Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Utter BS, the BBC spent several months hounding The Conservatives over Partygate. And you remember Watergate? How long did US News spend on that? Several years. This would never happen in Russia because the journalists would start dying.
I think you ought to rid yourself of simple binaries & see the larger picture. I realise this is a big ask For you given your lineage but I don't even see you make the attempt.

For far too long has the West seduced the rest of the world with it's dazzling technology & materialistic lifestyle while pointing out that the underlying base for such impressive achievements has been the Democratic traditions of the West.

Now while this is to highlight the lack of democratic credentials of a whole host of such counties across the world they can't do the same to India, hence a new standard has been invented namely ranking of how "free" such Democracies are. Hence India qualifies as an electoral autocracy, whatever that means.

All this ignores the fact that Democracy as we now know & recognize it in the West is a century old phenomenon. For perspective pls look up the dates when women were permitted voting rights & when was the act for universal adult franchise made part of the statute in UK & compare it to the rest of the world.

Besides the financial underpinning of the material advances of these Western societies especially UK has been colonialism. Take away that & you'd be no different from any other middle income country with the mundane problems such middle income countries are grappling with in terms of income inequality, the economy, politics, democracy, etc.

Let me also take the opportunity to inform you that democracy in these lesser states means total subservience to the Western mode of thinking & toeing the Western line. Show me a single state in Europe which is a copybook example of Western style democracy diametrically opposed to the US thought process or policy making. The outlier here is France & their opposition too is subjective. By & large they're broadly in tune with US thought processes & policy making.

The real test would come when all these middle powers band together to determine their economic & political future which in turn would force them to build up their military power. I suspect a lot of Western Europe minus US Trojan horse UK are thinking they've been forced into taking positions in this war which ideally speaking wasn't required to be prosecuted in the first place though they can't publicly say so & that position under no circumstances contradicts their revulsion for Russian action in Ukraine.

Let the dust settle down & you're going to see a lot of changes in the way EU & NATO conducts it's affairs where a good deal of what they'd undertake wouldn't be to yours or the US liking. Unfortunately for us that's also going to mean a more liberal line on China but if India believes that Ukraine isn't it's war , hence it reserves the right to be neutral, I see no reason why France & Germany ought to be grudged for basically taking a similar stance as far as the Chinese go.
Tamil Nadu government wants to send their own team of Ministers and officials to help students from Tamilnadu and other Indian States to safely return home from Ukraine.

😂Imagine their ministers walking up to guards in Ukraine and asking for release of Students saying *'Stalin sent them'* 😂

Perhaps one day China will provide you the nectar of freedom too.
China tried in 2020 in galwan, got their a-$$ whooped by Indian Army which fed them enough GOL GAPPAS, so much so that they don't have any more stomach for it.😊
Let them also try in Malacca straits, bay of Bengal or Indian Ocean, I am damn sure Indian Navy has the ability to give them a bloody nose there too... 😊
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China tried in 2020 in galwan, got their a-$$ whooped by Indian Army which fed them enough GOL GAPPAS, so much so that they don't have any more stomach for it.😊
Let them also try in Malacca straits, bay of Bengal or Indian Ocean, I am damn sure Indian Navy has the ability to give them a bloody nose there too... 😊

Their Main Aim is Taiwan

Even if they push Indian Army back a Few KM in a very bloody battle ,we will not allow them to settle down

We will push them back , no matter what

So they have realised that there is no point in loosing thousands of soldiers for Mountainous Terrain of Ladakh and Arunachal

Their claims are much stronger on Taiwan

Now Russia has shown the way forward

The only question is will USA enter the battle or not
The only question is will USA enter the battle or not
The US will principally provide moral &: diplomatic support while urging all nations on the periphery to join war with China , getting it's intelligence & propaganda outlets which their members here refer to as international media to produce clippings of news showing Taiwanese bravely countering the invasion whereas their citizens here most notably represented by @WHOHE & @BMD keep widely disseminating those clips , pointing out how the Chinese are losing this one on account of imaginary delays while at the same time claiming how the US & UK or UK singularly can wreck China & lamenting the invasion & the fact that Taiwan is losing heavily .
The US will principally provide moral &: diplomatic support while urging all nations on the periphery to join war with China , getting it's intelligence & propaganda outlets which their members here refer to as international media to produce clippings of news showing Taiwanese bravely countering the invasion whereas their citizens here most notably represented by @WHOHE & @BMD keep widely disseminating those clips , pointing out how the Chinese are losing this one on account of imaginary delays while at the same time claiming how the US & UK or UK singularly can wreck China & lamenting the invasion & the fact that Taiwan is losing heavily .

