Ukraine - Russia Conflict

According to Stephen Cohen this is the US and West fault that Putin is ordering his troops to shell the nuke plant :rolleyes:

So I guess India will abstain when the world condemns Russia if the nuke plant goes Chernobyl? Putin is lucky to have an ally like India. For India's sake when Pakistan and China move on them India better hope the world doesn't abstain either.
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According to Stephen Cohen this is the US and West fault that Putin is ordering his troops to shell the nuke plant :rolleyes:
You're at fault coz you egged on the comedian to defy Russia with promises of support . Otherwise you think he'd dare cross Russia in spite of repeated warnings ? His fault - he believed you . Now the joke's on him & his benighted country.

Besides didn't I tell you before he's Jewish . You could well be guilty of anti semitism for targeting him . That's against the rules of this forum . Consider this a warning.
So I guess India will abstain when the world condemns Russia if the nuke plant goes Chernobyl?
You mean if India condemns the incident assuming it happens , that'd automatically set things right & peace'd prevail. Why, that's a real boost to our non existent ego ! Suddenly India & it's support is in great demand all across the world.
Putin is lucky to have an ally like India. For India's sake when Pakistan and China move on them India better hope the world doesn't abstain either.
If both China & Pakistan move against India the exchange would turn Nuclear. What do you think we have those N weapons for ?! Our version of your 4th July ?
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The last tweet is quite interesting. No wonder Paddy was so much in favor of Brexit.

By the looks of it, if & when insurgency breaks out in Ukraine or whatever remains of it with active participation of NATO members in facilitating it, I won't be in the least bit surprised when bombs start going off in London once more harkening back to "The Troubles" period in British history & all those Ukrainian veterans now based in UK along with their fellow Mujahideen from E European countries & natives of UK - part of the international war effort return to the UK after being walloped by the Russians to be a nuisance there.

In addition to these new samples you already have the Islamists ruling the roost in some parts of UK.

Boy o Boy. UK is in for a lot of fun in the near future. We really don't envy you guys Paddy. @BMD
There is no "elsewhere". If you want more, new gas fields have to be developed. Gas fields are not like oil fields, once you drill for it, you can only extract it or it will escape. So they drill for it only after the market generates demand. This is a 5-10 year process.

They have many, many years, pretty much a decade at the minimum.

Lol. The Russians will use nukes if you intervene, Putin said so himself, so did Lavrov.
Of course there is, it will just take more to transport it. It's not like Russia has a monopoly on gas. Gas can be gotten from Saudi Arabia, UAE, North Sea and North America. It will cost money to transport and the effects will be 'not nice'. Meanwhile the effects for Russia, which is dependent on oil and gas for its economy and maintaining its nuclear arsenal will be insurmountable.

If you've been following Western politics there has already been a strong point of view put forward by the US that the US should be getting gas from the US not Russia, and this was before the invasion of Ukraine.

And more recently.

Well it looks like its going nuclear then because we are not having Russia tanks and jets on the Western border of Ukraine within a few miles of NATO countries. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. The only question is how long it will take Russia, and how many lives they will lose reaching the point where we finally kick their heads in.
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