Ukraine - Russia Conflict

If Russia goes HARD, there will be no Ukraine left. A little bit of FOAB will end all conflicts. You have not seen any of the recent Russian weapons deployed in this conflict.
Lol. Oh puh-leeze. That line is getting tiresome what's happening is your ally Putin is getting his a$$ handed to him and is calling all hands troops from Pacific, Syria and Armenian. Russia's nightmare has just begun.
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Lol. Oh puh-leeze. That line is getting tiresome what's happening is your ally Putin is getting his a$$ handed to him and is calling all hands troops from Pacific, Syria and Armenian. Russia's nightmare has just begun.
Interestingly, the same mistake was made by a certain someone else in 1940s.... did not end well for them. Even now, there is nothing that suggests Russia losing the war. Heck Zaniosky or whatever his name is just yesterday said that Ukraine will never join NATO. NATO wants to fight Russia... till the last Ukrainian. We can understand that sentiment in India because we do same with Pakistanis.

To add to Hellfire's tweet, there's just the Black Sea separating Ukraine from Turkey. From Turkey multiple paths open out to the Levant, the Maghrib, the Sahel & most importantly to Iran. From Iran east to AfPak & beyond & from Iran South to the Houthis & beyond. Not Surprisingly much of this will come back to bite the US in their backside where their brains are but will also destabilize a lot of nations.

You guys followed the lead of the US & went to Syria & Libya . While the US is an ocean apart much of Europe is still grappling with the fallout of those campaigns. Now the battlefield has shifted to Europe & there are those disgruntled Muslim refugees there who don't / can't be assimilated.

For India it creates an additional series of headaches but the real problems would be for the AfPak region.

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If NATO had followed common sense, they would not have cornered Russia un-necessarily. Heck Putin wanted Russia to join EU for the first decade of this century. China and Asia was not exactly his first choice. If anyone is to be blamed for this invasion, its NATO.
He went a very funny way about showing it. I've already listed all the poisonings, assassinations and imprisonments of dissidents, journalists and opposition leaders in Russia and abroad and his annexations prior to this war. Russia was never a true democracy and was therefore never getting into the EU.
People run away from war. That's their only choice. Later they come back.
Nobody will ever run towards Russia or Belarus unless it's their very last option.

Same rules.
Same rules as what? Your head being up your ar5e?

They have like 1 jet.
One not very stealthy jet.

Er... Yes. That's the point. The West has invaded more countries than anybody else in the last many decades.
How many were democracies? How many were harbouring terrorists? How many had committed genocides and were wanted as war criminals. Non-equivalents.

Silly boy, we are talking about a long term insurgency after the war is done with and Russia is occupying Ukraine.
And we haven't got their yet because Russia has not succeeded in occupying Ukraine, nor is it close.

You must be very good at math. 19 March to 30 April is 26 days?

The invasion phase began on 19 March 2003 (air) and 20 March 2003 (ground) and lasted just over one month,[24] including 26 days of major combat operations. The capital city of Baghdad was captured by Coalition forces on 9 April 2003 after the six day long Battle of Baghdad.

Lol, but in just the previous page you said the West will be giving Ukraine Abrams, Challengers, ATACMS, Patriots and whatnot.
They may well do yet, but you have too move that stuff in quietly.

Oh, wow. Are you referring to yourself in the royal third person? Or are we talking about "the West"?

UK and US. EU will cut to one third by end 2022.

Yes, toilet cheap for India and China. You guys pay the full price.
Russia will not get the full price though.

He may not need to. Industrialised economies import when domestic products are more expensive than imports.

The more the ruble falls, the faster the Russians industrialise. And they will steal tech to indigenise, while improvising on what they cannot steal.

Companies looking for low cost destinations will set up factories in Russia to manufacture and sell to the world. So we could see Russia becoming a major supplier of renewable energy technologies for example.
They've had 30 years to diversify their economy and failed. That's what this war is really about when you break it down.

The current BMD, like GMD, is aimed at Russia. And Russia is also working on such BMD capabilities, aimed at the US.

The first step is to get it right, hence the small numbers. The next step is to increase interception per missile and mass produce to lower costs.

