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Can anyone here explain what's happened to @RATHORE ? @Falcon ; @Milspec ; @Ashwin ; @nair ; @Arvind

Apparently he was banned for abuse. But guynextdoor was too as was this piece of shit vsdoc. Both of them appeared in less than a month whereas Rathore has been banned since the past 4 months.How come Rathore was permabanned?
Bans were never an objective for us, and we have been using every trick possible to keep this place clean without bans. We are happy that almost all posters helped us in that.

Rathore and Guynextdoor is in long ban list without any time lines due to repeated offence.....If you find any poster violates the rule, please help us by reporting... we may not go thru every post here....
Bans were never an objective for us, and we have been using every trick possible to keep this place clean without bans. We are happy that almost all posters helped us in that.

Rathore and Guynextdoor is in long ban list without any time lines due to repeated offence.....If you find any poster violates the rule, please help us by reporting... we may not go thru every post here....

Kindly ask this mod edit to mind his tongue Nair, or you will find me replying in the same vein.

I am confident that if you can allow one member to call another a mod edit and not ban him, then the same courtesy should be equally applied to the mod edit

For example you have one moderator here who has the hots for me. Just because I once told him what I really thought of him as a guy behind the screen of whatever device he was logging on from to exert his internet given power.

That same moderator banned me for calling a member @hellbent a son of a hoor (obviously I did not mean hoor) but the same member was not banned for FIRST abusing MY wife (who unlike his mom is still alive) in a sly sexual innuendo.

Why this kolaveri?

@Milspec @Ashwin

Cheers, Doc
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And yes, I want, no I need @Guynextdoor back soon please.

You guys have developed a reputation of being a centrist forum.

Don't spoil it by continually banning the two voices who stand up to the saffron hordes.

Or you will have a toxic echo chamber like the other two green n saffron places ... and be just another saffron mouthpiece with the likes of anonymous .

@nair @Milspec @Ashwin @Falcon

Cheers, Doc
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And yes, I want, no I need @Guynextdoor back soon please.

You guys have developed a reputation of being a centrist forum.

Don't spoil it by continually banning the two voices who stand up to the saffron hordes.

Or you will have a toxic echo chamber like the other two green n saffron places ... and be just another saffron mouthpiece with the likes of anonymous slime.
Let's not confuse things here.

People get banned here when grown-*censored* people behave like children and indulge in name-calling and schoolyard nonsense. Our expectation is very simple, engage in a discussion like grown-ups that you are, share some of your knowledge and further discussion based on essence strategic content.

To both of you @vsdoc & @_Anonymous_ , there is no need at all for name-calling and personal remarks of any sort on this forum. If you are angry go turn off the browser or go read something soothing and then come back. Not a single member here has ever been banned for not towing the forum narrative, this is not one of those forums taking diktats from the minions of any twitter Gernails.

That said Moderators cannot screen through every post and we rely on reports by the members.
Let's not confuse things here.

People get banned here when grown-*censored* people behave like children and indulge in name-calling and schoolyard nonsense. Our expectation is very simple, engage in a discussion like grown-ups that you are, share some of your knowledge and further discussion based on essence strategic content.

To both of you @vsdoc & @_Anonymous_ , there is no need at all for name-calling and personal remarks of any sort on this forum. If you are angry go turn off the browser or go read something soothing and then come back. Not a single member here has ever been banned for not towing the forum narrative, this is not one of those forums taking diktats from the minions of any twitter Gernails.

That said Moderators cannot screen through every post and we rely on reports by the members.

Appreciate your stand.

There was no need for this frustro to start taking names unaggravated.

Please bring guy back. Irreverence is not a crime.

He is continually goaded by this slime and others with religious overtones. Virgin, church, pastor etc.

Why is that continually overlooked by you guys?

No place in India for a Kerala Christian?

Next should Parsis also pack up?

Come on man ... let's not stoop to these disgusting levels.

Cheers, Doc
Appreciate your stand.

There was no need for this frustro to start taking names unaggravated.

