Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia will sell the oil to tbe largest oil consumer in tbe world, China. When oil price shoot up, may be you are willing to spend way more, that doesn't mean China will. Why should China give up on comparatively low Russian oil and buy o er priced oil from outside. Market is interconnected, Europe's loss is China's gain.
China isn't short of oil at the moment so supply will be greater than demand there, hence price will go down, meaning less money for the struggling Russian economy. It will also mean massively upgrading existing pipeline infrastructure there for smaller rewards that may not even be worth the upgrade.
We all knew this was going to happen. We all know that USA will not allow Ukraine into NATO, so Ukraine is still a goat up for sacrifice. I really don't see why people are shocked. Nothing much to actually discuss. Nothing that has happened till now is out of ordinary.
But some people still blame the US and NATO for causing this, even though the last 9 years has basically been Ukraine begging to get in the EU and NATO and being refused. Putin's ego caused this.

And more recently he's caused a nuclear incident.
We paid the West back in literally the same coin. "Dialogue and diplomacy".

Yes, that's the answer to all your problems, America.

Yes, they plan on "taking control" and installing a puppet.
Hopefully someone will set fire to their puppet in broad daylight if it ever reaches that point.
  • Haha
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Of course there is, it will just take more to transport it. It's not like Russia has a monopoly on gas. Gas can be gotten from Saudi Arabia, UAE, North Sea and North America. It will cost money to transport and the effects will be 'not nice'. Meanwhile the effects for Russia, which is dependent on oil and gas for its economy and maintaining its nuclear arsenal will be insurmountable.

If you've been following Western politics there has already been a strong point of view put forward by the US that the US should be getting gas from the US not Russia, and this was before the invasion of Ukraine.

And more recently.

Well it looks like its going nuclear then because we are not having Russia tanks and jets on the Western border of Ukraine within a few miles of NATO countries. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. The only question is how long it will take Russia, and how many lives they will lose reaching the point where we finally kick their heads in.

I don't think you understand the scale of this endeavour. We are talking about 150bcm of gas. It's 40% of Europe's supplies.
The way the Russians are working now is astonishing. NATO has nothing to counter this now. You want to stand up to Russia, then put on your grown man trousers and start building an army. And if you can’t, then maybe it’s time to listen to what Russia has to say.

After all, Russia doesn’t want Europe, it’s not the USSR. They only want NATO to roll back to its pre-97 borders. They’re not demanding that Poland or the Baltics leave NATO. They want no German, American or British soldiers there

Yep, Europe's gonna have to start stitching big boy pants for the future. But it's not clear what he's exactly referring to.
Well it looks like its going nuclear then because we are not having Russia tanks and jets on the Western border of Ukraine within a few miles of NATO countries. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. The only question is how long it will take Russia, and how many lives they will lose reaching the point where we finally kick their heads in.
If the Russians post their fighters in any part of Ukraine post war you agree to delete your profile ?
Hopefully someone will set fire to their puppet in broad daylight if it ever reaches that point.
Right now Russian propoganda outlets are spreading news that Zelensky has fled Ukraine.
Paddy certainly wants WW-III & he's certainly not the elite but a working class chappie. The best part is he's 50+ ,hence ineligible to serve even as a medic in the frontline but has no qualms whatsoever in demanding war be prosecuted on Russia by NATO but not UK so that the youth get sent to prosecute a war he deeply believes in while he gets to booze eat fish & chips & fart around in all the pubs he loves visiting. Plus lesser competition to get the attention of the lasses. That's 2 birds in one Arrow.

This distinction of NATO not UK prosecuting the war is important for though Britain likes boasting it kicked Russian *censored* in the Crimean War a century & half ago it was in tandem with the French & Turks .

Right now for all their bravado they know that the entire European component of NATO is no match for Russia minus the US component. But the bragging continues to reach unbelievable heights . This is impotent rage . There's a good hindi phrase that captures this phenomenon - khisiyani billi khamba noche .

Tch tch. The complete , absolute , total & irreversible fall of "Great "Britain from one of the 2 super powers in the world barely a century ago when after emerging as victors in WW-2 they carved up the Ottoman Empire with France adding to their already substantial possessions , to a second rate power immediately post WW-2 with enough sand to initiate the Suez War but withdraw under US pressure to now a 3rd rate who's been successfully challenged by a bedraggled state like Iran & a has been power clinging on to it's past vestiges of glory is indeed a pathetic sight .

I think the architect of all this shouldn't be forgotten & that would be the little corporal with a tooth brush moustache from Bavaria . All the ex colonies of Britain in Asia , Africa & the Carribbean owe this man a debt of gratitude for unintentionally breaking up the Empire . What a great man he was !! Verily has it been said that greater evil is needed to overcome great evil . Left unsaid is the fact that both perish - one immediately , one eventually.

In fact it's time for all these 3rd world ex colonies to re write their histories & acknowledge the debt of gratitude they owe Hitler & his 3rd Reich for their independence , albeit unintentionally. Just as when the history of the next few decades are written a century from now , this current round will result in a series of events which will bring down the US & it's minions a few decades later . All hail Putin & Osama for playing their parts . Xi will join the party too to deliver the coup de Grace .

Remember you read all this here first , Paddy ! @BMD
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No to Russian vodka:

Funny enough, it tuned out that all those vodka is manufactured in America 😂😂

This reminds me how Americans boycotted "French Fries" for American "freedom fries" after the French opposed Iraq war