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Used to be okay on the old forum, but this forum is full of nob heads and to make matters worse, it is also moderated by nob heads, nob heads who are such nob heads that they have to remain anonymous in case their nob is traced back to their head.
Used to be okay on the old forum, but this forum is full of nob heads and to make matters worse, it is also moderated by nob heads, nob heads who are such nob heads that they have to remain anonymous in case their nob is traced back to their head.
You are unable to reply on S400 thread because the original merged with the sticky on which you already had a temp reply ban for trolling.

Moved the post to relevant thread, You can reply him here.

Analysis China’s “String of Pearls”: The encirclement of India & how to break the chakravyuh?
This forum has horrible thought control agenda and does not value independent thoughts of members. A highly topical thread on RBI governor reform has been deleted for no reason. @vstol Jockey you should take an interest. @Ashwin @Arvind @nair ...any explanation for this horrible action you have committed?
Used to be okay on the old forum, but this forum is full of nob heads and to make matters worse, it is also moderated by nob heads, nob heads who are such nob heads that they have to remain anonymous in case their nob is traced back to their head.

Calm down mate. You seem to know a lot about nobs
This forum has horrible thought control agenda and does not value independent thoughts of members. A highly topical thread on RBI governor reform has been deleted for no reason. @vstol Jockey you should take an interest. @Ashwin @Arvind @nair ...any explanation for this horrible action you have committed?
Screenshot_2018-10-31 Should Modi become RBI Governor .png

Really ?
This forum has horrible thought control agenda and does not value independent thoughts of members. A highly topical thread on RBI governor reform has been deleted for no reason. @vstol Jockey you should take an interest. @Ashwin @Arvind @nair ...any explanation for this horrible action you have committed?
Were you neglected as a child? Do you suffer from low self esteem? Do you always try to fit in with your surroundings, going that extra mile failing which you tend to go overboard in the opposite direction - to demonise or vilify ? Is that why you constantly crave attention?
Were you neglected as a child? Do you suffer from low self esteem? Do you always try to fit in with your surroundings, going that extra mile failing which you tend to go overboard in the opposite direction - to demonise or vilify ? Is that why you constantly crave attention?

This forum has horrible thought control agenda and does not value independent thoughts of members. A highly topical thread on RBI governor reform has been deleted for no reason. @vstol Jockey you should take an interest. @Ashwin @Arvind @nair ...any explanation for this horrible action you have committed?
Well my dear friend. Your query has been addressed by ashwin already.....We expect certian quality for this forum.... and hope you understand that.... We do not want this to be a troll forum in any way.... Apologies if you are looking for 1
@Guynextdoor, I and my family has lived with them for ages. I even now state that an uneducated Jaat from Haryana can be the best FM India could have had in history. Just remember that Delhi has been ruled by even slaves and now even by AAP.
@Guynextdoor, let me share something which will completely throw your mind off.
We had a Jaat guy in Jaguars. He was the best shot the squadron has had. But he had no knowledge of ballistics. He used to fire purely by seat of pants. So much so that in a firing exercise he forgot what he was supposed to fire-Guns or the rockets. In that one dive he fired rockets and also guns and also managed to fly off. I am a retired fighter pilot and I can tell you, ask anyone if that is possible in one dive?
He was than declared the undisputed firing king of the sqn and asked to give a presentation to a visiting Oman delegation about weapon firing from Jaguars.
He studied and studied and guess what happened? After all the technical reading of the manuals about ballistics, he could not hit even one target. It took four months for him to wear off all the gyaan and start hitting targets again with same accuracy. He is a legend from Jaguars. I don't want to name him here.
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@Guynextdoor, I and my family has lived with them for ages. I even now state that an uneducated Jaat from Haryana can be the best FM India could have had in history. Just remember that Delhi has been ruled by even slaves and now even by AAP.

I wasn't laughing as an insult (of course now). I was laughing at the contrast you were drawing that RBI intellectuals are so machine like that you need someone from exact opposite mentality to mellow them :)
I wasn't laughing as an insult (of course now). I was laughing at the contrast you were drawing that RBI intellectuals are so machine like that you need someone from exact opposite mentality to mellow them :)
There are naturals and there are Taught. I am a pilot who was as good as him in weapon firing, infact it is clearly written in my profile on my airline website. But how do you take on a Natural? Birds are natural, pilots are Taught. He was a natural. In 1991, when Jags came down to Kalaikunda, I met him and invited him over for drinks and dinner as we spoke same language. I asked him just one question-How do you do it?
His reply was, "I don't go by HUD but by feeling kee ib choudunga toh kith padega". Meaning, If I release now where will it fall and I don't go by Head up display. Imagine a guy was flying a Jaguar for which had HUD WAC-Head Up display and weapon aiming Computer and a system for which we had paid millions, flying the aircraft like a sopwith Camel.
Used to be okay on the old forum, but this forum is full of nob heads and to make matters worse, it is also moderated by nob heads, nob heads who are such nob heads that they have to remain anonymous in case their nob is traced back to their head.

Aww, I didn't know you liked my moderating the previous forum. I'm touched. :giggle:
What happened @BMD? Been away a while, I confess but why the gripe?

Making a one man stand for Brexit here has tired him out. Plus some members have held him personally accountable for his country's colonial past, he's not taking that very well, so he's lashing out. :p