Ukraine - Russia Conflict

They must have already gamed quite a lot of that already.

And it's not just getting Ukrained, we can easily deal with that, they can do to us what they did to Russia too. They are trying their best to make us choose sides so we get stuck with them. After that, once we have made enemies of both Russia and China, they can make us into their b!tch overnight. At least Russia can protect itself with its veto, whereas we can easily get UNSC mandated sanctions placed on us at anytime.

Losing Russia to China completely will be very bad for India, but it's unlikely to happen. But losing our neutrality will become our greatest existential threat. If Western commentators and analysts don't understand this fact, then they are very misguided in their thinking.
Never read such nonsense. Firstly the US is supplying Ukraine with weapons and materials support. Russia would not give you this in an encounter with China. You are not as important to Russia as China is. Do you plan on invading any neighbouring countries? If not then I don't see you being sanctioned.
We should welcome the so called sanctions, US has been simply harassing & annoying India by supporting those islamic fundamentalist thugs & rogues in name of human rights & democracy. Quad is a non-starter which exists only on paper. Finally we can stop buying US equipment and also ask them to take a hike openly.

Hard fact is that US will do the same thing what it is doing to ukraine to India as well if china attacks. So why bother about their support?
Atleast we wont get Ukrained!
Oh yeah, Russia will support you if China attacks won't they? Your thinking is both naive and dyslexic. Like Saudi Arabia thinking that Russia is a better ally against its regional adversaries in Yemen and Iran, when Iran is Russia's strongest ally in the region. If China attacked India, Russia would play the role of Belarus.
Do you plan on invading any neighbouring countries?

India will never invade any of it's neighbouring country because No country in the world is dependent on India like world is dependent on Russia for Gas and China for goods so that India can blackmail back in case of war and sanctions.
Firstly the US is supplying Ukraine with weapons and materials support. Russia would not give you this in an encounter with China.

Some how India can manage it, but at a very high economic cost.
India will never invade any of it's neighbouring country because No country in the world is dependent on India like world is dependent on Russia for Gas and China for goods so that India can blackmail back in case of war and sanctions.

Some how India can manage it, but at a very high economic cost.
So, you're saying they will invade neighbours after getting a strong economic base? Kind of the wrong answer really.
So, you're saying they will invade neighbours after getting a strong economic base? Kind of the wrong answer really.
There will never be any strong economic base in India due to it's cultural differences among the states and people.

If one state in India is well developed, it will try to dominate the other states and this will lead to civil war. And this is why past 75 years and on, India is yet to decide which economic path it has to take.

Already there was a report that due to such difference and some sabotage from abroad on the lines of caste, region, class, religion and language the total GDP growth rate of India has been reduced multi-fold times.

Most of the development in India is superficial and whatever development happens, let's stay in city infrastructure is directly copied from west without having an iota of thought on their own requirements and needs.

And all of India's neighbors understand it.
Do you plan on invading any neighbouring countries? If not then I don't see you being sanctioned.
This is the basis of US attitude towards others. People always speaks against USA by quoting their treatment on iraq, Pakistan etc. But they failed to see how countries like Soko, japan, western Europe had benefited from US. These countries have one thing in common, ie they are not hostile towards others.

Last but not least, india needs to invade Pakistan to get back POK, which is legitimate land belongs to India.
Never read such nonsense. Firstly the US is supplying Ukraine with weapons and materials support. Russia would not give you this in an encounter with China. You are not as important to Russia as China is. Do you plan on invading any neighbouring countries? If not then I don't see you being sanctioned.

When Pakistan invaded India in Kargil 1999, USA blocked access to GPS for the Indian military and they have a history of sanctioning India in the past. There is a reason there are zero American fighter jets in India.
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There will never be any strong economic base in India due to it's cultural differences among the states and people.

If one state in India is well developed, it will try to dominate the other states and this will lead to civil war. And this is why past 75 years and on, India is yet to decide which economic path it has to take.

Already there was a report that due to such difference and some sabotage from abroad on the lines of caste, region, class, religion and language the total GDP growth rate of India has been reduced multi-fold times.

Most of the development in India is superficial and whatever development happens, let's stay in city infrastructure is directly copied from west without having an iota of thought on their own requirements and needs.

And all of India's neighbors understand it.
If you educate your citizens properly, they will try to earn money & spend money for their own, which will boost the economy. Teach them the importance of family planning. Look at people from southern States, they dont spend money too much on unnecessary things building temples or hospitals for cows etc. They did pretty good family planning & now they are in a better position.

