Ukraine - Russia Conflict

US used nukes to establish domination over the world. Even now there is a section of NeoCon who think that US can win a nuke war against anybody including Russia.
Way to ignore context as usual.

The US did not start WWII. 45 million allied civilians were killed during WWII, excluding holocaust victims and only 4 million axis civilians were killed over 6 years. The Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings killed ~200k civilians, which is about 5% of the axis civilian casualties and ~0.4% of the total. They also killed >20k soldiers. To say munitions lacked precision back then is a gross understatement, even aircraft navigation did. Without the nukes, months of conventional bombing would have killed even more civilians, not to mention military losses.

Russia started the Ukraine War in both 2014 and 2022. Russia has already killed 42k civilians in The Ukraine War in 15 months even with precision munitions. And these are not deaths caused by insurgent groups blowing up schools and market places, they're caused by Russia directly. Using nukes in a war that you started just to expand your territory and seize resources is a whole new level of lunacy.
^^This is your propaganda which @randomradio has already busted. Russia annexing Crimea and the current war is both result of longstanding issues created by constant torture of ethnic Russian people by Ukronazis and helped by the West.

And US killed innocent Japanese people via atom bomb and remains the ONLY nation ever to use nukes(that too on civilians, SMH). That sin will never wash away from their hands. Period.
^^This is your propaganda which @randomradio has already busted. Russia annexing Crimea and the current war is both result of longstanding issues created by constant torture of ethnic Russian people by Ukronazis and helped by the West.

And US killed innocent Japanese people via atom bomb and remains the ONLY nation ever to use nukes(that too on civilians, SMH). That sin will never wash away from their hands. Period.
Oh sure. The orange revolution where Russian agents poisoned a guy running for election you mean. :ROFLMAO:

You're both listening to the same Russian media that led the Russian government to believe their own lies and invade Ukraine underprepared in February last year, assuming that they would be welcomed as liberators.
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You should try reading this link fully, I can't see how you think it makes a positive case for Russia in Ukraine, or excuses their current actions. Basically it ends with Russian nationalists calling the Orange Revolution nationalists. :ROFLMAO: Have you not heard Russian media pundits calling for the complete extermination of Ukrainian people? Now preach to me some more about fascism.
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I dont think s400 batteries were operated by pvt militias, so as airforce assets flying, surface to surface missiles & naval vessels.
The regular Russian military is very much involved in this war.

The main body of Russian troops is holding the line and defending the skies. The offensives, ie, invading new territories is mainly being carried out by a private company. The recent capture of Bakhmut was done by Wagner, the private company in question.

With that said though, Wagner now has the best troops for the job.
Among various reason for attacks like re establishment of soviet empire , novo russia , fighting gay lesbians , now this pre empted invasion to prevent genocide in future . No one should attack another country based on fortune teller advice

There's no fortune telling here, it's what the Ukronazis have themselves announced.

Socialism , communism both ideology of left spectrum . Communism cant happen in a democracy . But if you read my previous comment you ll realize , our policy makers left no coin unturned to destroy the economic life line of nation . Our economic policies were inspired by soviet , just like other nation in that era .

Socialism can be part of both democracy and communism, even fascism or any other form of govt, 'cause socialism has got nothing to do with the system of govt. Haven't you read India's preamble?

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

Socialism is enshrined in our constitution. It's why we have govt companies.

Before that color revolution event something happened . Putin visited Ukraine and advised Ukranians to vote for his nominee . That shd tell you abt the forces at play in Ukraine . It was population wanting to get away from soviet influence , get economically more connected with Euro Atlantic vs the one opposing it . Yes there is evidence that protests were funded by Eurpean American agencies , but at the end of the day which block invaded their country started bombing their cities and took over their land . Now if someone says what Russia doing is for its own national interest .. I wld nt say anything . But trying to project some universal morality at this point where 1 year of war has passed and 100s of thousands have died is no more valid .

All sides want their puppet installed in every single country on the planet. It's how things run.

Stop trying to defend Ukraine's actions, they go completely against Indian democratic principles. You do not subjugate your minorities in that manner no matter what.

What Ukraine has done is exactly the same as what the Sinhalese did to the Tamils in SL. Can you imagine the same thing happening in India with Hindi?

The article doesn't even cover the whole story. All positions of power must only have Ukrainian speakers, meaning if you speak broken Ukrainian, you can't stand for elections or hold public office. The official language is Ukrainian, so you can't converse with the govt in Russian. All election broadcast and campaign material must only be in Ukrainian. All information in public display, like advertisements, road signs, signboards etc must be only in Ukrainian. No public broadcast of Russian music, lol. Import ban of Russian books and media.

Even in healthcare Ukrainian is mandatory now. Meaning a patient must speak to hospital staff in Ukrainian, and if the patient desires to speak in Russian, it's up to the hospital staff to engage, lol. Restaurants, shops etc must speak Ukrainian, unless requested by the patrons. Meaning, if you and the shopkeeper are Russian, the shopkeeper has to only speak Ukrainian, and you have to specifically say you would like to speak in Russian, or the shopkeeper will get fined heavily.

