuality that the talks fail.

With Belarus joining in, it means Russia will escalate if they don't get their way, and their lieutenant is gonna help them justify their actions by taking part in the bloodbath that's gonna happen otherwise.
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I can't see the decision being reversed, the EU knows now that it's already become too dependent on Russian gas. Plus the sale of GFCH will be banned in 2030 anyway, so demand will drop off a cliff.

Russia is about to get even poorer.

I can see Russia not being in the 2022 World Cup either. FIFA either wants the rest of Europe in it, or wants Russia, those are its choices.

Russia will use their weak currency and cheap power to become a green hydrogen exporter. When one fuel source becomes useless, it's because another has taken its place.

Anyway Germany's renewable plan for this decade involves increasing the consumption of gas. But this war should give them the incentive to accelerate the process.

@randomradio see, how important is awacs in battlefield. The Desi weapon lobby & DRDO did a good job for pakistan and China by sabotaging follow on phalcon purchase.

Sure, but nobody sabotaged the Phalcon deal.

Anyway, I don't know what Joshi is talking about. The Russians have AWACS and their A-50 has been recently upgraded.

They have 7 of these newly upgraded babies.
Lol. Peace talks. When you're supposedly winning you complete the objective then you hold talks. Russians are looking for a way out. Wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine tells them at the talks to shove it up your zhopa!

Russia ain't leveling anything they don't have control of Ukrainian airspace so any Russian arty that starts hitting population centers will be taken out.

This was a brilliant execution of tactics by Ukranian armed forces. Don't take on Russian armor head on but take out their logistics and it will have a domino effect. The NATO training absolutely paid off. Ukraine still hasn't used a lot of their mechanized units in any offensive operations a lot of their armor was moved west where NATO weapons are starting to pour in.

It's funny hearing some of the butt hurt Indians in here living in denial. Your fascist ally is getting spanked and desperate which is why he is putting his nuke forces on alert. He's pretty much throwing a tantrum.

Seems like you are desperate to satiate your anal itch after Putin molested you in Syria and then Taliban did you pig roast style in Afghanistan. I guess some scars go on your psyche.

Russia/Ukraine - I am a neutral observer like the rest of us. Its your desperate attention seeking fan boy *censored* causing a ruckus here.

Unless Putin spilled his plans along with his juice in your mouth last night no one clearly knows what his end game is. He is for sure knocking out Ukrainian infra, ripping their forces to shreds and sending them back by decades.

Any future govt will be unable to meet defense needs with the infra in tatters for decades to come. Russia seems to be doing just fine.

While US is still sucking on to Russian oil hoses like its Putin's member.
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A war in Europe is never short. It's never short. Let's say that from a statistical point of view, since the 100 years war, we have been conscientiously fighting each other for long periods of time. There is never a small war in Europe, and wars in Europe always awaken what François Mitterrand called "telluric forces". No one knows where the current situation will lead us. There is no small war in Europe. There never is. Let's hope that this time we can make history lie.
It's practically not possible to have small wars in Europe since other nations always join in in favour of warring parties
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Seems like you are desperate to satiate your anal itch after Putin molested you in Syria and then Taliban did you pig roast style in Afghanistan. I guess some scars go on your psyche.

Russia/Ukraine - I am a neutral observer like the rest of us. Its your desperate attention seeking fan boy *censored* causing a ruckus here.

Unless Putin spilled his plans along with his juice in your mouth last night no one clearly knows what his end game is. He is for sure knocking out Ukrainian infra, ripping their forces to shreds and sending them back by decades.

Any future govt will be unable to meet defense needs with the infra in tatters for decades to come. Russia seems to be doing just fine.

While US is still sucking on to Russian oil hoses like its Putin's member.

The Ukranians should also ask themselves that How are they going to Reconstruct
their country

Today Europeans and Americans are financing this war but ulimately they will
stop their financial support

Charity has its limits , and what prevents Russia to bomb them Again and Again

They can destroy even the Reconstructed assets

Ultimately Ukraine will become a Failed State

First we have a bunch of hutiyas as our countrymen who come hell or highwater keep scratching their backsides when common sense dictates they should've tried to get the hell out a long time ago.

Then they send heart rending messages on SM requesting / demanding they be evacuated which MSM duly amplifies. This is duly picked up by the opposition to raise cain back home. Then the MEA swings into action launches it's rescue mission & hogs the limelight.

I've lost count of the number of times it's occurred in the past 8 yrs.

