Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The main aim of Putin is to create a buffer zone between Ukraine and Russia and secondary aim is to topple the govt of Ukraine and replace it with a friendly govt. If you analyse the RA attacks so far, you will get a feeling that they are doing what IA did in 1971 war. We had started making thursts into now BD from 15th Nov onwards. This was done to draw out well entrenched forces of PA into areas which did not have well dug in positions. It was also done to upset their battle plans. RA has done the same thing. In the initial 72 hrs they intruded and than withdrew thereby forcing Ukrainians to relocate their defences. This created gaps in their defences which is now being exploited by RA by creating multiple thrust lines and bypassing big cities in the area which will be called the NovoRossiya. The job of Mukti Bahini is being done by the russian origin population of these areas. Someone had posted the latest ground position on twitter as on date. That clearly shows what I had predicted in the map I attached. The crimean forces are now linking up with Donetsk forces and the RA from North has started making deeper incursions and holding on to them. Soon RA will start pincer and wheeling to entrap UA forces by cutting them of all supplies and confine them within these killing zones. If Kiev falls before that, It will be a complete surrender of UA forces all across like PA did in 1971. If Kiev does not fall within the specified time, All UA forces in the so called Novorossiya area will have to surrender or get killed.
The tactics so far of RA are a classic study case of Battles fought by Peshwa Balaji Vallad Bhat and IA. I expect UA to completely give up by 10th day of the war. Already the local population of Ukraine has started opposing the tactics of UA to position weapons in residential areas. Once RA starts counter bombardment of these arty positions, there will be civilian deaths. Irrespective of what international media may show, the local population will turn against the UA.

Ukraine may be asking for difficult stuff in the talks, so it looks like Ukraine's leadership is fine with the coming bloodbath instead of taking Niazi's path.


This is what I had wanted to post earlier, that the war is going like the BD Liberation War in 1971.

Till now a propaganda has been built thru big tech that Russia is aggressor against a democracy but the truth is that this comedian neo Nazi was and is a dictator. After rigging of elections by US and EU in 2014, this man shut down three news channels which were opposed to his neo Nazi groups, jailed the leader of main Opposition Party and also Its leaders. Killed innocents in Luhansk and Donetsk including children. His Neo nazi groups unleashed terror among its population.
What the idiots in Europe do not realise while following the dictate of US+UK is that Neo Nazis are now armed by them and this will spread to rest of Europe also and create problems for real democracies Like France and Germany and other such bigger economies of Europe. Far right groups will rise and there will be mayham on the streets of Europe between these Neo Nazis + Muslims vs the civil society. I remember a scene from Mr. Prime Minister, where Sir Hmphery says that we must join EU to be able to cripple it. And they did just that thru Brexit.
IMHO, Europe shud never consider the poodle of USA called UK to be European. They must treat UK as a back stabber of Europe. The furure of Europe can only be safe with Russia being included within EU or as a separate but strong ally of Europe. The leaders of European countries must have a relook at at Russia after throwing away the goggles supplied by USA. Russia can be a enabler of energy security and also provider of security to EU compared to USA who's only ambition is to destroy all economies of EU in alliance with its Poodle called UK.

Agreed. Russia is better off as an ally with Europe than an enemy. It's not like Putin will live forever.

I had always joked about Russia eventually joining NATO to challenge China. But I feel this war has ensured long term enmity with Europe.

The Europeans are being played by America and are blind to it. Such a tragedy.

Germany seems to be growing balls though. But dunno how long that will last.
The Russian line north of Odessa is going to be further both. Russians will certainly want to link up with Transnistria.

A new Russian border from Belarus to Moldova along the Dnieper.
Let me give you all abrief history of Russia.
The present day Ukraine and Russia was a pagan state. In 10th century, a Vulcan tribe called Rus intruded and took over Kiev. They too were pagans. This Rus tribe quickly established itself as the ruler of the area upto Ural mountains and the land was fertile and soon became food basket of this area under them. They became very strong. Byzantine Empire was fighting battles and loosing. They approched the then King of Rus tribe with a proposition. The Byzentine King offered one of his daughters to the Rus King if he helped him defeat his enemies but put a condition that Rus king will have to convert to Christianity. The Rus king accepted it and helped Byzentine king defeat his opponents. The Rus King married the princess of Byzantine. His name was Vladimir. he then called all his citizens and converted to Christianity enmass. For this he was given Sainthood and now he is known in history as Saint Vladimir the Great.
The capital of Russian empire was always Kiev and it remained so till it was moved to St. petersberg and then to Moscow. Ukraine is Russia and Russia is Ukraine. The person who changed the capital was a person named Vladimir Lenin. And now the person who is trying to reunite Ukraine with Russia is Vladimir Putin.
Its all Vladimir game from beginning.

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Does anyone here know of a good English language Telegram other than Intel Slava. They have good content but only show the Russian side of the story which is a nice balance to the outright lies coming from Ukraine. But surely there is something better.
Does anyone here know of a good English language Telegram other than Intel Slava. They have good content but only show the Russian side of the story which is a nice balance to the outright lies coming from Ukraine. But surely there is something better.
Welcome back Kshitij Sharma. It took Ukraine to smoke you out .
Ukraine may be asking for difficult stuff in the talks, so it looks like Ukraine's leadership is fine with the coming bloodbath instead of taking Niazi's path.


This is what I had wanted to post earlier, that the war is going like the BD Liberation War in 1971.

Agreed. Russia is better off as an ally with Europe than an enemy. It's not like Putin will live forever.

I had always joked about Russia eventually joining NATO to challenge China. But I feel this war has ensured long term enmity with Europe.

The Europeans are being played by America and are blind to it. Such a tragedy.

Germany seems to be growing balls though. But dunno how long that will last.

A new Russian border from Belarus to Moldova along the Dnieper.
Good to see that you are still going.

Do you have a brief summary of the entire situation so that we can atleast find out what is not going to happen:LOL:
Does anyone here know of a good English language Telegram other than Intel Slava. They have good content but only show the Russian side of the story which is a nice balance to the outright lies coming from Ukraine. But surely there is something better.

Thanks for giving the name of Intel Slava Telegram channel, the western social media ecosystem has been spewing outright propaganda and lies.
Thanks for giving the name of Intel Slava Telegram channel, the western social media ecosystem has been spewing outright propaganda and lies.
yeah probably not mate. Ukraine is probably 1/2 1/3rd off, which in war time is basically telling the truth.