India will prosper, only thing is priorities thing needed priorities, a country consisting lakhs of Temples dont need to build anymore temples, build world class educational institutes instead. You dont need to go back to past to lead the life of ancient india, word is going forward not backward, be a part of it.
When Pakistan invaded India in Kargil 1999, USA blocked access to GPS for the Indian military and they have a history of sanctioning India in the past. There is a reason there are zero American fighter jets in India.
We no longer favouring g2g deal for any fighters, i do agree that 36 rafale is via g2g deal, the reason for g2g deal. If US brought any capable fighter like f22 or 35, definitely we could have select or shortlist either of these along with rafale &EF.
Do you plan on invading any neighbouring countries? If not then I don't see you being sanctioned.

Er, yes. Pakistan. Perhaps even BD and Sri Lanka, if some idiot in the West decides to turn them into security threats to India. There are plenty of fissures within India that can be used to sanction us at the drop of a hat.

We don't want to be put in a situation where someone has to say "I don't see you being sanctioned". What we want to hear is "We cannot sanction you". Until that happens, India will stay neutral and have only security partners.
This is the basis of US attitude towards others. People always speaks against USA by quoting their treatment on iraq, Pakistan etc. But they failed to see how countries like Soko, japan, western Europe had benefited from US. These countries have one thing in common, ie they are not hostile towards others.

Last but not least, india needs to invade Pakistan to get back POK, which is legitimate land belongs to India.

One word: gulams.
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I have seen many twitter generals and also guys with zilch knowledge of warfare talking about failure of RA and how the RA is facing stiff resistance which has slowed down their advance. I have few points to share here.
  1. None of knows what are the battle plans of RA and what timelines do they have for the objectives set out for RA. If we compare this advance of RA with anyother campiagn fought by any western army including the combined NATO armies, RA has made far superior progress than any of them.
  2. RA has not shown it full spectrum of capabilities as they think that at some stage they might face intervention by NATO. So they have decided to take hits and save their full capabilities to take on NATO forces should they join in the battle in support of UA.
  3. Kiev are Kharkiv are the two of the largest cities of Ukraine and a complete corps is defending Kharkiv and a very large force is defending Kiev. RA did not make a dash for them till they surrounded these cities and created defence in depth to ensure that the defenders are not able to escape. This means that 360* area around these cities upto a depth of nearly 50 kms must be under the control of RA before any attempt is made for the city centre. RA has reached this objective as on date and I do see a fall of Kiev by D+15/20. As per some documents being shared on twitter, Kiev was supposed to be attacked on 6th March. RA is very much on target as per their plans. There is no delay in their original battle plans.
  4. RA also has another objective. They consider Ukrainians as Russians and slavics and do not want the population to turn against them. They are handicapped unlike the invasion of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc. NATO armies did much higher number of civilian killings and showed no mercy even for children and women. RA is not doing so. They are being forced to attack civilian targets as the neo nazies have taken shelter in civilian areas and using the local population as a shiled to save themselves and make this war and RA look and appear as genocidal.
  5. We have seen how the failure of logistics is being higlighted by many for stranded/abondoned tanks. But have we all not read part of reports from Hamidur commission of Pakistan about Battle of Longewal in 1971 war. If you put 100 tanks into battle, 10 will break down before they reach the battle field, another 10 will break down within the battle field before any engagement with the enemy and only 70 will actually take part in the battle. The so called abondoned tanks for want of fuel or logistics is wrong assumption. Remember that in WW-2, red army was the first one to reach Berlin and not the western armies. The distance travelled by red army was 1.5 times more than what it took western powers. So to think that RA does not know about logistics is nothing but stupid.
  6. The tanks used by RA in this battle till now are only T-72s and other versions but no T-90s. Why? RA is holding back the true potential of these tanks from Nato. RA has demonstrated capability of EWS against best western equipment but they have not used them so far in Ukraine. Why? They still think that NATO will interfere. They are holding back their best for engagement with NATO.
  7. The stated objective of Russia is demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine but It appears to me that they want to control Ukraine for ever. I had earlier posted about NovoRossiya being created east of Dniper but now I am more inclined to suggest that Russia wants whole of Ukraine. This is based on my reaading of their operations from Crimea to west bank of Dniper.
  8. Ukraine is a very resource rich country and over 80% of its resurces lie in the area which is being attacked by RA as of now. If you look at the advances of RA, you will realise that they are dividing Ukraine thru North and south axis thrust west of Dniper and later extend to western parts of Ukraine which have nearly no defensive positions. IMHO, Russians think that once they go west, NATO will intervene. This is same as what Churchil said while agreeing to give freedom to India-Retain some part of India. That is how Pakistan was created. An ulcer in our backside.
  9. NATO will also try the same thing by ensuring they retain some part of Ukraine to create insurgency within Russia controlled Ukraine and free Ukraine. This is a situation not acceptable to Russia. They will want to be in control of full borders of Ukraine and any nation which hosts and trains such insurgenst will automatically become a target of Russia. How many nation will love being a target of Russians?
  10. Russians have openly stated, "what is the use of the world which does not have Russia in it". Has anyone of you realised the meaning of it. They will destroy whole of the world for their survival. Is the world ready for it.
  11. I expect NATO to intervene in first week of April once RA has achived its objectives west of Dniper river and stabilised those areas,
Now something very different. Do you know that these Saxons, Gauls and Slavics have been at war with eachother since 1000 BC? They just cant be at peace with anyone and are savages who love to fight. read their history and you will know about them. They started two world wars and now about to start the third world war. Saxons and Gauls are very very scared of Slavics as the lasting peace has only been achived by Slavics till date in Europe. In the initial stages of WW-2, Saxons joined hands with Slavs to destroy Gauls and later saxons went after Russia. But is it recent phenomenon? No. They started world conquests before that. Remember Alexander who got defeated on Indian borders or the Crusades started by them against Islam? Jihaad was a counter to the crusades by the western powers. They call us Indians Pagans who worship false gods but look at what they have been doing to the world in the name of Jesus?
Christianity is islam with rice bags and Islam is Chistianity with sword. It was Not Gandhi who asked us to offer our next cheek if we got slapped on one but St. Mark in Bible said it. Gandhi was an Abrahmic and a crypto muslim who justified killing of Hindus by muslims saying that it is salvation for Hindus as they will be born again. We call such a person our RashtraPita, a Pita who slept naked with very very young girls to experiment with truth. God only knows how manytimes he failed the experiment and did he ever succeed? My father never did any such dabauchery. I refuse to call Gandhi anykind of Pita to anyone. Good that such a *censored* was not allowed to die a natural death.
They consider Ukrainians as Russians and slavics and do not want the population to turn against them.
Whether the Russians (or Putin) want the Ukrainians to turn against them or not is irrelevant if the Ukrainians themselves decide to turn against them.
The tanks used by RA in this battle till now are only T-72s and other versions but no T-90s.
That's factually, verifiably wrong. So far, the Russians have used every tank (or a variant thereof) in their inventory except the T-14 Armata, which hasn't been produced in any meaningful quantity yet. And yes, the Russians have used and lost (or abandoned) T90s in the war.
They are holding back their best for engagement with NATO.
Again, verifiably, they have used their best fighter jets (Su-35, Su-34 etc.), their best helicopters (eg. Kamov Ka-52) and their best tanks and have sustained losses.
Do you know that these Saxons, Gauls and Slavics have been at war with eachother since 1000 BC? They just cant be at peace with anyone and are savages who love to fight. read their history and you will know about them.
All people are savages, by those standards.
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That's like Pakistan considering KAshmir to be its territory or China considering Arunachal Pradesh/Ladakh as its own. Whether the Russians (or Putin) want the Ukrainians to turn against them or not is irrelevant if the Ukrainians themselves decide to turn against them.

