Air Battle over Kashmir : MiG-21 Bison shoots down F-16

Missile hits aircraft -> aircraft breaks up -> aircraft crashes on port side -> aircraft breaks up even more -> payloads attached also break up -> the wreckage goes up in flames -> some parts of the wreckage remain unidentifiable -> starboard side payloads remain in better condition.
I'm not technically proficient on defence matters but being in sales I've internalized one maxim - never go ga ga on a weak product. You'd be called out one day or another. I'd understand if you think otherwise. If you've nothing, there's only pride to project and protect.That these things took more than 3 weeks to establish is of course in your view, something trivial.Hair splitting is a very Hindu habit.Cheers.
I will again say this

The Big and Heavy mettalic parts are
Twisted and Mangled so badly

But Missiles have been retrieved intact
Though they are light weight structures

And not one , all four

We could find only Amraam

When we know 4 or 5 were fired on us

All of them are Big Drama Queens
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I too always accept my mistakes. please do point out the mistakes. i will than explain to you why I wrote them.
First Nuke of Pakistan was tested in China in 1985 and that device could not be delivered by air. It was just a bomb. Pakistan acquired the Tech only in 1993.
Nonsense. China did not test ANY nuclear weapon in 1985. And all of their nuclear weapon tests around that period were of deliverable devices.

The 'first' generation design I referred to was the CHIC-4 (as confirmed by Brig. Feroz H. Khan, ex-SPD), a ~1000kg device, detonated in late 1966 via a DF-2 missile. This was supposed to be a secret till the Libyans emptied their closets for IAEA and the Americans. Pakistan improved on this design in several iterations, verified by hydrodynamic testing, till missile-deliverable device designs were ready by the early 90s.

By the way, I'd still like to know how Ababeel is a 'lie'.
This was the first instance of me calling you out. You never got back to me on it, and IIRC posted this again somewhere else. I can keep going on, but I don't wish to discredit you in front of your own countrymen who respect you. As advice, I would recommend to not stick with absolute certainties and bravado all the time.

Are you sure you want to keep going down this road, keeping mind that you claimed that you NEVER post a wrong thing?

I'm not technically proficient on defence matters but being in sales I've internalized one maxim - never go ga ga on a weak product. You'd be called out one day or another. I'd understand if you think otherwise. If you've nothing, there's only pride to project and protect.That these things took more than 3 weeks to establish is of course in your view, something trivial.Hair splitting is a very Hindu habit.Cheers.
I absolutely agree, that you should never do a half-assed attempt at things, specially in this particular domain.
I would also point out that there is still a key piece of conclusive evidence available in one of the photos, related to neither MiG-21 nor F-16. I have been unable to associate it with any other aircraft so far, so I have left it upon others to figure it out.

Please go

Close the door behind you

All you people are liars , Mini Ghafoors
I clearly Remember the Amraam Wreckage
Found by us

The Main cylindrical Body was Flattened

As if some body had beaten it with a hammer

And here the missiles they are displaying
Are Nice Rounded Cylindrical Shape

Though they fell from 3 km height
BC they think the whole world is Ch**ya
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This was the first instance of me calling you out. You never got back to me on it, and IIRC posted this again somewhere else. I can keep going on, but I don't wish to discredit you in front of your own countrymen who respect you. As advice, I would recommend to not stick with absolute certainties and bravado all the time.

Are you sure you want to keep going down this road, keeping mind that you claimed that you NEVER post a wrong thing?

I absolutely agree, that you should never do a half-assed attempt at things, specially in this particular domain.
I would also point out that there is still a key piece of conclusive evidence available in one of the photos, related to neither MiG-21 nor F-16. I have been unable to associate it with any other aircraft so far, so I have left it upon others to figure it out.

View attachment 5256

You take 20 days to Forge these Tubes

And call them missiles

Your Engineers are pathetic

Or was this a PDF science project

Assignment given by the Chief Liar
Can you summarize for me what the ruckus is about the missiles in the picture etc?

Apparently these 4 missiles belong to the downed Mig-21, an attempt by Pakistanis to prove abhi never fired the missile. He just went to pok for a stroll and stepped out of the aircraft midway.
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Can you summarize for me what the ruckus is about the missiles in the picture etc?
There is a Pakistani video doing rounds these days claiming to show all the collected missile wreckage from the Mig-21 shot down...
Here is the still shot from it...


Issue is :

1. why the heck only one R-73 (on the extreme left) has warhead missing.

2. Why the hell these missiles have such a similar length and even width? R-77 even with missing cone is a bit longer than R-73 and a bit wider...

As seen else where...

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You know he has a point. Memes aren't really going to solve the dilemma of missiles in surprisingly good condition. Really should have tried a bit harder, perhaps smarter.....
He actually doesn't, and is calling names in frustration. I could try to engage him in a discussion of an AIM-120 ramming alone in the ground vs. missiles attached to a crashing aircraft, but it seems it won't be worth it, therefore I'm choosing to amuse myself instead.

I have found memes to be terribly effective in this regard. Ask @safriz , I have pissed him off a couple times. :p
He actually doesn't, and is calling names in frustration. I could try to engage him in a discussion of an AIM-120 ramming alone in the ground vs. missiles attached to a crashing aircraft, but it seems it won't be worth it, therefore I'm choosing to amuse myself instead.

I have found memes to be terribly effective in this regard. Ask @safriz , I have pissed him off a couple times. :p
Well, gentleman, you were about to bow out or something? Or are you doing a DGISPR on us now?
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He actually doesn't, and is calling names in frustration. I could try to engage him in a discussion of an AIM-120 ramming alone in the ground vs. missiles attached to a crashing aircraft, but it seems it won't be worth it, therefore I'm choosing to amuse myself instead.

