Part 1. German Politician on Ukraine war. She has spoken a bitter truth, no one wants to acknowledge.
— Krushna (@govindagopala) March 2, 2022
Part 1. German Politician on Ukraine war. She has spoken a bitter truth, no one wants to acknowledge.
— Krushna (@govindagopala) March 2, 2022
Yes it can be done.No, its not as simple as that i fear. @vstol Jockey is it possible/easy to replace Ukranian origin gas turbines our ship is carrying with western one?
I think you need to watch your language here. Difference of opinion has nothing to do with the mental abilities of a person. @Mods.Prior to that revolution all the votes were rigged you fool.
PM @narendramodi will participate along with President of USA @POTUS @JoeBiden, Prime Minister of Australia @ScottMorrisonMP, and Prime Minister of Japan @kishida230 in a Quad Leaders' virtual meeting today.
— Randhir Jaiswal (@MEAIndia) March 3, 2022
Press Release ➡️
A lot of Russian tech has failed in combat. You can bet a lot is being known of those abandon SAMs and latest MBTs by NATO. AS of today Russia still doesn't have air superiority as Ukrainian SU-25s and SU-24s hit that convoy north of Kyiv. Where's the Russian air force? Where's the Russian EW capability to interfere against Ukrainian drones that are causing so much havoc?![]()
Pantsir missile system - Wikipedia
Disastrous performance for the Pantsir missile system.
The shaming of Mearsheimer as a Russian stooge is wrong + dangerous. But this interview does illustrate another point: His theory, and especially its application to specific cases, is totally incoherent when it gets beyond the most generic truisms THREAD
— Mike Mazarr (@MMazarr) March 2, 2022
Real pity sweetie, that in spite of Ru junk they managed to thwart US plans of regime change in Syria. Why do you suppose that happened?A lot of Russian tech has failed in combat. You can bet a lot is being known of those abandon SAMs and latest MBTs by NATO. AS of today Russia still doesn't have air superiority as Ukrainian SU-25s and SU-24s hit that convoy north of Kyiv. Where's the Russian air force? Where's the Russian EW capability to interfere against Ukrainian drones that are causing so much havoc?
What's all this got to do with the current conflict Paddy? Who here is awarding certificates for good behavior? Putin is an autocrat & behaves exactly as one.Prior to that revolution all the votes were rigged you fool. They didn't call for an early election, the leader delayed the election.
Propaganda? How many of our opposition MPs suddenly get killed like Putin's do? Propaganda that oh naive one.
What's the connection to the post of the member you've quoted, you fool? He's pointing out towards our relationship & goodwill with Russia & Ukraine which has helped us evacuate nearly 20000 of our citizens there. You're bringing up morality.If all the opposition MPs in your country suddenly died, how would you feel about your leader?
These are the prominent critics and enemies Putin is suspected of having killed
Vladimir Putin's enemies often get killed under mysterious circumstances. There are at least 13 people Putin is suspected of having
List of journalists killed in Russia - Wikipedia
It's ridiculous that you believe anything such a person says.
I tell you, I don't know if Putin and Xi Jinping are crazy, but the twilight of American hegemony has come,
Putin's dispatch of troops to Ukraine is a counterattack against NATO. In front of NATO, Ukraine is eliminated. What has the United States done, economic sanctions, diplomatic interference, repeating what they have done since 2014, is it useful? Useless.
Economic sanctions? Oil prices have risen to $110, the West will withdraw from the Russian market and China will make up for it
Diplomatic interference? All but the traditional enemies of Europe and the United States remain neutral,
In other words, Putin slapped the United States hard, and the United States did nothing but scream a few times,
And Ukraine, which was a dog for the United States, was trampled to death like an ant.
All the security provided by the US is like waste paper
An attack on Ru assets or forces anywhere in the world just as an attack on British forces & assets anywhere in the world is liable to be treated in similar fashion with both countries invoking N first use in compliance with it's N doctrine. After all except for India & China none of the other N powers have eschewed the first strike principle.In Russia it would certainly, but Ukraine isn't Russia. If they choose to respond to a counter-attack in Ukraine with nukes against NATO countries then Russia will be completely melted, so that would be a very big call for them to make.
The US made there move? What move would that be then?
I suppose after this serbia will become active,
A rally in support of Russia took place in Montenegro. #RussiaUkraine #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineRussiaWar
— Peace Bomb🧘🧘♀️ (@Breakin62278210) March 3, 2022
I believe Iran has more chances (more to negociate, and not geographically located into the “us’s garden”), than Venezuela.He's talking thru his hat. If the rouble comes crashing down that means exports become cheaper - the intrinsic value being the same which is of course a loss in value & consequently earnings . There are huge downsides to a falling rouble not the least of which is runaway inflation.
Russia's ruble worth less than 1 cent after West tightens sanctions
A sharp fall in Russia's currency could cause inflation in the country to surge and strain its financial
Huns & Mongols thrived on looting not on exporting gas.The former is a war economy not the latter. What's Russia going to loot from Ukraine ? Besides Russia will be spending a lot to pacify Ukraine , rebuild it's infrastructure & in re armament of it's armed forces.
God forbid ! If there's an insurgency which looks a distinct possibility at this point in time the costs shoot up but Russia could impose costs across much of Eastern Europe too. Then there are good chances of this spreading to other parts of Europe as well . Both parties need to arrive at a modus vivendi post war ASAP. Easier said than done with all the bad blood between both parties.
If Russia raises prices on gas or oil , Europe shifts some of their business elsewhere. This is going to cut both ways.
Till such time as oil & gas prices don't stabilize , there will be tremendous pressure to at least get Iran or Venezuela out of the proscribed list . I don't think the World will tolerate more sanctions especially if the whole world's coming out of a depressed economy for the past 2 yrs courtesy the Wuhan virus.
Iran or Venezuela or both gain big time .
Gantz says Iran nuclear deal could be signed within days
Defense minister vows Israel to continue to act 'whether [an agreement] happens or not'; on Ukraine, he says Jewish state a partner to international effort to restore
Not exactly related to Russia/Ukraine, but whatever.
The Russian Army org isn’t cut out fr modern multi-domain lightning strikes. Troops are trained in silos, no time devoted to improvisation. Deliberately, the high command doesn't encourage initiative & control with the JCOs & lower ranks. Leads to bad communication plus morale
— Sameer Joshi (@joe_sameer) March 3, 2022
Actually it does. Many educated people in the UK were against the invasion of Iraq, even I would say it was a horrible waste of resources, in both the UK and US people and politicians were highly outspoken about this, and none of them have ended up killed. In Russia all strong political opponents wind up dead, as do journalists. That is why not a single educated person in the UK will believe anything Putin says despite how critical they are of their own governments on many issues from Iraq to Brexit. If you trust Putin you're simply dumb by any rational standards for these very reasons.I think you need to watch your language here. Difference of opinion has nothing to do with the mental abilities of a person. @Mods.
We've got money though, so we don't care, also lots of gas in the North Sea.How much can you transport by ships? How much are you paying for each consignment? How much does it cost to convert LNG to CNG? Plenty of questions the Europeans have no real answer for. A gas pipeline is a pretty simple setup, ships can't replace it.
If O&G supplies were replaceable as quickly as you believe, then the West would have sanctioned Russia already.
That's Eastern Europe. But the question is why NATO would attack Russia now and risk blowing up London?