Please bring guy back. Irreverence is not a crime.

He is continually goaded by this slime and others with religious overtones. Virgin, church, pastor etc.

Why is that continually overlooked by you guys?

No place in India for a Kerala Christian?

Next should Parsis also pack up?

Come on man ... let's not stoop to these disgusting levels.

Cheers, Doc

In such unfortunate altercations, both parties are advised in the same manner, rarely these attract any infractions from my moderations activities. Most infractions are for more adverse language.

Most members here have not once have gotten into a religion-based altercation with anyone, ever wondered why? How about a little bit of introspection?
In such unfortunate altercations, both parties are advised in the same manner, rarely these attract any infractions from my moderations activities. Most infractions are for more adverse language.

Most members here have not once have gotten into a religion-based altercation with anyone, ever wondered why? How about a little bit of introspection?

Bhai what are you saying?

Introspection should be advised to those always taking up non Hindu jibes as part of their special form of "debate".

You want introspection please ask yourself why not a single openly Muslim voice here.

Even the lone Sikh is gone.

The most vocal Christian never joined.

Only bawa is here.

Cheers, Doc
Kindly ask this black vermin of low chandalic blood to mind his tongue Nair, or you will find me replying in the same vein.

I am confident that if you can allow one member to call another a piece of shit and not ban him, then the same courtesy should be equally applied to the piece of shit for calling out the bunt as as black vermin of chandalic lineage.

For example you have one moderator here who has the hots for me. Just because I once told him what I really thought of him as a guy behind the screen of whatever device he was logging on from to exert his internet given power.

That same moderator banned me for calling a member @hellbent a son of a hoor (obviously I did not mean hoor) but the same member was not banned for FIRST abusing MY wife (who unlike his mom is still alive) in a sly sexual innuendo.

Why this kolaveri?

@Milspec @Ashwin

Cheers, Doc
We are here to provide a platform with out any bias of prejudice be it religious, caste,political or racial......Every one one get equal opportunity to put forth his point of view in an acceptable manner in civilised world......Moderators here are unbiased as we do discuss things before taking calls on any thing serious.....
Report the posts that violates the forum....

There is a reason why we were against allowing religious and political discussions......
We are here to provide a platform with out any bias of prejudice be it religious, caste,political or racial......Every one one get equal opportunity to put forth his point of view in an acceptable manner in civilised world......Moderators here are unbiased as we do discuss things before taking calls on any thing serious.....
Report the posts that violates the forum....

There is a reason why we were against allowing religious and political discussions......

Thanks. Have had a discussion with Milspec.

I'm satisfied.

Cheers, Doc
And yes, I want, no I need @Guynextdoor back soon please.

You guys have developed a reputation of being a centrist forum.

Don't spoil it by continually banning the two voices who stand up to the saffron hordes.

Or you will have a toxic echo chamber like the other two green n saffron places ... and be just another saffron mouthpiece with the likes of anonymous .

@nair @Milspec @Ashwin @Falcon

Cheers, Doc

What happened shiv sainik? You need GND as your best man?:sneaky:

GND was banned for his regional supremacy overdose.
These was nothing sexual related to family in my post that is being alluded to ,
I am the last person to do so.

Anyways i will apologize to the lady in question now, even if i didnt do so.

I was the one who was being hounded repeated inspite of refusing to reply to the said person stupid questions. Go through the posts to see for yourself. And that culminted in a degenerate post at me over perceived insult. Even if there is none it will be imagined to suit them

And the most funny thing is the ludicrous minority excude being played in a forum of all places, this is the definition of parasite, pathetic really.
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What happened shiv sainik? You need GND as your best man?:sneaky:

GND was banned for his regional supremacy overdose.

As an old hand you need to stop letting internet power go to your head.

Sometimes it's good to look around you in the real world and see where you really stand ...

Happy New Year poke my man. :p

Cheers, Doc
These was nothing sexual related to family in my post that is being alluded to ,
I am the last person to do so.