I have found memes to be terribly effective in this regard. Ask @safriz , I have pissed him off a couple times. :p

The missile we recovered did not ram any aircraft. The missiles attached to the Mig would never hv survived the crash in that state. Unless its made of "unobtainium". Admit it. This is a really really weak attempt from your side.

Either way, your hesitation to announce ur losses is a big advantage.
This was the first instance of me calling you out. You never got back to me on it, and IIRC posted this again somewhere else. I can keep going on, but I don't wish to discredit you in front of your own countrymen who respect you. As advice, I would recommend to not stick with absolute certainties and bravado all the time.

Are you sure you want to keep going down this road, keeping mind that you claimed that you NEVER post a wrong thing?
I have enough material to prove what I wrote. And you are 100% wrong. You tested the cold device in 1983 and your bomb design was tested in China in 1985 which flopped. You had no bomb till 1993. And even that design was given to you by China. I hope ypou know what is needed to make a nuke bomb.
This was the first instance of me calling you out. You never got back to me on it, and IIRC posted this again somewhere else. I can keep going on, but I don't wish to discredit you in front of your own countrymen who respect you. As advice, I would recommend to not stick with absolute certainties and bravado all the time.
@Nilgiri ; @Falcon ; @vstol Jockey.

Nilgiri , I remember you posted a very good response on PDF to Chinese Dragon and me on the Pakistani NWP particularly on their N bomb design and yield. Request you to counter what The Deterrent is posting.

For vstol & Falcon, I'm sure we can counter the Pakistanis without you crossing the red lines. Here's a Pakistani member baiting us. There's a whole host in PDF waiting for to see the result of a raid of their kabbadi team member, unless you want this forum to resemble PDF.

Are you sure you want to keep going down this road, keeping mind that you claimed that you NEVER post a wrong thing?

I absolutely agree, that you should never do a half-assed attempt at things, specially in this particular domain.
I would also point out that there is still a key piece of conclusive evidence available in one of the photos, related to neither MiG-21 nor F-16. I have been unable to associate it with any other aircraft so far, so I have left it upon others to figure it out.

Don't wrack your brain & credibility. If your guys couldn't figure it in a few days after 27 th Feb, why do so now. We've claimed an F-16 down. You ought to be asking which Pilots were the casualties & call out our bluff there & then or wait till the Pentagon submits it's report to the Congress on the status of the F-16's which is sure to follow as day after night. The truth will be out then.

Personally speaking, it's a bit difficult to believe Pakistanis, who've been described by Hilary Clinton as pathological liars. Now, I'm not insinuating for a moment that that's true of all Pakistanis but there's the incident of the good German in WW -2 & to extend it to our scenario, let me cite an incident, I've cited before in various fora before - ab nauseum ab infinitum -

There was a plane crash/ crashlanding in the early to mid 90's in India. The pilot in question goofed up in indifferent weather , got the plane he commandeered in a difficult spot and after a great deal of difficulty which very nearly involved a crash , managed to extricate himself & the plane he was flying from a difficult situation and touch base ( Later reports stated he was drunk) .

I cite this as an analogy for the hold the PA exercises upon your society & wonder if they'd emulate the Indian pilot cited here.No surprises if they don't.

To cut a long story short, it was the advent of telejournalism and the reporter was right on the tarmac interviewing the survivors. A senior citizen - a gujarati kaka was asked, how did he feel to survive the crash. He replied in a mix of Gujarati Hindi - hume ko to pilot bhagwan jaisa chhe. Reporter - kyonki usne aapko bachaya? . Gujju kaka - phasaya bhi usne tha.

I can't find a better analogy for the PA & their mal effects on the Pakistani civilian population. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
@Nilgiri ; @Falcon ; @vstol Jockey.

Nilgiri , I remember you posted a very good response on PDF to Chinese Dragon and me on the Pakistani NWP particularly on their N bomb design and yield. Request you to counter what The Deterrent is posting.

For vstol & Falcon, I'm sure we can counter the Pakistanis without you crossing the red lines. Here's a Pakistani member baiting us. There's a whole host in PDF waiting for to see the result of a raid of their kabbadi team member, unless you want this forum to resemble PDF.

Don't wrack your brain & credibility. If your guys couldn't figure it in a few days after 27 th Feb, why do so now. We've claimed an F-16 down. You ought to be asking which Pilots were the casualties & call out our bluff there & then or wait till the Pentagon submits it's report to the Congress on the status of the F-16's which is sure to follow as day after night. The truth will be out then.

Personally speaking, it's a bit difficult to believe Pakistanis, who've been described by Hilary Clinton as pathological liars. Now, I'm not insinuating for a moment that that's true of all Pakistanis but there's the incident of the good German in WW -2 & to extend it to our scenario, let me cite an incident, I've cited before in various fora before - ab nauseum ab infinitum -

There was a plane crash/ crashlanding in the early to mid 90's in India. The pilot in question goofed up in indifferent weather , got the plane he commandeered in a difficult spot and after a great deal of difficulty which very nearly involved a crash , managed to extricate himself & the plane he was flying from a difficult situation and touch base ( Later reports stated he was drunk) .

I cite this as an analogy for the hold the PA exercises upon your society & wonder if they'd emulate the Indian pilot cited here.No surprises if they don't.

To cut a long story short, it was the advent of telejournalism and the reporter was right on the tarmac interviewing the survivors. A senior citizen - a gujarati kaka was asked, how did he feel to survive the crash. He replied in a mix of Gujarati Hindi - hume ko to pilot bhagwan jaisa chhe. Reporter - kyonki usne aapko bachaya? . Gujju kaka - phasaya bhi usne tha.

I can't find a better analogy for the PA & their mal effects on the Pakistani civilian population. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted here coz its getting a bit OT:

Made in Pakistan
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