Air Battle over Kashmir : MiG-21 Bison shoots down F-16

Yeah. Sure just spout delusional takes without any knowledge. So typically American lmao.

What is the name of the spokesperson for department of defense that Indian media claim he/she told them he/she was unaware? Can you or your media at least say if the spokesperson was male or female? Yea/Nay?
Also we never said that su-30 shot aim 120's.

Oh really? I got Indian media headlines saying otherwise. Would you like to take a looksee?
Infact the f-16's had locked and had fired atleast 5 amraam's which all missed. One of them that missed and crashed down a village was shown as evidence to prove that f-16's were used because your pakistani dogs were denying that they used the f-16. One of those amraams that missed was displayed.

And do you have proof other than Indian media that PAF F-16's fire 5 aim-120s? Of course you don't because only one Indian reporter named Ajit made that claim saying "sources" told him without giving names. Would you like to see the article?

He also claimed more aim-120 debris would be shown... when?
If anything it shows how easily the flankers can handle the amraam's. Considering five of them couldn't hit a single large target as the flanker. That too when the f-16's had the range advantage as well as the altitude advantage.

If anything it shows Indian media is full of caca and has gullible people like you that will buy ridiculous claims as long as it makes them feel good.
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What is the name of the spokesperson for department of defense that Indian media claim he/she told them he/she was unaware? Can you or your media at least say if the spokesperson was male or female? Yea/Nay?

Oh really? I got Indian media headlines saying otherwise. Would you like to take a looksee?

And do you have proof other than Indian media that PAF F-16's fire 5 aim-120s? Of course you don't because only one Indian reporter named Ajit made that claim saying "sources" told him without giving names. Would you like to see the article?

He also claimed more aim-120 debris would be shown... when?

If anything it shows Indian media is full of caca and has gullible people like you that will buy ridiculous claims as long as it makes them feel good.
The only gullible people usually seem to be westerners who eat up whatever Semitic propaganda your masters want to push. I unironically trust indian media more than whatever shite western media spouts. Especially after they have been caught with their pants down in Canada.

Also one was enough for the amraam proof. We wanted to prove the amraam's were fired. And it was proved. And the guy is a journalist not a spokesperson of the government.
I got Indian media headlines saying otherwise. Would you like to take a looksee?
Please do WHOHEEE. I would love to see what all knew stories you will make up to prove your non-sensical point.
The government usually isn't open on sharing debris or even information for propaganda points unlike some other governments. Sad really how incompetent we are in terms of basic Propaganda forget about fabrication of lies your pimped out media does on the regular.
What is the name of the spokesperson for department of defense that Indian media claim he/she told them he/she was unaware? Can you or your media at least say if the spokesperson was male or female? Yea/Nay
"according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report". Interesting I would love to know that too 🙂
Can you name the official who claimed that no f-16 was shot down, because that guy doesn't seem to exist apart from the fabrication from that FP report. Because your DoD says something else entirely.
"As a matter of policy, the Department does not publicly comment on details of government-to-government agreements on end-use monitoring of US-origin defence articles"🙂
"according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report". Interesting I would love to know that too 🙂
Can you name the official who claimed that no f-16 was shot down, because that guy doesn't seem to exist apart from the fabrication from that FP report. Because your DoD says something else entirely.
"As a matter of policy, the Department does not publicly comment on details of government-to-government agreements on end-use monitoring of US-origin defence articles"🙂
You boobs made the claim that PAF F-16 was shot down the onus is on you to prove it. India media made up a claim it talked to a defense department spokesperson that claimed he/she was unaware any count took place. India media also made up BS claim that SU-30 shot down incoming aim-120s. Lulz!

Here's what I'll do I'll pretend that the BS Indian media claim that they talked to a DOD spokesperson is true (which is not) so lets take a look what this supposed spokesperson said according to your media...

'A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.'

Are they saying it didn't happen? No! They are saying they are unaware. Unfortunately for you you're going to have to live the rest of your life that PAF shot down IAF fighter and no PAF F-16 was ever shot down. Your media and government doesn't think highly of you people which is why they tell you claims that are really absurd. Claims that you'd think only children would believe but then here you are believing the absurd.
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During combat, use of F-16 by PAF&multiple launches of AMRAAM were conclusively observed.Prompt&correct tactical action by Su-30 aircraft,in response to AMRAAM launch,defeated the missile. Parts of missile fell in area East of Rajouri in J&K, injuring a civilian on ground," said the IAF.

