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We do not take abuses lightly........Poster sent on a long vacation, probably the last before sending permanently
Is anyone else having problems with post links not working quite right. I click on my alerts and initially it goes to the correct post but then it scrolls half way down the page.

I see that nut screambowl is banned. While part of me rejoices, I don't think it's the right measure. I don't know if you've effected it but if you have, then aren't we guilty of intolerance if we haven't asked the person to back up his claims repeatedly before issuing a thread ban instead of an outright ban. Just my 2 penny dissenting view.
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Good Morning,

I have found the forum to be quite informative and have gained interesting insights over the few months since I joined, (and before while being a lurker). Moreover, I have also used the 'Search' and 'Advanced Search' functionality over multiple weekends to dig back to about 2 years worth of data and read upon the posts by a set of knowledgeable folks that I have been following off late. I engaged in this exercise primarily:

1. To understand the context of certain topics under discussion, and,
2. Obviate the need to ask questions that were already answered before.

To that effect, I was wondering if it were possible to add an *additional* option in the 'Advanced Search' - 'Search Threads' tab: to filter out posts with an "i" (Informative) reaction of greater than or equal to 'x', where 'x' can be an integer greater than 1.

I am not aware of how much control the administrators have over such functionality, but, felt it be best if I just put this thought out here. Of course, if its not possible, then I don't mind using the existing search functionality with the keyword search, as, I have been doing it often.

To explain where I am coming from on this, I have noticed a pattern (over 2 years worth of data), where - to a civilian such as myself - posts where i gained quite an amount of knowledge typically tended to have an "i" reaction of over 5.

I attach a screenshot of this forum's search tab where I feel such an option may be useful:

search thread.png

Thank You & Have a Nice Day,
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Reactions: Ashwin
Good Morning,

I have found the forum to be quite informative and have gained interesting insights over the few months since I joined, (and before while being a lurker). Moreover, I have also used the 'Search' and 'Advanced Search' functionality over multiple weekends to dig back to about 2 years worth of data and read upon the posts by a set of knowledgeable folks that I have been following off late. I engaged in this exercise primarily:

1. To understand the context of certain topics under discussion, and,
2. Obviate the need to ask questions that were already answered before.

To that effect, I was wondering if it were possible to add an *additional* option in the 'Advanced Search' - 'Search Threads' tab: to filter out posts with an "i" (Informative) reaction of greater than or equal to 'x', where 'x' can be an integer greater than 1.

I am not aware of how much control the administrators have over such functionality, but, felt it be best if I just put this thought out here. Of course, if its not possible, then I don't mind using the existing search functionality with the keyword search, as, I have been doing it often.

To explain where I am coming from on this, I have noticed a pattern (over 2 years worth of data), where - to a civilian such as myself - posts where i gained quite an amount of knowledge typically tended to have an "i" reaction of over 5.

I attach a screenshot of this forum's search tab where I feel such an option may be useful:

View attachment 10496

Thank You & Have a Nice Day,
Not sure about this, but will look in to this...

@Ashwin @Avi

I see that nut screambowl is banned. While part of me rejoices, I don't think it's the right measure. I don't know if you've effected it but if you have, then aren't we guilty of intolerance if we haven't asked the person to back up his claims repeatedly before issuing a thread ban instead of an outright ban. Just my 2 penny dissenting view.

Nah, he is only on 24 hour rest. Thread ban went into a 24 hour ban. Even thread ban was meant for 24 hours only. The said member is actually an useful addition who adds a lot of negativity to temper the forum. He was given a time out to prevent him from getting into a mode that would have seen him get a ban.
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The 10 images per post limit is playing up for me with bizarre outcomes. I have less than 10 but it says I have more, so I split them into two posts and then they post as one???o_O
The 10 images per post limit is playing up for me with bizarre outcomes. I have less than 10 but it says I have more, so I split them into two posts and then they post as one???o_O
We have added a new auto merging feature.
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@mod responsible

So you deleted my post ok that's your perogative

But when somebody calls Hindus ( who are celebrating ram janmabhomi judgement ) as loonies

And yet you don't delete that post .

You mods playing favourites ?

Or you mods decisions are biased on personal leanings ?

Don't bother to answer

This was noticed by me many times certain mods bring their political and ideological leanings to decide what to keep and what to delete. Forget about unbiased actions , that's too much to expect

Anyways for all its worth this is my last post on this forum


I don't expect both of you guys to do anything but atleast if you guys want make sure to provide a even playing field for all , good behaviour is not the burden of one religion one ideology only . If a mod plays favourites to his ideology and religion then this forum is no better than peedf . You can't allow a member to take potshots at other religions directly or indirectly and shield him . Those days r gone . We give as good as we get. Me today somebody tomorrow and everytime and always
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@mod responsible

So you deleted my post ok that's your perogative

But a loony bin calls Hindus ( who are celebrating ram janmabhomi judgement ) as loonies

And yet you don't delete that post .

You mods playing favourites ?

Or you mods decisions are biased on personal leanings ?

Don't bother to answer

This was noticed by me many times certain mods bring their political and ideological leanings to decide what to keep and what to delete. Forget about unbiased actions , that's too much to expect

Anyways for all its worth this is my last post on this forum

Or may be they are not fit or competent to hold the post. Closing threads and deleting posts on a whim, were my reasons I stopped posting here. we need grownups to run this forum, if it has to grow, else it will just remain a Boy Scout club.
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@mod responsible

So you deleted my post ok that's your perogative

But when somebody calls Hindus ( who are celebrating ram janmabhomi judgement ) as loonies

And yet you don't delete that post .

You mods playing favourites ?

Or you mods decisions are biased on personal leanings ?

Don't bother to answer

This was noticed by me many times certain mods bring their political and ideological leanings to decide what to keep and what to delete. Forget about unbiased actions , that's too much to expect

Anyways for all its worth this is my last post on this forum


I don't expect both of you guys to do anything but atleast if you guys want make sure to provide a even playing field for all , good behaviour is not the burden of one religion one ideology only . If a mod plays favourites to his ideology and religion then this forum is no better than peedf . You can't allow a member to take potshots at other religions directly or indirectly and shield him . Those days r gone . We give as good as we get. Me today somebody tomorrow and everytime.
Checked the deleted post. You attacked him personally which was reported and it was removed. The original post did not attack or name religion. Its also been removed since it's not useful.. Perceived indirect attacks should be reported not replied.

This is forum is not for religious or political discussions. Allowed threads will be strictly moderated.
Can anyone here explain what's happened to @RATHORE ? @Falcon ; @Milspec ; @Ashwin ; @nair ; @Arvind

Apparently he was banned for abuse. But guynextdoor was too as was this mod editt vsdoc. Both of them appeared in less than a month whereas Rathore has been banned since the past 4 months.How come Rathore was permabanned?
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