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Nope, I don't know if others still can PM, but they've taken away my ability to.
I think they've eliminated this privilege for everyone. Cool down. I'm sure this is a trivial incident. Not worth taking such drastic action over. Take a few days off and return afresh and rejuvenated.
@RATHORE No one has anything against you.... But abuses and racial slurs are not acceptable..... Stand off thread will be moderater closely... If you think anyone is breaking rules, Do report... Moderation team will take action..... Stay or leave is left to you.... You are welcome here.....

If you want to discuss this further Can open a PM.....Other wise this matter is closed....
Mods what is the highest limit on size of an uploaded file on this forum ? I've some really high resolution photos(like 5000x8000 pix with a file size around 50 MBs). Its important for the sake of comparison that I don't dilute the quality of the pics. Posting a link from Imgur or some other photo hosting sites won't do.

What do I do ?
Mods what is the highest limit on size of an uploaded file on this forum ? I've some really high resolution photos(like 5000x8000 pix with a file size around 50 MBs). Its important for the sake of comparison that I don't dilute the quality of the pics. Posting a link from Imgur or some other photo hosting sites won't do.

What do I do ?
There is size limitation from the server side. Also, from the user's end, it will take too much time to load. Which is not good user experience.
There is size limitation from the server side. Also, from the user's end, it will take too much time to load. Which is not good user experience.
Alright then, it can't be helped. I'll just post a link to all the photos. Thank you for the prompt response, it is very much appreciated.
Alright then, it can't be helped. I'll just post a link to all the photos. Thank you for the prompt response, it is very much appreciated.

One really basic thing you can do is take a large file, open it in an imager on a PC - Window's 10 Photos for instance - and use a basic editor like the snipping tool to capture the image. Obviously the resolution won't be identical, but you will be able to post the picture.

Most of what I post are edited versions of original photos I've taken. This one of an F-35A of the RNoAF at the 2019 Kjeller Air Show is originally 7711 kb (5238 X 3580 px), so beyond the upload limit that seems to be around 1 mb or slightly higher (it's low, but sometimes you can get a 2mb image to load if it's the right format). Cropping or snipping it with an editor does help avoid that limit without needing to play around with resizing tools or more advanced image editors which take some skill and knowledge to use or else the aspect ratio tends to get borked. Doing this doesn't exactly keep the high-def picture afforded by higher pixel counts, but then again they don't really matter if no one can see the photo. Right?


If you can try converting from JPEG to BMP or PNG, something with less "weight". Most photos I take of foreign militaries are BMP format because they're easier to load, even when large files, and allowing for mammoth resolutions without increasing the size of the file. Good for analytics work where detail's very important. A 7 mb JPEG would only be around 1-2 mb as a BMP file.

If you're on the Pakistani forum, try looking at some of my photos of the Danish military. They're all very large files, high pixel count and resolution, and that forum has an upload limit too, but because I convert them to other formats I can have the site host the entire file, not just a cropped or snipped version. As a BMP I don't have to limit the photo's size. Check AMF too if it's still around. I have more unaltered pictures there.

My two cents as an amateur military photographer:geek:.
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Thank you very much for this. Finally I am able to upload some good photos.
Cropping or snipping it with an editor does help avoid that limit without needing to play around with resizing tools or more advanced image editors which take some skill and knowledge to use or else the aspect ratio tends to get borked. Doing this doesn't exactly keep the high-def picture afforded by higher pixel counts, but then again they don't really matter if no one can see the photo. Right?
Well I don't have any photo or video editing software. So I used MS Paint(yep, I am cheap like that). I resized them while maintaining the aspect ratio and it worked. I'll tag you to those photos.
You are correct there when you say it doesn't matter if it doesn't upload or is not visible. This is why I don't use photo hosting sites. Posting a link doesn't quite do it sometimes.
the upload limit that seems to be around 1 mb or slightly higher (it's low, but sometimes you can get a 2mb image to load if it's the right format)
I somehow managed to upload a few pics at around 3 MB. Don't know how and it only worked for one or two photos. The rest are all 2.4-2.9 MB.
If you can try converting from JPEG to BMP or PNG, something with less "weight". Most photos I take of foreign militaries are BMP format because they're easier to load, even when large files, and allowing for mammoth resolutions without increasing the size of the file. Good for analytics work where detail's very important. A 7 mb JPEG would only be around 1-2 mb as a BMP file.
All the photos I had were JPG files. Converting it to a BMP or PNG had minimal effect, maybe because they were JPG instead of JPEG. Or maybe just my converter software isn't quite working. I use the format factory software, because its free(I refuse to spend money on stuff that I can get for free).
My two cents as an amateur military photographer:geek:.
Thanks again for taking the time to write this.
How Chandra plans to tackle the 2 key challenges of Tata group

It seems that the total debt of The TATA group is about a third of your sovereign debt, assuming your debt is 100 billion USD, give or take a few billions.
F. Y. I The Tata Group has a T/o in excess of 100 billion USD which is approximately a third of your GDP.

@safriz ; @zarvan ; @Arsalan123
Do not bait other members on every thread and make ita thu thu main main discussion.
This single tag reached till CPEC and chinese are threating others! @Arsalan123

Please report when threads go offtopic.
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Do not bait other members on every thread and make ita thu thu main main discussion.
This single tag reached till CPEC and chinese are threating others! @Arsalan123

Please report when threads go offtopic.
That post was made more than 2 weeks ago. You discovered it now? Moreover, none of the so called 'baited' members responded. People can be baited by sensational news not by facts. These are facts.
That post was made more than 2 weeks ago. You discovered it now? Moreover, none of the so called 'baited' members responded. People can be baited by sensational news not by facts. These are facts.

What do TATAs debit has to do with pakistani economy?
What do TATAs debit has to do with pakistani economy?
I thought I wrote about it there.Didn't you read it? The cumulative debt of the Tata group is about equal to the National debt of Pakistan. And the chances of the Tata group repaying it's debt is more than that of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan doing so.
I thought I wrote about it there.Didn't you read it? The cumulative debt of the Tata group is about equal to the National debt of Pakistan. And the chances of the Tata group repaying it's debt is more than that of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan doing so.
It was not an observation or a statement on the economy of Pakistan but a direct reference to the members tagged. One responded and few pages went on unrelated to the topic. Please report when this happens. (Moved those for mow)

It seems that the total debt of The TATA group is about a third of your sovereign debt, assuming your debt is 100 billion USD, give or take a few billions.
F. Y. I The Tata Group has a T/o in excess of 100 billion USD which is approximately a third of your GDP.
It was not an observation or a statement on the economy of Pakistan but a direct reference to the members tagged. One responded and few pages went on unrelated to the topic. Please report when this happens.
The tags were to get the members opinions. With facts. Not my problem if they didn't respond or went of on a tangent. The way I see it, flame baits are related to sensationalism where a man or men are caught indulging in bestiality or a man fathering 100 odd children or the usual toilet and rape threads or even related to religion. I've never created or respond to those threads. Your finding a thread seeking to draw an analogy between the debt of a premier industrial house in India to Pakistan's sovereign debt and their ability or lack of it from repaying it is surprising to say the least.
Do not bait other members on every thread and make ita thu thu main main discussion.
This single tag reached till CPEC and chinese are threating others! @Arsalan123

Please report when threads go offtopic.
It's ok ashwin.anonymous is like a friend to me.i report only abuse and p word.i have seen p word everywhere on indian defence forum but this forum is different.there are good people here.