Do you actually read those articles or do you just fall for the click bait headlines ?

You guys are so easy to gyp , I can see why multiple call centers in India keep getting busted. The temptation is too much to resist & the reward worth the risk . For every one sorry SoB who gets caught here there must be 9 others rolling in hundreds of thousands if not millions.

I mean how the hell did build the most materially advanced nation in the world ? Or perhaps that was a different generation . The present one is too woke & they're actually the intelligent ones & then we have the likes of you .

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I believe top brass of our military didn't take this scenario ,or else they won't go ahead with court martial.

They held our land as on today,and we vacate the area we occupied,thanks to the sissy government we elected.
Our pussy government is a different matter.
You boobs made the claim that PAF F-16 was shot down the onus is on you to prove it. India media made up a claim it talked to a defense department spokesperson that claimed he/she was unaware any count took place. India media also made up BS claim that SU-30 shot down incoming aim-120s. Lulz!

Here's what I'll do I'll pretend that the BS Indian media claim that they talked to a DOD spokesperson is true (which is not) so lets take a look what this supposed spokesperson said according to your media...

'A US defence department spokesman told Hindustan Times in a statement that they, the department, “weren’t aware of any investigation like that”, that was said to have been conducted, according to unidentified defence officials cited in the FP report, and referred this reporter to the Department of State.'

Are they saying it didn't happen? No! They are saying they are unaware. Unfortunately for you you're going to have to live the rest of your life that PAF shot down IAF fighter and no PAF F-16 was ever shot down. Your media and government doesn't think highly of you people which is why they tell you claims that are really absurd. Claims that you'd think only children would believe but then here you are believing the absurd.
We have given the evidence. The plane went down in pakistani airspace. We made the claim but your MSM seems to ignore any evidence that has been provided by our side instead following Pakistani state line happily. Maybe look beyond whatever your MSM spouts and look at other sources for once.
Also it's funny how much mental gymnastics you have to do when straight up facts are being posted.
What is also really funny is you calling us gullible when your government fooled you guys into going in Iraq and Afghanistan and then got its *censored* handed.
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Our pussy government is a different matter.

We have given the evidence. The plane went down in pakistani airspace. We made the claim but your MSM seems to ignore any evidence that has been provided by our side instead following Pakistani state line happily. Maybe look beyond whatever your MSM spouts and look at other sources for once.
Also it's funny how much mental gymnastics you have to do when straight up facts are being posted.
What is also really funny is you calling us gullible when your government fooled you guys into going in Iraq and Afghanistan and then got its *censored* handed.
You haven't given crap only speculation and wishful thinking. Deal with it. Next time IAF should use their flankers and maybe the outcome will be different.
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Unfortunately for you and many here it didn't happen. You're just going to have to deal with that fact.
Reminds me of what some in the Pakistani establishment claimed once the Americans fled for their lives from Afghanistan all duly covered by 24x7 Live News Channels . That they used the Americans to get rid of the Soviets from Afghanistan & now they used the Americans to get rid of the Americans from Afghanistan .

To think the US paid Pakistan to the tune of some 30 billion USD in aid , transit rights etc over a period of 10 yrs - the very same money the Pakistanis used to arm the Taliban with what turned out to be US made arms in most cases.😆

Man you sure made them so good that they taught you what you neglected to learn. 🤣🤣
Reminds me of what some in the Pakistani establishment claimed once the Americans fled for their lives from Afghanistan all duly covered by 24x7 Live News Channels . That they used the Americans to get rid of the Soviets from Afghanistan & now they used the Americans to get rid of the Americans from Afghanistan .

To think the US paid Pakistan to the tune of some 30 billion USD in aid , transit rights etc over a period of 10 yrs - the very same money the Pakistanis used to arm the Taliban with what turned out to be US made arms in most cases.😆

Man you sure made them so good that they taught you what you neglected to learn. 🤣🤣

It is this Humiliation of Afghanistan , that Biden and Pentagon want to Remove , so they are using UKRAINE as a sacrificial Goat

Otherwise why would US pick up a quarrel with Russia
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It does? Wow. Funny how your circumcised evidence (lol) is nothing but allegations. All of this can be put to bed so easily by India if they in their official capacity ask the US if a PAF F-16 is missing but they don't because they know their claims is BS!

