Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Sh!t just got real. :p

When the Indian govt gave the warning to Indians to leave Kiev, that was information enough to tell us what's gonna happen next.
If I had been given the charge of evacuating Indians from Ukraine, I would have assembled them all, kicked them and hit them with sticks on their butts than put them on flight to India and on arrival in India, asked all the citizens to kick them again. These idiots ignored all the advise given by Indian Embassy and GOI to leave but they precipitated this danger. I have no sympathy for such Idiots who carry Indian Passport and do not listen to or obey the advice of GOI. we are being forced to give so called Humanitarian aid to Ukaine to let our children be allowed to leave. AND the western world still calls Ukraine under Zelensky a democratic country which is using foreign nationals as a bargaining chip and hostages to get what they want. I shit on such Europe which calls themselves as being civilised.
Lessons for India. While this was always known, nothing like a demo to be proven right. I sincerely hope that come the next innovation Summit, the PM explicitly announces the need for such SM platforms . It's also time the GoI slowly & surreptitiously starts curbing Twitter, YT , FB, etc making them feel less welcome & promote homegrown alternatives like Koo.

If I had been given the charge of evacuating Indians from Ukraine, I would have assembled them all, kicked them and hit them with sticks on their butts than put them on flight to India and on arrival in India, asked all the citizens to kick them again. These idiots ignored all the advise given by Indian Embassy and GOI to leave but they precipitated this danger. I have no sympathy for such Idiots who carry Indian Passport and do not listen to or obey the advice of GOI. we are being forced to give so called Humanitarian aid to Ukaine to let our children be allowed to leave. AND the western world still calls Ukraine under Zelensky a democratic country which is using foreign nationals as a bargaining chip and hostages to get what they want. I shit on such Europe which calls themselves as being civilised.

The idiots didn't realise the gravity of the situation. They thought it will be like the India-Pak tamasha. The govt also can't afford to make it more obvious.

There will be some idiots still sitting inside Kiev. Just like that one who got killed in Kharkiv.

Even worse, the idiots are training to be doctors, so it's obvious a country at war will not want to let them go due to their medical expertise.

And it gets worse:
The fifth year medical student said that taxi drivers are quoting exorbitant prices to ferry people in this situation. “For a distance that usually costs 200-300 (Rs 750) Ukrainian Hryvnia, they are asking 3,000-3,500 (Rs 8000),” he said. *facepalm*

How much more stupid can one get?
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The idiots didn't realise the gravity of the situation. They thought it will be like the India-Pak tamasha. The govt also can't afford to make it more obvious.

There will be some idiots still sitting inside Kiev. Just like that one who got killed in Kharkiv.

Even worse, the idiots are training to be doctors, so it's obvious a country at war will not want to let them go due to their medical expertise.

And it gets worse:
The fifth year medical student said that taxi drivers are quoting exorbitant prices to ferry people in this situation. “For a distance that usually costs 200-300 (Rs 750) Ukrainian Hryvnia, they are asking 3,000-3,500 (Rs 8000),” he said. *facepalm*

How much more stupid can one get?
This is the reason that I spoke about spanking them on their *censored*. I have very credible information from my friends from RAW that Indian girls are being asked to give sexual favour to be let out of Ukraine by the nazi govt of Zelensky, This is how bad they are and yet world calls them democratic.

There's a fine line between doing & overdoing propoganda.CNN's policy suggests as if it's another of theirs "a day which'd live in infamy."

I wonder how many Americans & equally slow Canadians would be inspired by this to rush to Ukraine to join battle. What about you ? @WHOHE Do your hands have the same motor skills as your mouth ( pun unintended ) ?
I see you're dumb enough to have bought the Russian nazi line... You do know Zelesky is a Jew? :LOL:
FYI ,it's has nothing to do with original aka pure Nazis.

Ultra nationalist in Europe is called Neo Nazi

Ultra nationalist in india is called fasist

Ultra nationalist in US is called Trumpism
This is the reason that I spoke about spanking them on their *censored*. I have very credible information from my friends from RAW that Indian girls are being asked to give sexual favour to be let out of Ukraine by the nazi govt of Zelensky, This is how bad they are and yet world calls them democratic.

Yeah, that is to be expected in a warzone. The issue is both the Ukranians and the Romanians/Polish are being racist to non-whites. It's already part of their anti-refugee policy.

The Polish govt had passed a law in Oct that allows border guards to deny entry at will. They are only accepting Christian refugees. In Romania, people have been getting their news from Hungary, which is extremely anti-immigrant. So Indians are stuck between the devil and the deep sea.