They are Indians, they have lost memory of government action. For them roads only gets blocked when commie-jihadis block it and cause anarchy whilst govt watches helplessly. Getting displaced due to govt actions and war is out of syllabus question for them.
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One thing is certain that this world will NOT be destroyed by Climate Change
or Global Warming

It will be destroyed by Nuclear War only

It is a question of WHEN and Not IF
Yep, the river forms a defensible line.
The main aim of Putin is to create a buffer zone between Ukraine and Russia and secondary aim is to topple the govt of Ukraine and replace it with a friendly govt. If you analyse the RA attacks so far, you will get a feeling that they are doing what IA did in 1971 war. We had started making thursts into now BD from 15th Nov onwards. This was done to draw out well entrenched forces of PA into areas which did not have well dug in positions. It was also done to upset their battle plans. RA has done the same thing. In the initial 72 hrs they intruded and than withdrew thereby forcing Ukrainians to relocate their defences. This created gaps in their defences which is now being exploited by RA by creating multiple thrust lines and bypassing big cities in the area which will be called the NovoRossiya. The job of Mukti Bahini is being done by the russian origin population of these areas. Someone had posted the latest ground position on twitter as on date. That clearly shows what I had predicted in the map I attached. The crimean forces are now linking up with Donetsk forces and the RA from North has started making deeper incursions and holding on to them. Soon RA will start pincer and wheeling to entrap UA forces by cutting them of all supplies and confine them within these killing zones. If Kiev falls before that, It will be a complete surrender of UA forces all across like PA did in 1971. If Kiev does not fall within the specified time, All UA forces in the so called Novorossiya area will have to surrender or get killed.
The tactics so far of RA are a classic study case of Battles fought by Peshwa Balaji Vallad Bhat and IA. I expect UA to completely give up by 10th day of the war. Already the local population of Ukraine has started opposing the tactics of UA to position weapons in residential areas. Once RA starts counter bombardment of these arty positions, there will be civilian deaths. Irrespective of what international media may show, the local population will turn against the UA.
Till now a propaganda has been built thru big tech that Russia is aggressor against a democracy but the truth is that this comedian neo Nazi was and is a dictator. After rigging of elections by US and EU in 2014, this man shut down three news channels which were opposed to his neo Nazi groups, jailed the leader of main Opposition Party and also Its leaders. Killed innocents in Luhansk and Donetsk including children. His Neo nazi groups unleashed terror among its population.
What the idiots in Europe do not realise while following the dictate of US+UK is that Neo Nazis are now armed by them and this will spread to rest of Europe also and create problems for real democracies Like France and Germany and other such bigger economies of Europe. Far right groups will rise and there will be mayham on the streets of Europe between these Neo Nazis + Muslims vs the civil society. I remember a scene from Mr. Prime Minister, where Sir Hmphery says that we must join EU to be able to cripple it. And they did just that thru Brexit.
IMHO, Europe shud never consider the poodle of USA called UK to be European. They must treat UK as a back stabber of Europe. The future of Europe can only be safe with Russia being included within EU or as a separate but strong ally of Europe. The leaders of European countries must have a relook at at Russia after throwing away the goggles supplied by USA. Russia can be a enabler of energy security and also provider of security to EU compared to USA who's only ambition is to destroy all economies of EU in alliance with its Poodle called UK.
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The main aim of Putin is to create a buffer zone between Ukraine and Russia and secondary aim is to topple the govt of Ukraine and replace it with a friendly govt. If you analyse the RA attacks so far, you will get a feeling that they are doing what IA did in 1971 war. We had started making thursts into now BD from 15th Nov onwards. This was done to draw out well entrenched forces of PA into areas which did not have well dug in positions. It was also done to upset their battle plans. RA has done the same thing. In the initial 72 hrs they intruded and than withdrew thereby forcing Ukrainians to relocate their defences. This created gaps in their defences which is now being exploited by RA by creating multiple thrust lines and bypassing big cities in the area which will be called the NovoRossiya. The job of Mukti Bahini is being done by the russian origin population of these areas. Someone had posted the latest ground position on twitter as on date. That clearly shows what I had predicted in the map I attached. The crimean forces are now linking up with Donetsk forces and the RA from North has started making deeper incursions and holding on to them. Soon RA will start pincer and wheeling to entrap UA forces by cutting them of all supplies and confine them within these killing zones. If Kiev falls before that, It will be a complete surrender of UA forces all across like PA did in 1971. If Kiev does not fall within the specified time, All UA forces in the so called Novorossiya area will have to surrender or get killed.
The tactics so far of RA are a classic study case of Battles fought by Peshwa Balaji Vallad Bhat and IA. I expect UA to completely give up by 10th day of the war. Already the local population of Ukraine has started opposing the tactics of UA to position weapons in residential areas. Once RA starts counter bombardment of these arty positions, there will be civilian deaths. Irrespective of what international media may show, the local population will turn against the UA.
Till now a propaganda has been built thru big tech that Russia is aggressor against a democracy but the truth is that this comedian neo Nazi was and is a dictator. After rigging of elections by US and EU in 2014, this man shut down three news channels which were opposed to his neo Nazi groups, jailed the leader of main Opposition Party and also Its leaders. Killed innocents in Luhansk and Donetsk including children. His Neo nazi groups unleashed terror among its population.
What the idiots in Europe do not realise while following the dictate of US+UK is that Neo Nazis are now armed by them and this will spread to rest of Europe also and create problems for real democracies Like France and Germany and other such bigger economies of Europe. Far right groups will rise and there will be mayham on the streets of Europe between these Neo Nazis + Muslims vs the civil society. I remember a scene from Mr. Prime Minister, where Sir Hmphery says that we must join EU to be able to cripple it. And they did just that thru Brexit.
IMHO, Europe shud never consider the poodle of USA called UK to be European. They must treat UK as a back stabber of Europe. The furure of Europe can only be safe with Russia being included within EU or as a separate but strong ally of Europe.
Why there is a talk between Ukraine & Russia has started? I feel there will be a ceasefire will announce at the end.
The Russian line north of Odessa is going to be further both. Russians will certainly want to link up with Transnistria.