Indian diplomat can easily ask US but they don't want to. It's easier to lie to idiots like you who have the IQ of a macaca thn to tell them the truth and fear they won't get their vote.

No doubt, this Mig/F16 saga is hotly debated among Indian, Pakistani and foreign people both from official, semi official and general public.

It's also very well documented about the claims from Pakistani government authorities changing as time passed but not India's authorities.

So far India has presented a video of second shootdown in Pakistani occupied erstwhile J&K state, sightings from both Indian border posts and POK itself, an AWACS radar images, and AMRAAM missile parts with serial numbers to prove F16s uses which Pakistani authorities initially denied.

To counter India's claim, Pakistani authorities gave their own claim on second aircraft shootdown, however presenting none of evidence whatsoever, just to deny Indian authorities the claim as video evidence of second shootdown was already on YouTube.

There was a second jet shootdown that day same time there in POK. Now I don't claim if it was F16, JF17, Mirage of PAF or Su30, Mig of IAF as I am not in the know-how. I also understand that almost all forces do hide their losses for propaganda purposes depending on time and situation. I am indeed certain one of these two countries are hiding their one jet loss. As IAF did accept its loss of Mig21, I don't see why it wouldn't accept the second jet loss if it was also IAF operated jet.

In regards to PAF and Pakistani authorities hiding their losses, if past is to be considered as a standard practice, everything is possible there.

I am sharing an article shared by ex IAF pilot Sameer Joshi with help from few others like Bishwa for geo-location identification and tagging. Do go through the links in entirety, evaluate the evidences presented, make an opinion and share with us. I believe your opinion will be different if not outright opposite as compared to current opinion.

Here you go...

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The truth is... if we havent taken the written agreement "Instrument of Surrender" in the 1971 war, history would have been twisted and told to the next generation that we have evacuated East Pakistan due to political instability and Peoples demanded a new country for XYZ reasons. I feel the discussion is waste of time ... The objective is to give a clear message that we will strike when needed and the nuclear bluff is not going to stop us.
No doubt, this Mig/F16 saga is hotly debated among Indian, Pakistani and foreign people both from official, semi official and general public.

It's also very well documented about the claims from Pakistani government authorities changing as time passed but not India's authorities.

So far India has presented a video of second shootdown in Pakistani occupied erstwhile J&K state, sightings from both Indian border posts and POK itself, an AWACS radar images, and AMRAAM missile parts with serial numbers to prove F16s uses which Pakistani authorities initially denied.

To counter India's claim, Pakistani authorities gave their own claim on second aircraft shootdown, however presenting none of evidence whatsoever, just to deny Indian authorities the claim as video evidence of second shootdown was already on YouTube.

There was a second jet shootdown that day same time there in POK. Now I don't claim if it was F16, JF17, Mirage of PAF or Su30, Mig of IAF as I am not in the know-how. I also understand that almost all forces do hide their losses for propaganda purposes depending on time and situation. I am indeed certain one of these two countries are hiding their one jet loss. As IAF did accept its loss of Mig21, I don't see why it wouldn't accept the second jet loss if it was also IAF operated jet.

In regards to PAF and Pakistani authorities hiding their losses, if past is to be considered as a standard practice, everything is possible there.

I am sharing an article shared by ex IAF pilot Sameer Joshi with help from few others like Bishwa for geo-location identification and tagging. Do go through the links in entirety, evaluate the evidences presented, make an opinion and share with us. I believe your opinion will be different if not outright opposite as compared to current opinion.

Here you go...

I don't care what Pakistan or India claims. US counted PAF F-16s, none are missing and that is it. I don't care about the sole Indian reporter who claimed he spoke to a DOD spokesperson but conveniently decided to leave out the DOD spokespersons name out. Not only leave the name out but supposedly said the spokesperson was unaware a count took place not saying it didn't. Lets put this to bed....

IN DEPTH: Indian Plane Shot Down Over Pakistan in February

What we know about the MiG-21 shootdown in Pakistan on February 27, 2019​

On February 27, 2019, Pakistan shot down an Indian Air Force (IAF) MiG-21 Bison fighter aircraft. Both sides made differing claims about what transpired that day. The shootdown occurred during an engagement following a Pakistani strike on Indian territory, which was in response to the February 26 Indian airstrike on Pakistani territory.