That's factually, verifiably wrong. So far, the Russians have used every tank (or a variant thereof) in their inventory except the T-14 Armata, which hasn't been produced in any meaningful quantity yet. And yes, the Russians have used and lost (or abandoned) T90s in the war.

Again, verifiably, they have used their best fighter jets (Su-35, Su-34 etc.), their best helicopters (eg. Kamov Ka-52) and their best tanks and have sustained losses.

All people are savages, by those standards.

By every single account, the Battle of Hydaspes against Porus had been won by Alexander quite handily. And Ambhi had surrendered without a fight. Now there are tales that his army mutinied before he marched on the Nandas, but he never met in battle, and as such, he wasn't defeated on the Indian borders (Nanda empire had its borders well within India).

On that note, remember the Cholas? You know, Karikala, or Rajaraja, or Rajendra 1?
A winner gave the territory of Ambhi to create a new city named after the king he is supposed to have defeated-Purushpur and now known as Peshawar. Alexander and his forces never fought a battle lasting over 3 hours. Only in Hydaspes he was stretched to fight the whole day with Porus not giving up. Please read the account of Mecedonians themselves. Alexander sent six emiissaries to Porus to come for negotiations and Porus refused them all. He agreed to meet Alexander only when he was assued that it will be an equal meeting. regarding Cholas, they have been our finest and the bravest and the finest in the world till date.
@vstol Jockey : @Hellfire has tweeted a few hours back that the chances of a insurgency in Ukraine is increasing with each passing day, and that Russia's exit strategies do not look easy.

I wonder what kind of a guy this Zelenskyy is. Even now he is asking NATO for favours and is exhorting his countrymen to act like insurgents. He's fine with Ukraine getting reduced to a place where nothing other than insurgency thrives. I feel like actually believing that he's a western stooge.
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Please read the account of Mecedonians themselves.
I will. The other points, about the T90s, and the newer Sukhois and Kamovs still stand.
Even now he is asking NATO for favours and is exhorting his countrymen to act like insurgents.
Its always been a theme for people to fight for their country, in the face of foreign invasion. And there's nothing inherently wrong with being willing to sacrifice infrastructure for sovereignty. Rarely does a country or a people just accept an invading force.
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