The GBI has a diameter of 1.28m. The SM-3 has a diameter of 0.34m. In theory, you can stick 14 SM-3 interceptors inside 1 GBI. With a slightly bigger missile, you can stick even more in. A 2m dia missile can carry 34 of them. Assuming 3 interceptors per warhead, a single missile can stop 11. Let's assume 10. If we assume Russia has 2000 warheads in ICBMs, you will need 200 missiles to intercept them. Easy peasy. With better technologies, the quality of interceptors can be increased.
There aren't enough missiles, even with a Pk of 1.

First of all Ukraine is irrelevant to GBI due to its range. And a serious missile shield would involve something like brilliant pebbles, because that way you can effectively launch 4,000+ interceptors with a single reusable LV. Ukraine is irrelevant to all this and your reasons for the Russian invasion keep chopping and changing from genocidal Nazis, to possible tank invasions of Russia, to possible MRBMs in Ukraine and now to GBI in Ukraine.
If Russia goes HARD, there will be no Ukraine left. A little bit of FOAB will end all conflicts. You have not seen any of the recent Russian weapons deployed in this conflict.
Good luck flying a bomber aircraft over Kyiv to drop it.
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Et si un échec de Vladimir Poutine en Ukraine pouvait être pire qu'une victoire ?

What if a failure by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine could be worse than a victory?

In France, the army is also worried that a failure by Vladimir Putin would make him even more unpredictable and therefore dangerous. The Russian president might have to use "other means", including the use of illegal weapons.

Whether Vladimir Putin wins "his" war in Ukraine or gets bogged down in it, or even loses it, the Western world may remain at the mercy of the Russian president's unpredictability and dangerousness for a long time to come. In France, the army is also worried about the second option. In particular, it fears that a "risk of humiliation" of Vladimir Putin will make him even more unpredictable and dangerous. And it anticipates this factor in its defensive posture strategy. "How will he react? Will he go as far as a vertical escalation (to a nuclear conflict, editor's note)? We don't rule it out," explains a general officer. "In any case, we must not exclude any possibility," confirmed the Elysée.

"The main concern is that failure is probably dangerous for Vladimir Putin. But his failure would also be dangerous for everyone. That's what's freaking everyone out," said another general officer.

In a letter addressed to the general officers, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces says no different. General Thierry Burkhard believes that Vladimir Putin is "in a strategic situation that he had probably not anticipated. While the special operation was supposed to show Russia's strength, the opposite is happening. This makes Vladimir Putin all the more unpredictable.

Unpredictable but how?

Vladimir Putin "did what he had always said he would do, but it was misunderstood," said one of the general officers interviewed by La Tribune. "He has already shown how dangerous his decisions can be", according to the Elysée Palace. What will Vladimir Putin do to get what he has always wanted? "The main risk, which makes everyone think, is that Vladimir Putin, condemned to succeed and unable to back down, will use other means if he does not succeed with the means already implemented", underlines one of the general officers.

"In the worst case, there is certainly the use of illicit weapons. There are certainly other scenarios that can be both the destruction of cities and even greater violence against civilians. And the worst case scenario cannot be described," the Elysée said.

What other means? From hybrid warfare (submarine cables, cyber, space...) to nuclear warfare via the use of chemical weapons, Vladimir Putin's possibilities are numerous and hardly encouraging. "We must take all our measures, both defensively and offensively - the sanctions, in other words - to prevent these risks," the Elysée Palace said. The final word goes to General Burkhard: "In this extremely dangerous period, marked by great tension, we must show increased vigilance in order to face any new threat. Anything can happen and we have to be ready for it.

Michel Cabirol
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How many were democracies? How many were harbouring terrorists? How many had committed genocides and were wanted as war criminals. Non-equivalents.
There are multiple proclaimed offenders & fugitives from justice from India alone who've sought & got refuge in the UK where India's fighting lengthy court battles for years worth millions of pounds. These include terrorists , financial offenders , murderers etc . And India isn't the only country with such problems with the UK . Multiple countries from Asia & Africa have much the same grouse against UK.

Should we follow the same example as set by the US then ? Or should we follow the example Russia has set ? Of late Pakistan seems to be following in Russia's footsteps & have eliminated a few dissidents in UK .
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Here's why Russia really wants Donbass and Crimea. Nazis, genocides, tank invasions, MRBMs and ABMs are all red herrings. Ukraine has enough oil and gas to make the EU independent of Russia. Putin could never allow that, hence all the pretexts, and western conspiracy mongering.