One story claimed that the IAF downed a Pakistani F-16, while Pakistan claimed that it shot down two IAF aircraft. Some outlets claimed that they were two MiG-21s, and others that they were one MiG-21 and one Su-30MKI. Media from either country refuted the other’s claims. As a result of the Pakistani shootdown of the IAF aircraft, Pakistan captured and subsequently returned the downed plane’s pilot, wing commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

On April 8, 2019, the IAF doubled down on its assertions that Abhinandan shot down an F-16. While the IAF presented some circumstantial evidence — in the form of unverified radar images of an F-16 dropping off radar — to support that claim, it was insufficient to conclude the claim to be substantiated. Open-source evidence collected via social media points to a single IAF MiG-21.

The Wreckage — The First Impact Zone

Two main impact areas, one approximately 1.5 kilometers northeast of the second, were observed for the single MiG-21 shot down on February 27. The first impact zone included the fuselage of the aircraft, mostly in one piece, and the second mostly comprised the tail assembly of an aircraft scattered over a wider area.

In a March 4 article, Bellingcat identified the location of impact zone one, finding it to be between the two towns of Horan and Kotla. A video released on March 1 provided detailed footage from this crash site. Beyond the largely intact fuselage, which landed about 1,500 meters from impact zone two — which spread across the village of Sandar — a number of smaller objects at this site drew attention, given Indian claims about the incident. It is not entirely clear how the two crash sites ended up being so far from each other.

The objects of interest, more specifically, were the remains of four separate missiles. Indian media claimed that Wing Commander Abhinandan fired off an R-73 infrared homing missile at a Pakistani Air Force F-16, shooting it down before he himself was struck by a second PAF jet. For this, the possible make-up of the armament for a MiG is of particular interest.

A MiG-21 has four pylons that hold missiles, two on each wing, and which are frequently loaded with two Russia-made missiles, the R-77 and the R-73. The R-77 is widely considered a counterpart to the U.S. AIM-120 AMRAAM, which the Pakistani F-16s would have been carrying. The R-73, a comparatively lighter missile to the R-77, is generally situated on the outer pylons, compared to its heavier counterparts, which are typically placed on the inner pylons, as shown in the image below. The R-77 missile was retroactively made compatible with later MiG-21 variants such as the MiG-21–93 and Bison, and thus would have been present on the downed aircraft.

In surveying impact zone one, the DFRLab found the remnants of two R-77 missiles and two R-73s. The first identified missile was an R-77 on the left side of the fuselage. This fragment made up just less than half of the missile, comprising most of its forward portion. This would prove commonplace among the rest of the missile remains.

The second missile fragment was also from the forward portion of an R-77 and roughly half the size of the previous fragment. Matching markings and structural characteristics with a showroom model again revealed that this fragment also belonged to an R-77, albeit a separate missile than the one previously observed.

This second fragment reappeared in a tweet on March 17, in which it appeared with a second missile allegedly from the crash site. The tweet, and several others like it, claimed the image showed two R-73s. This was not accurate, however. The tweet, embedded below, showed a single R-73 in the rear of the photo and a single R-77 at the front. The R-77 — and, more importantly, the damage to it — closely resembled the second fragment shown above.

The other missile, the R-73, in the tweet did not appear in any open-source imagery prior to the March 17 post. This would account for one of two R-73s attached to the MiG shot down.

The forwardmost part — more specifically, the seeker module — of a second R-73 was documented in another photo of the wreckage, though it was not clear if it had been relocated to that position or if it had landed there after the missile struck the aircraft. Because the damage to the R-73 in the photo differed from that of the R-73 in the tweet, the DFRLab concluded that they were separate missiles.

As pointed out in a graphic posted by Twitter user @0threshold, attached to the left wing was the engine section of an R-73, still mounted to its launch unit. This may have been from the same missile as the R-73 fragment above, or it could have been from a second R-73.

This would make all four missiles accounted for — the two images of separate R-77 fragments, one of which was also apparent in the tweet; a third missile, an R-73, also shown in the tweet; and this final fragment of a second R-73. This means that the downed MiG-21 could not possibly have shot down an F-16, provided that the R-73 presented in the tweet was actually attached to the plane and not falsely introduced into the body of evidence.

The Wreckage — The Second Impact Zone

To identify whether one or two MiG-21s were shot down, the DFRLab identified every fragment recorded and found that they all likely belonged to a single aircraft. These findings are detailed below.

