Ukraine - Russia Conflict

While the common man may not know enough, most will be of the opinion that whenever their govts cross a certain threshold in international affairs, even at a higher cost to the govts and countries themselves, it's very likely to be for the benefit of the country in the long run. As long as the citizens are primed with enough nationalism, the leadership will be able to operate with free hands. This has nothing to do with good and evil.
Very nicely put (y). That's why we did 1971. The Soviets helped us.
Twitter and Telegram Updates tell that Ukraine is now loosing Men , Material , Assets and Territory

The War has turned in Russia' s favour
One needs to have adequate economic cushioning also, else the public reaction may not be favourable. Nationalism cannot subsume living standards in today's world.

ONLY Russia And China have the Will And Ability to Confront America and the West

So they will take All necessary steps to Insulate themselves from any Retaliation whether it is Sanctions or Bans or Denials
Polish hatred for Russia is among the highest among any European countries. They are at war for many centuries. US might want to set some boundaries if they want to avoid a war.

Also, polish fear of Russia coming back to polish border is way higher than Putin's fear of NATO coming to Ukraine. Poland will do whatever it takes to atleast have a buffer.
Very nicely put (y). That's why we did 1971. The Soviets helped us.

It's how even the US citizens are largely fine with the Iraq War, even though the entire war was effectively a war crime.
One needs to have adequate economic cushioning also, else the public reaction may not be favourable. Nationalism cannot subsume living standards in today's world.

Of course. In India's case, the economy will have become the third biggest by the time we achieve strategic autonomy, or at least "net" autonomy, like what Russia has today with their energy exports.
Russia will use their weak currency and cheap power to become a green hydrogen exporter. When one fuel source becomes useless, it's because another has taken its place.

Anyway Germany's renewable plan for this decade involves increasing the consumption of gas. But this war should give them the incentive to accelerate the process.
No one in Europe will buy their hydrogen though and anyone can make it.

Only to replace coal, but gas will be sourced elsewhere.
Let me give you all abrief history of Russia.
The present day Ukraine and Russia was a pagan state. In 10th century, a Vulcan tribe called Rus intruded and took over Kiev. They too were pagans. This Rus tribe quickly established itself as the ruler of the area upto Ural mountains and the land was fertile and soon became food basket of this area under them. They became very strong. Byzantine Empire was fighting battles and loosing. They approched the then King of Rus tribe with a proposition. The Byzentine King offered one of his daughters to the Rus King if he helped him defeat his enemies but put a condition that Rus king will have to convert to Christianity. The Rus king accepted it and helped Byzentine king defeat his opponents. The Rus King married the princess of Byzantine. His name was Vladimir. he then called all his citizens and converted to Christianity enmass. For this he was given Sainthood and now he is known in history as Saint Vladimir the Great.
The capital of Russian empire was always Kiev and it remained so till it was moved to St. petersberg and then to Moscow. Ukraine is Russia and Russia is Ukraine. The person who changed the capital was a person named Vladimir Lenin. And now the person who is trying to reunite Ukraine with Russia is Vladimir Putin.
By similar argument Britain is Italy and Italy is Britain due to Romans. Bad argument is bad. Honestly, I question the sanity of people bringing up 900 AD as a justification for the Russian invasion of a modern sovereign, democratic state. Russia invaded Ukraine in the 10th century, so it's right they can do it again. JFC, think about your logic here and its potential extrapolations elsewhere.
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No one in Europe will buy their hydrogen though and anyone can make it.

Only to replace coal, but gas will be sourced elsewhere.

By similar argument Britain is Italy and Italy is Britain due to Romans. Bad argument is bad. Honestly, I question the sanity of people bringing up 900 AD as a justification for the Russian invasion of a modern sovereign, democratic state. Russia invaded Ukraine in the 10th century, so it's right they can do it again. JFC, think about your logic here and its potential extrapolations elsewhere.
Ukraine under Zelensky and neo nazis is anything but democratic and modern
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No one in Europe will buy their hydrogen though and anyone can make it.

Not at the same cost. The main input cost is energy, and we need 3 cents per unit of energy to make it viable. Not counting labour, never mind the now ridiculously weak currency.

Hell, Russia can re-export it through other countries and it will still be cheaper than European made hydrogen.

The biggest producers of green hydrogen will naturally be Russia, China and India.

Only to replace coal, but gas will be sourced elsewhere.

Will take a long time to replace Russia's gas supplies. And definitely not at the same cost and volume that can be sourced from pipelines. At least until the next decade, Europe is stuck with Russia.