If you look at latest pics of Russian advances, they are doing exactly what I had predicted. The forces from Crimea have created a bridgehead across Dniper and they are now moving westwards from this bridgehead. They will create a direct access for Russia to Moldovia and Romania by creating a land locked Ukraine. The point where Dniper takes a turn to flow westwards is where the limit of NovoRossiya will be. By the Way, crimea was always a part of Russia, in 1954, Khruschev made it a part of Ukraine for better admistrative reasons. It houses the biggest naval base of Russia on Black sea. In 2014, if Russia had not retaken it back, this base would have been in NATO hands today.
We all must have read the poem-Charge of the Light Brigade. That was about Crimea war between Russians and Scots Guards.
Why there is a talk between Ukraine & Russia has started? I feel there will be a ceasefire will announce at the end.
The talks are designed to fail by USA+UK
If you look at latest pics of Russian advances, they are doing exactly what I had predicted. The forces from Crimea have created a bridgehead across Dniper and they are now moving westwards from this bridgehead. They will create a direct access for Russia to Moldovia and Romania by creating a land locked Ukraine. The point where Dniper takes a turn to flow westwards is where the limit of NovoRossiya will be. By the Way, crimea was always a part of Russia, in 1954, Khruschev made it a part of Ukraine for better admistrative reasons. It houses the biggest naval base of Russia on Black sea. In 2014, if Russia had not retaken it back, this base would have been in NATO hands today.
We all must have read the poem-Charge of the Light Brigade. That was about Crimea war between Russians and Scots Guards.

The talks are designed to fail by USA+UK
I meant "The Russian line north of Odessa is going to be further North." Sorry for the typo.

Russians wi try to open a road to Transnistria , they will have to go atleast this far north in Odessa oblast.

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Let me give you all abrief history of Russia.
The present day Ukraine and Russia was a pagan state. In 10th century, a Vulcan tribe called Rus intruded and took over Kiev. They too were pagans. This Rus tribe quickly established itself as the ruler of the area upto Ural mountains and the land was fertile and soon became food basket of this area under them. They became very strong. Byzantine Empire was fighting battles and loosing. They approched the then King of Rus tribe with a proposition. The Byzentine King offered one of his daughters to the Rus King if he helped him defeat his enemies but put a condition that Rus king will have to convert to Christianity. The Rus king accepted it and helped Byzentine king defeat his opponents. The Rus King married the princess of Byzantine. His name was Vladimir. he then called all his citizens and converted to Christianity enmass. For this he was given Sainthood and now he is known in history as Saint Vladimir the Great.
The capital of Russian empire was always Kiev and it remained so till it was moved to St. petersberg and then to Moscow. Ukraine is Russia and Russia is Ukraine. The person who changed the capital was a person named Vladimir Lenin. And now the person who is trying to reunite Ukraine with Russia is Vladimir Putin.