One of the largest intact pieces recorded at the second impact zone was a fuel tank, or “drop tank,” likely originating from a MiG-21. The drop tank was pictured in front of a distinctive three-story building in the village of Sandar. It was unclear whether the tank had landed in this spot, as the ground appeared undamaged, though it did appear to have taken significant damage as result of impact with the ground.

Reports from India and international media stated that one of the pictures was of the wreckage of an F‑16 that fell in Pakistan territory. Open-source examination by Bellingcat, however, suggested the wreckage is of the outer covering of MiG-21. Specifically, this part appears to be from the lower part of a MiG-21 tail assembly.

Two separate sightings of this part have been made, once in a photo where it lay in a puddle of water in an elevated position and once in a video where it was dragged along the ground. This piece appears to be the lower rear part of a MiG-21.

Analysis of the debris shows that it likely detached from a larger fragment of the aircraft’s empennage, which included part of the vertical stabilizer and right elevator — used to house the rudder and controlling the plane’s pitch, respectively — of a MiG-21. In counting the rivets on the unpainted MiG-21, the number of vertical rivet lines in the wreckage matched those in a MiG-21 reference photo. Further inspection of the video footage showed a protrusion from the main bulk, which closely matched the lower vertical stabilizer for a MiG-21, further suggesting that this part came from the rear of the aircraft.

The video footage from Facebook showed this fragment being dragged along the ground, so it was unclear whether this fragment landed somewhere near the drop tank, though it was spotted in nearly the same location.

Comparing the building in the video footage to the one in satellite imagery, it seemed that the stone wall in the right side of the camera’s field of view was the same one that the drop tank was leaning up against.

Another image also surfaced, showing the above wreckage with a partial vertical stabilizer, partial engine, and right elevator from a MiG-21.

Comparing the multiple angles available of this site to satellite imagery, the DFRLab determined that the rear section landed outside a building in the eastern section of Sandar. Two perspectives were selected to illustrate this point; one looking westward down the mountain and toward the village center and one looking eastward toward the adjacent building.

The first perspective included a number of key details to assist in this geolocation. First, there were two buildings with flat roofs down a steep incline and partially obscured by trees. There was a dirt road leading toward these buildings from behind the photographer.

The second perspective, looking eastward, showed a building with three separate protrusions. These three protrusions were visible in satellite imagery, along with two trees at the entrance to the building. A panorama stitched together from three separate images of the scene revealed more details matching the satellite imagery. Note that the different locations of the photographers created the false impression that there are two pieces of wreckage and two roads.

In the northern section of the village, a left elevator was found. While left and right elevators are highly similar, this elevator had an upward facing circular set of rivets, which would be downward facing when attached to a MiG-21. Because of the orientation of this piece of wreckage, it was clear that this was the underside of a left elevator, complementing the right elevator still attached to the larger piece of wreckage.

Other angles of this piece of wreckage revealed a three-story building with characteristically orange roofing in the background. This building was surrounded by a wall and was visibly adjacent to at least one building.

Comparing this building against satellite imagery of the general crash area, it appeared that the left elevator had landed approximately 400 meters north of where the external fuel tank was photographed and approximately 500 meters northwest of where the main piece of empennage appeared to have landed. Twitter user @obretix reached similar conclusions about the geolocations of these fragments.

Another piece of wreckage, seemingly from the left side of the tail fin, or “vertical stabilizer,” was documented at this same location. It was clear that this was the left side due to the positioning of the lettering in relation to a green-painted panel at the top of the vertical stabilizer. In this image, the lettering was closest to the green panel in the number section. As the image below shows, the letters “CU” should be directly below the green panel on the right side.

Looking at the orange box highlighted in the above image shows that the part says CU-2328, matching IAF MiG-21 Bison marking conventions, as well as documents captured from Wing Commander Varthinan.


Many unanswered questions remain about the MiG shootdown during the February 27 skirmish. There was no evidence to suggest that either a PAF F-16, an IAF Su-30MKI, or more than one IAF MiG-21 were downed in this incident. All documented debris available in the open-source environment appeared to have originated from a single MiG-21 bison that broke up mid-air and landed in two adjacent impact zones.

The fact that the aircraft was struck at the rear coupled with the dispersion of the wreckage in a northeasterly direction suggests that the MiG was struck from behind at a point where it was moving toward the Indian border. It is still unclear what aircraft shot down the MiG-21, and it is possible that conclusive evidence on this question will never be released.