This seems to be directly copied from DJ-ISPR’s play book 😂
For the sake of saving Ukraine and Ukrainian lives ( those blonde blue eyed refugees which doesn’t fit the bill meant for Africans and Middle easterns), NATO can always declare Ukraine will not be permitted to join NATO. Russia may not believe it but can open a window of negotiation.

US has badly fooled Ukraine

Basically US wanted to impose Sanctions on Russia somehow or the other

Ukraine was just a Tool

Because they have realised that though Russia is weak economically , yet their Human Resources are capable and they are Getting Ahead Technologically in All Military Domains

And Russian Technology comes to China which already has enough money for challenging USA

The Ukrainian govt could have easily promised that they will not join NATO
The only question is will USA enter the battle or not
US has now grown old and is now suffering from ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION... 😊

So no US has neither the strong will nor the sheer power to bring down China, Russia or for that matter even India.

Gosh they lost to the Gritty Vietnam the last war they actually fought with boots on the ground, all rest like gulf war, Iraq war, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc. were all Arial affair firing thousands of missiles and PGMs with very little on the ground.

If people are surprised with the Russian casualties then remember this that this real thing as Russians are fighting with their boots on ground and the results will be there for all to see when they actually capture all the land required with most of the infrastructure intact and common people residing there accepting the new regime.. 🤗
For the sake of saving Ukraine and Ukrainian lives ( those blonde blue eyed refugees which doesn’t fit the bill meant for Africans and Middle easterns), NATO can always declare Ukraine will not be permitted to join NATO. Russia may not believe it but can open a window of negotiation.
Let me inform you of the unofficial heirarchy of whites - the WASP ( White Anglo Saxon Protestant ) is at the top of the pecking order .

Then come the Romance speakers like the French & the Germanic speaking people.

They are usually but not always followed by Catlicks like the Italians & Irish - wogs essentially.

Then you've the Hispanics / Latinos , Spaniards etc

Then come the Slavs - nominal whites but almost a different race & a different religion - Orthodox Christians.

Then you have the Jews ( though their social standing seems to be up in the US especially if they're rich & influential - these things go hand in hand & Europe in general due to guilt pangs post Holocaust . How could we the most civilised people in the history of the whole world let something like this happen in Europe of all places . No such consideration extended to other racial or religious minorities . In fact even the Jews would've been passed over { pun unintended } had the holocaust not occurred in Europe. That location was & is always the bottom-line. Hence the outrage over what happened in Yugoslavia 3 decades ago & now what's happening to Ukraine ) .

Then you have the Muslims unless of course you happen to be Gulf Sheiks or related to them in which case you're on par with the French & Germans.

Then you've the Mongoloid race unless of course you're Japanese or South Korean - honorary whites albeit exotic which then places you anywhere between the Wogs & Slavs. Note : This position of late has seen upgradation to above the Muslims post 9/11.

At the bottom of the dung heap you've everybody else like the South East Asians etc .

After the SE Asians, you've Hindus & the Blacks . It's one & the same thing actually unless you happen to be a rice bag which then sees your elevation to SE Asian levels.
Zelenskyy did not believe the warnings from US that Russia would attack
No one has the complete information right now. Were the Americans bluffing? Did Zelensky think the Americans were bluffing? Were the Russians (as many prophecised) the ones who were actually bluffing? Were the Ukrainians preparing in a way that wasn't visible outwardly, but preparing nonethless? These are answers that'll become clearer after the war.
Just before the invasion was announced when it appeared that deescalation was actually happening, US and Zelenskyy exhibited unnecessary triumphalism.

If a few papers released by Ukrainian sources are to be believed, the invasion had been approved way back in January 18. Again, complete information isn't available, surely not to random people surfing the internet.
Untied Kingdom
Kingdom of Spain
Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dominion of Canada
Duchy of Luxembourg
Realm of New Zealand
Kingdom of Norway
Kingdom of Sweden

These are all major NATO countries and Monarchies not a Democracy
Oh God........

There's a thing called "constitutional monarchy". All countries mentioned are functioning democracies with elections and parliaments, and are ruled by elected representatives, with the monarchs being mere figureheads. These are not republics, but are democracies; there's a difference between the 2.

As someone elese mentioned, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea i.e. North Korea is neither a democracy nor a republic.