Indian Rafale will have a brand-new IRST. Don't forget that development of Indian standard is intended in 2022, with the last plane. So this new IRST may probably not be ft itted on the first planes delivered, but on the last one for sure (and all the others).
Indian SPECTRA will be more evolved than French one : better fitted for low band. But SPECTRA is evolving at all time! GaN is in the pipe, as new multistatic technology....
Apparently IAF has already starting testing ISE upgraded rafale by using a 17 year old testbed rafale.. as mentioned in article from last year
IAF tests Rafale jet with India-specific enhancements | India News - Times of India
So can't we expect ISE upgraded rafale to feature in india sooner then 2022?
The tidbits of ISE upgrades have come out but i believe there are many eminent details of upgrade still being privy to iaf nd dassault..
Will Indian rafale BR will incorporate technologies meant for rafale f4?? as u have mentioned about IRST will it be newer FSO IT uprade which dassault has conceived for rafale f4 version
nd about Indian specific spectra.. there is also one specific of Low band jammers in ISE.. will it be an internal jammer or an external one a la Israeli lite shield?? Do french have their alternative of low band jammers nd towed decoys system to offer in ISE??