Since all R-73 missiles were accounted for, the claims that the wing commander fired a missile before his aircraft was struck seem highly unlikely. The only way that an R-73 could have been fired during this engagement would be if the evidence presented in the March 17 tweet was fabricated, which the DFRLab could not confirm.

Indian pride took a severe hit and the government decided to go out of its way to boost Indian pride back by lying to the masses and luckily for Indian government the masses were du... the masses bought into it. :)

Deal with it no PAF F-16 was shot down. If anything consider yourselves lucky PAF F-16's are armed with outdated Aim-120c5's and weren't armed with Aim-120C7's or we'd be talking about not only the shootdown of IAF mig-21 but also shoot down of IAF SU-30's. You can thank the US for that.
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US counted PAF F-16s, none are missing and that is it.
Pls post here such a deposition by the Pentagon or State Department to Congress or a statement affirming your claim by any spokesperson or senior administration official from aforementioned departments to that effect.

Deal with it no PAF F-16 was shot down. If anything consider yourselves lucky PAF F-16's are armed with outdated Aim-120c5's and weren't armed with Aim-120C7's or we'd be talking about not only the shootdown of IAF mig-21 but also shoot down of IAF SU-30's. You can thank the US for that.
Indeed. We owe you more than a word of thanks for spending some two decades in Afghanistan tackling the terrorists there which saved us a lot of bother , not to mention - resources in terms of men , material & money besides buying us time to boost our economy & reorganize our armed forces.

On behalf of the warlords in Afghanistan whose pockets you so generously filled , on behalf of the Pakistani Army & the ISI on whom you bestowed your largesse for 2 decades including a decade after OBL was found hiding deep inside Paxtan ( an ungrateful person viz Paxtani would describe such behaviour as cuck but we aren't Paxtanis ) & on behalf of the people & government of India for services rendered as described above , pls accept our humble gratitude.

P.S - the Taliban miss bumming your boys which is why the Brits want to return , Pakistan Army misses your generosity & we'd appreciate your presence in Afghanistan too in case you change your mind which we actively & enthusiastically urge you to .
I don't care what Pakistan or India claims. US counted PAF F-16s, none are missing and that is it. I don't care about the sole Indian reporter who claimed he spoke to a DOD spokesperson but conveniently decided to leave out the DOD spokespersons name out. Not only leave the name out but supposedly said the spokesperson was unaware a count took place not saying it didn't. Lets put this to bed....

IN DEPTH: Indian Plane Shot Down Over Pakistan in February

What we know about the MiG-21 shootdown in Pakistan on February 27, 2019​

On February 27, 2019, Pakistan shot down an Indian Air Force (IAF) MiG-21 Bison fighter aircraft. Both sides made differing claims about what transpired that day. The shootdown occurred during an engagement following a Pakistani strike on Indian territory, which was in response to the February 26 Indian airstrike on Pakistani territory.

One story claimed that the IAF downed a Pakistani F-16, while Pakistan claimed that it shot down two IAF aircraft. Some outlets claimed that they were two MiG-21s, and others that they were one MiG-21 and one Su-30MKI. Media from either country refuted the other’s claims. As a result of the Pakistani shootdown of the IAF aircraft, Pakistan captured and subsequently returned the downed plane’s pilot, wing commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

On April 8, 2019, the IAF doubled down on its assertions that Abhinandan shot down an F-16. While the IAF presented some circumstantial evidence — in the form of unverified radar images of an F-16 dropping off radar — to support that claim, it was insufficient to conclude the claim to be substantiated. Open-source evidence collected via social media points to a single IAF MiG-21.

The Wreckage — The First Impact Zone

Two main impact areas, one approximately 1.5 kilometers northeast of the second, were observed for the single MiG-21 shot down on February 27. The first impact zone included the fuselage of the aircraft, mostly in one piece, and the second mostly comprised the tail assembly of an aircraft scattered over a wider area.

In a March 4 article, Bellingcat identified the location of impact zone one, finding it to be between the two towns of Horan and Kotla. A video released on March 1 provided detailed footage from this crash site. Beyond the largely intact fuselage, which landed about 1,500 meters from impact zone two — which spread across the village of Sandar — a number of smaller objects at this site drew attention, given Indian claims about the incident. It is not entirely clear how the two crash sites ended up being so far from each other.