Anyways i will apologize to the lady in question now, even if i didnt do so.

I was the one who was being hounded repeated inspite of refusing to reply to the said person stupid questions. Go through the posts to see for yourself. And that culminted in a degenerate post at me over perceived insult. Even if there is none it will be imagined to suit them

And the most funny thing is the ludicrous minority excude being played in a forum of all places, this is the definition of parasite, pathetic really.

What does Mrs Vsdoc mean?

Can't be my mother so surely it's my wife right?

Stay off family if you want the same treatment from others.

I won't hold back if you do it again. As others will tell you ...

Cheers, Doc
Ask the mod who removed the post If it was mrs vsdoc

The only similarity to what is being claimed was that the first letter of the name was V , rest of the letters was different .
I remember it because i edited the post right after i posted it. Can't remember exactly what it was . It was definitely not vsdoc

And there was nothing sexual offensive or demeaning in the post , it got removed because you implied it

Even than i apologised because it concerned a lady whoever that might be .

And keep your advice and threats to your self , you are the one who is found wanting on it, says a lot about nature and mentality. Who was running around asking questions inspite of being rebuffed constantly

Good riddnace to bad rubbish
Ask the mod who removed the post If it was mrs vsdoc

The only similarity to what is being claimed was that the first letter of the name was V , rest of the letters was different .
I remember it because i edited the post right after i posted it. Can't remember exactly what it was . It was definitely not vsdoc

And there was nothing sexual offensive or demeaning in the post , it got removed because you implied it

Even than i apologised because it concerned a lady whoever that might be and though wrongly accused

And keep your advice and threats to your self , you are the one who is found wanting on it, says a lot about nature and mentality. Who was running around asking questions inspite of being rebuffed constantly

Good riddnace to bad rubbish

You can deny all you want but I know what I read.

And I responded to what I read.

And will do so again if pushed.

Cheers, Doc
Pls do take note of the above conversation @Milspec . If my friend @RATHORE were here, he'd share with you tidbits of how a certain individual would dish out certificates of behavior labelling trashy behaviour as jhopda class while being guilty of indulging in it the most .
Pls do take note of the above conversation @Milspec . If my friend @RATHORE were here, he'd share with you tidbits of how a certain individual would dish out certificates of behavior labelling trashy behaviour as jhopda class while being guilty of indulging in it the most .
All issues can be sorted out. Use report button.
As an old hand you need to stop letting internet power go to your head.

Is that for me?

Sometimes it's good to look around you in the real world and see where you really stand ...

The portion of time I spent on these forum must tell you something. I see all smog, dipping temperature and a jungle of concrete around me, so heading toward my village and working remote while sitting at a tubewell in a farm help a lot to connect with nature and human.

Happy New Year poke my man. :p

Happy New Year doc!!

And why you have to be always at the extreme, either side you switch to? :oops:
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Pls do take note of the above conversation @Milspec . If my friend @RATHORE were here, he'd share with you tidbits of how a certain individual would dish out certificates of behavior labelling trashy behaviour as jhopda class while being guilty of indulging in it the most .

Review petitions are trending these days, why not try one?
Is that for me?

The portion of time I spent on these forum must tell you something. I see all smog, dipping temperature and a jungle of concrete around me, so heading toward my village and working remote while sitting at a tubewell in a farm help a lot to connect with nature and human.

Happy New Year doc!!

And why you have to be always at the extreme, either side you switch to? :oops:

I know you from the Pak place since your active phase, so I would not take you as that.

It was only if you had let your personal altercation lead to his ban in any way.

Either way you guys have somehow shut @S.A.T.A up.

Banned Guy.

Banned me.

I just came back.

Sanghis get no forum ban.

Except the nice guy gone toxic Rathore.

I'm a radical bro. I believe there is no sense in having a belief if you are not 100% committed to it.

That's for 99% of humanity. And most guys I see. Will act all big balls. But keep shrewdly quiet on touchy issues.

Not me ...

Cheers, Doc