Look at the rules in print media. Any Russian print media must have a Ukrainian translation provided. Meaning the media houses must pay for the translations themselves, and then print it even if no one buys it, so they have to eat up all the costs themselves. They have no chance of survival against Ukrainian media that don't have to bear these extra costs.

So the only avenues for Russian language in Ukraine is in private speech and religious rituals.

With just this move alone, Ukraine proved itself no longer a democracy. The minute the Maidan Revolution happened, where a democratically elected govt was illegally removed from power, it signalled the beginning of disenfranchisement of the Russian speakers.

More rules have been added to the law since it passed in 2019. So yeah, the people in Donbas are having none of that. I don't know how you are gonna argue against that.

What's funny is Zelensky came to power by championing for Russian language rights.

Zelensky supports Russian language, claimed he will resist the new law, wins election:
In a campaign video released less than two weeks before the decisive second round vote, Zelenskiy says in Ukrainian, “They divided us … but we are all Ukrainians … In the north, south, east, west and center … Ukrainian and Russian speakers … We are different, but so similar. We are uniting to move forward.”

Poroshenko bans the language after losing elections:

Zelensky comes to power and bans more Russian: :ROFLMAO:

This guy's not in power in Ukraine, there are other people running the show.
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Really tired of correcting you on this. Yanukovych campaigned on the basis of moving towards EU membership, after he met with Putin behind closed doors and suddenly decided to join the EEU instead, thus precluding the possibility of EU membership, voters took to the streets and protested.

You don't understand the politics behind all this. Ukraine was never joining the EU, the West had simply dangled the EU carrot in front of the Ukrainians to push the Russians out of Ukraine.

Yanukovych was all for joining the EU, even resisting Putin. He even asked for Western help to stave off pressure from Putin. But the EU was insistent on certain demands that went against Yanukovych's hold over the govt. Meaning, the demands were such that if implemented, Russian speakers would lose political power in Ukraine.

Turkey has also been waiting to join the EU. Have they joined yet? Nah, it will never happen. The same with Ukraine, they will dangle that carrot in front of them forever.
This subtly tells you all you need to know about the honesty of the Russian media.

The Russian govt is using Prigozhin to convince the Russian masses that it's time to drop the hammer on the Ukrainians.

It's simple, the Russian govt cannot do it themselves. So they are using Prigozhin, who is now a hero in Russia, to help the people "convince" the govt that they need to take more active measures in the war, because apparently the govt is not doing enough to win and that the people must tell the govt to do more.

How do you not see this? It's elementary, my dear Watson.
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The Russian govt is using Prigozhin to convince the Russian masses that it's time to drop the hammer on the Ukrainians.
Usually they reserve that treatment is reserved for Russians who refuse to fight or try surrendering.
It's simple, the Russian govt cannot do it themselves. So they are using Prigozhin, who is now a hero in Russia, to help the people "convince" the govt that they need to take more active measures in the war, because apparently the govt is not doing enough to win and that the people must tell the govt to do more.
So that the government sends even more of them to die? :unsure:
You don't understand the politics behind all this. Ukraine was never joining the EU, the West had simply dangled the EU carrot in front of the Ukrainians to push the Russians out of Ukraine.
Strange because they wanted to and a lot of groundwork was done. They still want to now it seems.
Yanukovych was all for joining the EU, even resisting Putin. He even asked for Western help to stave off pressure from Putin. But the EU was insistent on certain demands that went against Yanukovych's hold over the govt. Meaning, the demands were such that if implemented, Russian speakers would lose political power in Ukraine.
Until Putin threatened invasion if he joined. So the ridiculously liberal EU demanded laws against Russian speakers? Proof or STFU.
Turkey has also been waiting to join the EU. Have they joined yet? Nah, it will never happen. The same with Ukraine, they will dangle that carrot in front of them forever.
There are reforms needed to join. The EU are fussy.
Not at all. They 'may' use means supposition! But most probably as Random says they won't. They are not like Uncle Sam.
I think you'll find Japan attacked US territory first. I'm sure if NATO blew up the entire Russian North Sea Fleet that would probably make them consider using nukes against cities too, even without 4 years of mass killing in between. Stalin just didn't have any nukes to use thankfully for Europe. That's the truth.
Rocket motor debris after intercept. A complete Patriot is about nearly 6m long, or ~3.5x height of a car.
yeah we need to blame pakistan .
You've killed almost as many people in race riots in peace time. How many die from malnutrition each year? Less than 200,000 or nearer 10x? You named an island after a guy who sided with the axis powers who killed 45m civilians. You support a guy who's killed and executed over 42k civilians in Ukraine in the present. Dear God, you're in no position to be guilt tripping people over the atom bombs in 1945.