The objects of interest, more specifically, were the remains of four separate missiles. Indian media claimed that Wing Commander Abhinandan fired off an R-73 infrared homing missile at a Pakistani Air Force F-16, shooting it down before he himself was struck by a second PAF jet. For this, the possible make-up of the armament for a MiG is of particular interest.

A MiG-21 has four pylons that hold missiles, two on each wing, and which are frequently loaded with two Russia-made missiles, the R-77 and the R-73. The R-77 is widely considered a counterpart to the U.S. AIM-120 AMRAAM, which the Pakistani F-16s would have been carrying. The R-73, a comparatively lighter missile to the R-77, is generally situated on the outer pylons, compared to its heavier counterparts, which are typically placed on the inner pylons, as shown in the image below. The R-77 missile was retroactively made compatible with later MiG-21 variants such as the MiG-21–93 and Bison, and thus would have been present on the downed aircraft.

In surveying impact zone one, the DFRLab found the remnants of two R-77 missiles and two R-73s. The first identified missile was an R-77 on the left side of the fuselage. This fragment made up just less than half of the missile, comprising most of its forward portion. This would prove commonplace among the rest of the missile remains.

The second missile fragment was also from the forward portion of an R-77 and roughly half the size of the previous fragment. Matching markings and structural characteristics with a showroom model again revealed that this fragment also belonged to an R-77, albeit a separate missile than the one previously observed.

This second fragment reappeared in a tweet on March 17, in which it appeared with a second missile allegedly from the crash site. The tweet, and several others like it, claimed the image showed two R-73s. This was not accurate, however. The tweet, embedded below, showed a single R-73 in the rear of the photo and a single R-77 at the front. The R-77 — and, more importantly, the damage to it — closely resembled the second fragment shown above.

The other missile, the R-73, in the tweet did not appear in any open-source imagery prior to the March 17 post. This would account for one of two R-73s attached to the MiG shot down.

The forwardmost part — more specifically, the seeker module — of a second R-73 was documented in another photo of the wreckage, though it was not clear if it had been relocated to that position or if it had landed there after the missile struck the aircraft. Because the damage to the R-73 in the photo differed from that of the R-73 in the tweet, the DFRLab concluded that they were separate missiles.

As pointed out in a graphic posted by Twitter user @0threshold, attached to the left wing was the engine section of an R-73, still mounted to its launch unit. This may have been from the same missile as the R-73 fragment above, or it could have been from a second R-73.

This would make all four missiles accounted for — the two images of separate R-77 fragments, one of which was also apparent in the tweet; a third missile, an R-73, also shown in the tweet; and this final fragment of a second R-73. This means that the downed MiG-21 could not possibly have shot down an F-16, provided that the R-73 presented in the tweet was actually attached to the plane and not falsely introduced into the body of evidence.

The Wreckage — The Second Impact Zone

To identify whether one or two MiG-21s were shot down, the DFRLab identified every fragment recorded and found that they all likely belonged to a single aircraft. These findings are detailed below.

One of the largest intact pieces recorded at the second impact zone was a fuel tank, or “drop tank,” likely originating from a MiG-21. The drop tank was pictured in front of a distinctive three-story building in the village of Sandar. It was unclear whether the tank had landed in this spot, as the ground appeared undamaged, though it did appear to have taken significant damage as result of impact with the ground.

Reports from India and international media stated that one of the pictures was of the wreckage of an F‑16 that fell in Pakistan territory. Open-source examination by Bellingcat, however, suggested the wreckage is of the outer covering of MiG-21. Specifically, this part appears to be from the lower part of a MiG-21 tail assembly.

Two separate sightings of this part have been made, once in a photo where it lay in a puddle of water in an elevated position and once in a video where it was dragged along the ground. This piece appears to be the lower rear part of a MiG-21.

Analysis of the debris shows that it likely detached from a larger fragment of the aircraft’s empennage, which included part of the vertical stabilizer and right elevator — used to house the rudder and controlling the plane’s pitch, respectively — of a MiG-21. In counting the rivets on the unpainted MiG-21, the number of vertical rivet lines in the wreckage matched those in a MiG-21 reference photo. Further inspection of the video footage showed a protrusion from the main bulk, which closely matched the lower vertical stabilizer for a MiG-21, further suggesting that this part came from the rear of the aircraft.

