Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The Islamic attackers on India did even worse. So should we nuke the Islamic world?

Also you've no idea about the mass murder of Polyneasians/Red-Indians by the European invaders.
Should have done that time itself, sadly instead of developing our military,we were busy in stuffing gold inside temples , giving special privileges to the priest etc etc. Japan got its taste of their atrocities the very next years itself. Thats how you should take revenge, not centuries after the incident.
Are You serious?
So only Japanese military members died in bombing of nagasaki & hiroshima?
Is that what you claim?
No, civilians too died. I am not telling that Japnese had killed non civilians, so japanese civilians also deserve to die. But thats the unwritten rule of war, you get what u have done.
When did i say that?
All I am saying is that Ukrainian are also having massive casualties and pro- ukrainian media is shying away from reporting that.
When a superpower attacks a small country, it is expected that the small country will suffer many losses, so this is not surprising news worth reporting. However, the fact that the superpower loses so badly that the small country is expected to win is newsworthy.
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When did i say that?
All I am saying is that Ukrainian are also having massive casualties and pro- ukrainian media is shying away from reporting that.
Welcome to the fog of war.

The point I was making though is that Russia does have a choice, and it is choosing to massively distort their losses to try and persuade more people to buy into the war. But when you need to start drafting citizens your losses are not small, no matter how much you wish to lie. ;)

When a superpower attacks a small country, it is expected that the small country will suffer many losses, so this is not surprising news worth reporting. However, the fact that the superpower loses so badly that the small country is expected to win is newsworthy.
And there's the fact that the superpower is drafting people whilst still claiming that its losses are small, which is comical.
US or NATO will never strike Russia with nuke until the later pose a real nuke threat to NATO countries. No matter how many nuke hits Ukrain or not.
What I'm saying is that if a reliable source were to show that Russia was gearing up for a nuclear strike on NATO with serious intent of conducting it, then they would not wait for Russia to launch.

As regards Ukraine, use of Russian tactical nukes will result in a large-scale NATO conventional response against Russian forces in Ukraine, probably via the use of airpower to obliterate any Russian ground or maritime units in the area. Fallout from a nuclear strike would likely affect neighbouring NATO countries, so it would be seen as an attack on NATO. Equally, deliberate Russia destruction of a reactor containment vessel in Ukraine would be treated in the same manner. Then it gets dangerous because if it looks like Russia is seriously prepping for a nuclear attack on NATO, NATO will not wait for it. Various signals will be given out along the way, for instance in 1962 silo doors were opened, so that an immediate launch could be conducted if needed.
Point is simple, no crime whether war or ethnic warrants the use of atom/nuclear bomb like uncle Sam did in the name of liberty, fraternity and humanity.
The points actually invalid if you look at the numbers from WWII. 200-300k dead is a whole lot less than would have happened otherwise, on both sides, and is certainly a lot less than 50 million killed via conventional weapons.

You literally can't compare WWII to this, in fact, an equivalent situation where one side can end a world war by being the only one with nukes, will simply never exist again. It's a singular event. Nobody else has ever been in that position, nor will they ever be. If they were they would certainly do the same.

Man, what are you trying to say?
That west is hypocritical. Yes, Everybody Knows that.
But What russia is doing is simply wrong according to International law.
From the comments you have made in this thread, I get the sense that You also want russia to violate international law without facing any consequences just like west.
Everyone is hypocritical from time to time, but false equivalences are disingenuous all the time. In fact false equivalence is just hypocrisy in a fancy dress.

Are You serious?
So only Japanese military members died in bombing of nagasaki & hiroshima?
Is that what you claim?
You are both correct really, but 50m civilians were killed by conventional bombing in WWII. 1,600 bomber conventional raid vs a nuke is about the same, in fact the former probably comes out on top in equivalent circumstances. The Japanese weren't as well equipped as Germany as regarded air raid shelters. Move Hiroshima to Dresden and it would probably have come off even worse. 1,600 x 10 tons of torpex spread over a wider area.
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The Islamic attackers on India did even worse. So should we nuke the Islamic world?

Also you've no idea about the mass murder of Polyneasians/Red-Indians by the European invaders.
I doubt that. German and Japanese war crimes during WWII were the first times mass-murder and torture had been industrialised like a business in a modern way. Nobody even had the industrial capability to commit atrocities on such a scale prior. It was why many new international human rights laws came into place thereafter. People had never seen it before and they never wanted to see it again.

Lots of crimes were committed by empires historically, European and non-European, it's a good job nukes didn't exist back then. I have no problem admitting the past crimes of Europe, but what gets me is when people bleat them out as if neither their country nor any other was guilty of the same. Selective history is the same as lying, and thinking that the middle ages has applicability to the 21st century is just stupid.
Ukraine advance in the East again.

Welcome to the fog of war.
ah, watson finally realizes the truth .
When a superpower attacks a small country, it is expected that the small country will suffer many losses, so this is not surprising news worth reporting. However, the fact that the superpower loses so badly that the small country is expected to win is newsworthy.
Does the same argument apply when the west lost in vietnam or afghanistan?

Thats a pretty disingenuous fallacious argument , its a proxy war thats being fought. Small country is considered weak as they are small meaning limited resources & ppl. A super power on the other hand has more resources & ppl at their disposal. Now when nato is supplying all the weapons , mercenaries & every thing to fight the war, the argument of small country no longer applies. The so called small country is no longer small and they can fight the war indefinitely as long as the proxy powers back them.
It was japanese military that committed atrocities. Only they deserved justice/punishment.
every party in the war commits atrocities, its the victor who gets to write the history making them look good. To say one was better or worse is just our biased mindset. Military at the end of the day represents the country which in turn is the common civilians. I dont think ppl can simply wish away with argument that they are not responsible and they can walk away guilt free.
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ah, watson finally realizes the truth .
Whatever Clouseau.

Does the same argument apply when the west lost in vietnam or afghanistan?

Thats a pretty disingenuous fallacious argument , its a proxy war thats being fought. Small country is considered weak as they are small meaning limited resources & ppl. A super power on the other hand has more resources & ppl at their disposal. Now when nato is supplying all the weapons , mercenaries & every thing to fight the war, the argument of small country no longer applies. The so called small country is no longer small and they can fight the war indefinitely as long as the proxy powers back them.
Insurgency/asymmetric wars are not the same as direct warfare, which is what Russia is losing right now. Especially not when, in Vietnam they took 90% of the targets off board before beginning, i.e. not bombing above a certain parallel. Russia never held back in that manner. Vietnam still suffered 20x the casualty rate. Russia can't claim that either. Both Russia and China were supporting Vietnam too. And in Afghanistan they took the country in weeks, has Russia achieved that Ukraine? Again, 20x casualty rate was inflicted in the enemy. The only thing lost was interest. Now the Taliban are dealing with an insurgency, which has never really ended since 1973. So really, nothing was lost, they inflicted a 20x casualty rate on the Taliban and Al-Quaeda and the country is in the same crappy state it's been in for 50 years, there's no magic trick to fix that.
every party in the war commits atrocities, its the victor who gets to write the history making them look good. To say one was better or worse is just our biased mindset. Military at the end of the day represents the country which in turn is the common civilians. I dont think ppl can simply wish away with argument that they are not responsible and they can walk away guilt free.
In a certain respect WWII was a battle between the bad and the extremely bad, but there is no question which side was worse.

Another question. If civilians are making bombs, tanks and fighter planes etc. can they still be ignored as targets?