India abstained from voting and US will come one day for India as well. Biden has f*cked this world within two years of his regime. Trump was way more peaceful.Why would they close it for India? I don't see where all this concern is coming from
India abstained from voting and US will come one day for India as well. Biden has f*cked this world within two years of his regime. Trump was way more peaceful.Why would they close it for India? I don't see where all this concern is coming from
So you agree with Sinn Fein & the IRA's struggle for freedom for Ireland last century. Why that's news Paddy !!Yes, all people should just rollover when a dictatorship rushes in to conquer them. God forbid we should help those wanting to fight.
Yes, all people should just rollover when a dictatorship rushes in to conquer them. God forbid we should help those wanting to fight.
If you are not with me then you are against me is Americas way of thinking. Your stmt more or less reflects your jingoism, it might be fashionable in war mongering countries but not in civilizations. As far as racism is concerned it was on display on americas tv channels & ukraine border less said the better.A bunch of Hindu nationalists who cry about racism the loudest without a hint of irony.
Dark skin or being muslim in Asia is a sure fire way to get treated like a second hand citizen.
To an extent they are but then they aren't really successful by capitalist standards, they just have a really large population, which offsets a very mediocre GDP/Capita. Your other point shows that western influence tended towards democracy. The opposite can be said about Soviet/Russian influence and that very well may be the ideological struggle of the new Cold War, authoritarianism vs democracy, as well as the one currently going down in Ukraine.for that time , it was required I would say so. This socialism / capitalism definitions are more suited for western propaganda rather than any thing. Its not all that capitalist countries succeeded, most of the south east asian countries which are successful now were once tin pot dictator ships backed by US. Instead of being hung upon by such definitions we should follow what succeeds. Look at china would any one call them socialist?
I am more worried about the DNS servers and their quality w.r.t. India than all these credit cards and visa problem. US has the largest number of DNS server, if they close it for India then I am pretty sure it will be partial black out.
So India has to really take care about it's Internet communication. Already reliance and TATA are doing the core work but then then the coverage of it is still very limited. At least India should have it's own Internet for south Asia , also Satellite internet like what google provides.
The invader willing to treat them well?Yes, when defence comes at the cost of morality, especially when the invader is willing to treat you well. Zelensky is sending people to their deaths.
You should look up what our generals have to say, they are frankly disgusted by the actions of Ukraine and the West.
Have you ever heard RT being critical of Putin? No.If you are not with me then you are against me is Americas way of thinking. Your stmt more or less reflects your jingoism, it might be fashionable in war mongering countries but not in civilizations. As far as racism is concerned it was on display on americas tv channels & ukraine border less said the better.
What's the connection to racism or Bush's statement which pretty much embodies US state department's policy - either you're with us or against us , without being explicit about it like Bush was , Paddy ? Let me ask you again - how many Guinness's down the hatch ?Have you ever heard RT being critical of Putin? No.
Have you ever heard the BBC covering criticism of the British PM, or US News covering criticism of the US President? Yes.
Draw your conclusions.
how are they going to help when most of the territory is getting occupied & airfields falling into russian hands? Unless airspace is completely secured they cant even take off & hit russian troops on the ground.Fighter jets are being provided. The reason older ones are being supplied is because those are the only ones Ukrainian pilots are familiar with flying.
West is only concerned abt their gains they support capitalism bcos their business can make profit. As for as democracy is concerned every one knows where west stands on it, I wouldnt be surprised if tmmrw west declares china a role model of communist democracy and India a autocracy.To an extent they are but then they aren't really successful by capitalist standards, they just have a really large population, which offsets a very mediocre GDP/Capita. Your other point shows that western influence tended towards democracy. The opposite can be said about Soviet/Russian influence and that very well may be the ideological struggle of the new Cold War, authoritarianism vs democracy, as well as the one currently going down in Ukraine.
Is the world at the start of a new Cold War?
Russia's invasion of Ukraine sparked conflict at a scale not seen in Europe since World War II. Will it also launch another great global power struggle?
One must at least accept that if Russia did 'win' this war, the only government that would fit their agenda in Ukraine would not be a democratic one.
Lol. Have you heard of western Ukraine? And Russia doesn't control the are they going to help when most of the territory is getting occupied & airfields falling into russian hands? Unless airspace is completely secured they cant even take off & hit russian troops on the ground.
RT is a state media and no state media ever criticizes its own regime, they are mouth pieces of the regime. Is that hard to understand?Have you ever heard RT being critical of Putin? No.
Remind us all on who George Floyd was & why the BLM movement happened ? Also do inform us on how many people were charged for the Capitol Hill riots , how have the trials proceeded & how many were indicted what was the quantum of the sentencing etc .Pootie-Pooh went all fascist on his people so quickly. I guess when you gotta hide the truth from your people the threat of prison or a skull cracking makes you think twice from trying to know the truth.
The invader willing to treat them well?In Soviet Russia well treats you. Priceless. Eastern Europeans have had enough Russian hospitality to last them 9000 lifetimes. With all due respect you need to drug test your generals more frequently. Eastern Europeans are beyond subject matter experts on Russian hospitality and they're moving only in one direction. Take a hint.