according western liars they all left after soviet union collapsed.
Many did, some didn't, now many more are leaving. 4m had already left by early May. How many now.
More than 3.8 million Russians have left the country in the first three months of 2022, according to data from Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) published this week. A total of 3,880,679 Russians traveled for work, business, tourism and private reasons between January and March.
Russia is forcing its own people to leave Russia in the millions, beating them on the streets for refusing to fight or protesting the war and you choose to complain that Ukraine standardising the Ukrainian language in Ukraine is genocide?

Funny how language barriers are not such an issue for all the Russians leaving Russia huh?
tucker carlson junior, racism is a mindset no amount of explanation can remove it.
Weren't you the guy who wants to see all white people erased by nukes?

yeah iran was once poster boy for america, should some one remind you that. khoemini was living in europe before the revolution.
Again, you go back to history. It's worth noting the following even in relation to that:
"Grand Ayatollah
Hussein-Ali Montazeri, a former student of Khomeini and a major figure of the Revolution, was chosen by Khomeini to be his successor as Supreme Leader and approved as such by the
Assembly of Experts in November 1985.
[223] The principle of
velayat-e faqih and the Islamic constitution called for the Supreme Leader to be a
marja (a grand ayatollah), and of the dozen or so grand ayatollahs living in 1981 only Montazeri qualified as a potential Leader (this was either because only he accepted totally Khomeini's concept of rule by Islamic jurists,
unreliable source?] or, as at least one other source stated, because only Montazeri had the "political credentials" Khomeini found suitable for his successor).
[226] The execution of
Mehdi Hashemi in September 1987 on charges of counterrevolutionary activities was a blow to Ayatollah Montazeri, who knew Hashemi since their childhood.
[227] In 1989 Montazeri began to call for liberalization, freedom for political parties. Following the execution of thousands of political prisoners by the Islamic government, Montazeri told Khomeini:
"Your prisons are far worse than those of the Shah and his SAVAK."[228] After a letter of his complaints was leaked to Europe and broadcast on the
BBC, a furious Khomeini ousted him in March 1989 from his position as official successor.
[229] His portraits were removed from offices and mosques.
Although I don't see what relevance this has to a woman being beaten to death by a cop for not wearing a hijab properly in the present.