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I know you from the Pak place since your active phase, so I would not take you as that.

It was only if you had let your personal altercation lead to his ban in any way.

Either way you guys have somehow shut @S.A.T.A up.

Banned Guy.

Banned me.

I just came back.

Sanghis get no forum ban.

Except the nice guy gone toxic Rathore.

I'm a radical bro. I believe there is no sense in having a belief if you are not 100% committed to it.

That's for 99% of humanity. And most guys I see. Will act all big balls. But keep shrewdly quiet on touchy issues.

Not me ...

Cheers, Doc

We give lot of leverage to every individual and opinion, no matter how extreme and raw their posts are, while in ambit of civility and minimum decorum expectations. That is the reason why we do not have folks getting banned left and right (not that we have so many as well).

This forum represents(in whatever proportion) the general mindset in our society which is getting more right of center, thus more posters with such inclination while the other side certainly looking out for a breather.

Do we really have much to discuss on banning? Hardly couple of folks received them. Have you been banned for your opinions or the something else? GND really?

@S.A.T.A is doing perfectly fine and that is kind of argument we welcome on this forum and everywhere else. Well presented and articulated.

Even by your own admission you can count 2 including yourself from the "other" side, how come you forget Kshitij guy doc? That makes 2 casualties in the right wing as well. lol


Mind you, if this country will break ever, it will not be the religion but the region which will be the factor. I will counter anyone coming up with regional divide more than on religion and caste. My personal altercation has nothing to do with any mod action, I hardly issue even an infraction.
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We give lot of leverage to every individual and opinion, no matter how extreme and raw their posts are, while in ambit of civility and minimum decorum expectations. That is the reason why we do not have folks getting banned left and right (not that we have so many as well).

This forum represents(in whatever proportion) the general mindset in our society which is getting more right of center, thus more posters with such inclination while the other side certainly looking out for a breather.

Do we really have much to discuss on banning? Hardly couple of folks received them. Have you been banned for your opinions or the something else? GND really?

@S.A.T.A is doing perfectly fine and that is kind of argument we welcome on this forum and everywhere else. Well presented and articulated.

Even by your own admission you can count 2 including yourself from the "other" side, how come you forget Kshitij guy doc? That makes 2 casualties in the right wing as well. lol


Mind you, if this country will break ever, it will not be the religion but the region which will be the factor. I will counter anyone coming up with regional divide more than on religion and caste. My personal altercation has nothing to do with any mod action, I hardly issue even an infraction.

This country is heading to a class war.

Is actually in the early throes of it.

I've said it many times.

The violence will find Hindus and Muslims on the same side.

Hindutva is being driven by the disadvantaged lessers of India.

Though it's being fuelled and fanned by the upper castes.

This is not uncommon to how the Brahmin class has always used and manipulated Hindu society.

From the time of its clash with Buddhism.

To as recently as it's backdoor adjustment with the Muslim invaders.

Cheers, Doc
Hi @mods + @admins + regular members

Is the forum part of the website experiencing a bit of slowness lately? Cache or something might need a bit of refreshing server side.
Problems I am encountering ,

1. Pages takes lot of time to load
2. All twitter links are broken ( twitter links when clicked shows "page not found")
Problems facing on mobile and chrome OS
1. When clicked on some threads logs out directly and window needs to be closed and site reopened
Problems facing on mobile and chrome OS
1. When clicked on some threads logs out directly and window needs to be closed and site reopened
Some links on chatbox are appearing without https. That's why it's logging out. On that window itself you can add 'https' in place of 'http'.
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@Ashwin I found out what the problem is . I am getting twitter link as follows which gives me "page not found" error .

If I replace the 'statuses' in above link with 'user/status' , I get the correct link and tweet .

Any solution to this problem ??
Yes this is how embedded posts works on this platform. It converts to statuses/.

I check on windows/chrome. It's working fine.

Anyone else having this issue ?
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Ok I wrote a reply to above in which I dared mentioning BJP and their rhetoric, and it was deleted.
Point was , what the political elite think and what trained professionals know are entirely different.
For political elite, Pakistan can be destroyed in 20 minutes but the Indian military knows otherwise.
So carry on... No point in replying on this thread.
Why don't you follow your sermon the righteous?

Screenshot_2020-03-16 Pakistan test fires 600 km range RAAD-2 ALCM(1).png
@Mods - The forum login is giving error with Twitter integration (for new signins). Can you please help
I tested, it seems working.

Can you post the error? Also, make sure URL starts with https:// all the time.
I tested, it seems working.

Can you post the error? Also, make sure URL starts with https:// all the time.

The URL is not in my control. I click on the Login via twitter button, twitter authentication successful page loads up correctly. Next page should be the forum which is not secure and fails

Edit - The issue is only on Safari browser. Chrome and Mozilla work just fine. Also manually inserting the HTTPS:// works
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We all want the same thing. But there must be factors holding the govt. back

You are over complicating things

Mahatmagiri aka selfish interests in ingrained in our population , no point trying to find excuses.


yesterday I reported a post which called the terrorists who killed 5 of our countrymen just a couple of days ago as " freedom fighters " . Now as an Indian who owns an indian forum and which literally runs on the sweat and blood of these very soldiers would you put forth such acts of mahatmagiri ?


Maybe yes

Possibly due to selfish interests same like politicians who need funding / support from whoever that might be , generals who need black labels , journalists who need booty , forum owners who need to host freedom fighters aka terrorist sympathisers for livelier content , liberals / Islamists due to their compulsion to feed on the misery of others etc.

I hope you got the gist . So don't waste time thinking something good will happen. It ain't gonna happen as things stand .

It will be interesting to see if the above post of mine gets deleted or moved to the dark corners of the forums. Indians especially with contrary view don't get the same luxuries as provided to freedom fighters from across the border
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