The video footage from Facebook showed this fragment being dragged along the ground, so it was unclear whether this fragment landed somewhere near the drop tank, though it was spotted in nearly the same location.

Comparing the building in the video footage to the one in satellite imagery, it seemed that the stone wall in the right side of the camera’s field of view was the same one that the drop tank was leaning up against.

Another image also surfaced, showing the above wreckage with a partial vertical stabilizer, partial engine, and right elevator from a MiG-21.

Comparing the multiple angles available of this site to satellite imagery, the DFRLab determined that the rear section landed outside a building in the eastern section of Sandar. Two perspectives were selected to illustrate this point; one looking westward down the mountain and toward the village center and one looking eastward toward the adjacent building.

The first perspective included a number of key details to assist in this geolocation. First, there were two buildings with flat roofs down a steep incline and partially obscured by trees. There was a dirt road leading toward these buildings from behind the photographer.

The second perspective, looking eastward, showed a building with three separate protrusions. These three protrusions were visible in satellite imagery, along with two trees at the entrance to the building. A panorama stitched together from three separate images of the scene revealed more details matching the satellite imagery. Note that the different locations of the photographers created the false impression that there are two pieces of wreckage and two roads.

In the northern section of the village, a left elevator was found. While left and right elevators are highly similar, this elevator had an upward facing circular set of rivets, which would be downward facing when attached to a MiG-21. Because of the orientation of this piece of wreckage, it was clear that this was the underside of a left elevator, complementing the right elevator still attached to the larger piece of wreckage.

Other angles of this piece of wreckage revealed a three-story building with characteristically orange roofing in the background. This building was surrounded by a wall and was visibly adjacent to at least one building.

Comparing this building against satellite imagery of the general crash area, it appeared that the left elevator had landed approximately 400 meters north of where the external fuel tank was photographed and approximately 500 meters northwest of where the main piece of empennage appeared to have landed. Twitter user @obretix reached similar conclusions about the geolocations of these fragments.

Another piece of wreckage, seemingly from the left side of the tail fin, or “vertical stabilizer,” was documented at this same location. It was clear that this was the left side due to the positioning of the lettering in relation to a green-painted panel at the top of the vertical stabilizer. In this image, the lettering was closest to the green panel in the number section. As the image below shows, the letters “CU” should be directly below the green panel on the right side.

Looking at the orange box highlighted in the above image shows that the part says CU-2328, matching IAF MiG-21 Bison marking conventions, as well as documents captured from Wing Commander Varthinan.


Many unanswered questions remain about the MiG shootdown during the February 27 skirmish. There was no evidence to suggest that either a PAF F-16, an IAF Su-30MKI, or more than one IAF MiG-21 were downed in this incident. All documented debris available in the open-source environment appeared to have originated from a single MiG-21 bison that broke up mid-air and landed in two adjacent impact zones.

The fact that the aircraft was struck at the rear coupled with the dispersion of the wreckage in a northeasterly direction suggests that the MiG was struck from behind at a point where it was moving toward the Indian border. It is still unclear what aircraft shot down the MiG-21, and it is possible that conclusive evidence on this question will never be released.

Since all R-73 missiles were accounted for, the claims that the wing commander fired a missile before his aircraft was struck seem highly unlikely. The only way that an R-73 could have been fired during this engagement would be if the evidence presented in the March 17 tweet was fabricated, which the DFRLab could not confirm.

Look of course the IAF pilot lied he just got shot down and humiliated by being paraded. Indian pride took a severe hit and the government decided to go out of its way to boost Indian pride back by lying to the masses and luckily for Indian government the masses were du... the masses bought into it. :)

Deal with it no PAF F-16 was shot down. If anything consider yourselves lucky PAF F-16's are armed with outdated Aim-120c5's and weren't armed with Aim-120C7's or we'd be talking about not only the shootdown of IAF mig-21 but also shoot down of IAF SU-30's. You can thank the US for that.
This is a very embarrassing thing, after all, all Indians are emphasizing that Pakistan is vulnerable,
But who lost planes in 2019? India,
Pakistan used effective tactics to achieve its tactical goals
This is a very embarrassing thing, after all, all Indians are emphasizing that Pakistan is vulnerable,
But who lost planes in 2019? India,
Pakistan used effective tactics to achieve its tactical goals

The Pakistanis lost 200-300 men in a series of attacks and then they did nothing except shoot down a Mig-21 that had crossed the LoC and completely lacked protection.