But one thing that this has done is it's created a negative perception of Ukraine in India. And a lot of third worlders have learned today that if you are not white, not Christian and not living according to Western standards, you better be self-reliant or you have no place in the world. We already saw that happening with Modi's self-reliance speech on the eve of the invasion.
No one in Europe will buy their hydrogen though and anyone can make it.

Only to replace coal, but gas will be sourced elsewhere.
Yup. Much is being made about hydrogen as if it's a natural mineral available in select places. Every nation with a population above 10 million ought to be able to meet it's domestic requirements substantially if not completely if they've got their priorities right .

Moreover gas isn't going any place . It's for hydrogen to become cheaper than gas for it to affect the former's acceptability & sale in any manner & keep being competitive. It's all about the bottom-line as far as hydrogen goes . That'd determine it's topline.
By similar argument Britain is Italy and Italy is Britain due to Romans. Bad argument is bad. Honestly, I question the sanity of people bringing up 900 AD as a justification for the Russian invasion of a modern sovereign, democratic state. Russia invaded Ukraine in the 10th century, so it's right they can do it again. JFC, think about your logic here and its potential extrapolations elsewhere.
Every time you come out with something reasonable ( which is rare to begin with ) you then go to negate all that goodwill by posting this ignorant piece of trash . Then you get cross when we bring up your heritage.

In the mediaeval era there was no such land as Ukraine as now know it . The western parts of it & some of the east as well was part of the Grand Duchy of Poland Lithuania. That's the reason the western parts still share more affinity in terms of language & culture with the Polish than they do with the Russians. ( No Paddy , Ukranian & Russian aren't different registers of the same language , they're 2 different languages ) .

Zelensky himself is a Russian speaker though not ethnically Russian . That's precisely the issue . Speakers of Hindi & Urdu would understand this dichotomy better than you . Having said that while there was & is religious cleavages here , nothing of the sort existed in Ukraine for till recently the Ukrainians were followers of the Russian orthodox Church .

It's only in the last few years we've seen the emergence of an autocepahalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church which incidentally also doesn't see wide acceptance from the vast majority of the Ukrainians.

However all this isn't to show that Ukranian nationality isn't a real issue. It is . But the vast majority of the Ukranians who didn't identity as ethnic Russians didn't have any issue with the Soviets or if they did it was common to what the Russians themselves had & endured.

But there was discrimination w.r.t religion . Poland was RC & Ukraine Russian Orthodox. This caused some underlying tension between the two although it wasn't serious enough to cause a chasm .

All this changed during the realm of Peter the Great & his spouse Catherine the Great who expanded their Empire into what comprises present day Ukraine & beyond.

Cut to immediate pre WW-2 & post WW-2 Russia. Some parts of what now constitutes Western Ukraine were carved out of Romania ,Poland etc & became part of the USSR permanently . In the 1950's Khrushchev himself a resident of Ukraine attached Crimea which incidentally up until the 17th century was part of the Turkish Empire ( hence the presence of Crimean Tatar Muslims there ) to Ukraine. Back then or even after the dissolution of the SU nobody in Russia anticipated a problem with this which is why it went uncontested.

The problems began with both the EU & NATO working in tandem to incorporate the former satellites of the SU into their sphere of influence. Once that was accomplished it was the turn of former states of the SU viz the Baltic States , Ukraine , Belarus etc . To that end they infiltrated civil society , political parties , media , business etc thanks to the extensive network of NGO's think tanks etc .

All this time you had Russia grit It's teeth & grin . All this time these actions also confirmed whatever little doubts the Russian security establishment had that they had to secure their interests , make their red lines clear , etc whether peacefully or thru subterfuge or war as the last resort.

That's what Putin spent the past 2 decades doing. 2014 was his way of forcing the west into an accomodation. Once that failed for whatever reason, he had no choice or perhaps welcomed the opportunity to create his own Russian Empire which may be what he desired too but which the west facilitated partly out of design ( US , former satellites of the SU ) , partly out of ineptitude / passivity ( France , Germany etc ) by not taking responsibility & partly for other reasons.

Well, here we are some 3 decades later back with the Iron Curtain. Ditto with China . It's back to the 1950's & deglobalization with anyone who's some self respect & is in a position to do something about it .

Not everyone wants their values & lifestyle dictated by GloboHomo Incorporated. I mean you may love turning up in a skirt & taking it up yours or you may have no reservations on those who do , you would question other males why they aren't doing so calling intolerance , haranguing them citing human rights violations insisting on sanctions & the right to validate such behaviour . Not everyone sees things thus.
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