Ukraine - Russia Conflict

A bunch of Hindu nationalists who cry about racism the loudest without a hint of irony.
You mean ones with a different shade of skin colour from white aren't treated differently in the west .
Dark skin or being muslim in Asia is a sure fire way to get treated like a second hand citizen.
Asia is literally home to a billion Muslims off whom 600 million + hail from the sub continent. Add another 200 million + from Indonesia. What're you on about ?
And how does that make Russia right in this case? It's as dumb as people in the UK supporting Russia because they were on our side during WWII.

Ukraine is an independent democracy that wants no part of Russia. What Russia is doing is the same as what Britain did with India in 1757, or rather what a British trading company did.
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Lol. I just love how you think a nation should do what a bigger bordering nation tells them what to do. I guess the same applies to India? China is much more powerful than you Indians. If China tells you what organization you can't join but India still is interested in joining and invites war I guess it will be India's fault according to your TARD logic, eh?
Ok sweetie , I've asked you this before , what was the Cuban missile crisis all about ?
It's not just you but there's a handful of idiots that think like this because they have to find a way to justify Russia's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation so they have to think REALLY hard and the only thing they can come up with is, they had it coming for thinking about joining NATO. :LOL:
Where are the weapons of mass destruction that prompted Bush & company to launch Gulf War -2 ?

Putin himself said this isn't about NATO but about Ukraine existing as a state but still you have imbeciles that believe Ukraine brought this invasion on themselves because they had the audacity as a sovereign nation to want to join an organization.
Please quote here in as many words what Putin said to that effect ?

And compare it to what your Senator Lindsey Graham said ?

I haven't heard anything coming out of Moscow saying they consider Zelensky a traitor or Nazi & intentions of hunting him down . What gives ?!
It's a Ukrainian news source so who knows if true...

Putie-Poo has said ay nation that interferes will suffer severe consequences but so far nothing has happen even though Javelin's, NLAWS and stingers are reeking havoc but could this be the redlie?

I doubt it.
It's a Ukrainian news source so who knows if true...

Putie-Poo has said ay nation that interferes will suffer severe consequences but so far nothing has happen even though Javelin's, NLAWS and stingers are reeking havoc but could this be the redlie?

I doubt it.
Let him try. If he fires a single round over the western border of Ukraine he's done.

The only thing keeping him alive is that NATO are kind of lazy and reluctant following the last 2 decades, but if he decides not to give them a choice and starts firing stuff over the border, that will necessitate action. He's suffered enough aircraft losses in Ukraine, wait and see what happens if he f**ks with us.

At the moment NATO is in the Chamberlain gear, and the next ratio after Chamberlain isn't one he wants to select.
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My opinion, Kashmir isn't worth it. Originally it was supposed to be independent of both India and Pakistan if my knowledge of history serves me correctly.

In reality, no one in the government have any serious plan of invading Pakistan occupied Kashmir. The main reason prime minister Nehru stopped 1948 Indian military campaign in J&K was due to the fact the territory under Pakistan control is economically worthless. Entire valley and popular settlements are under Indian control and that's when he stopped the war. 90% Pakistan admistated kashmir is constituted of Gilgit& Baltistan, a mountainous region with just 1.3 million population. It have like 50 mountains higher than 23,000 feet alone. Taking such a mountainous terrain is a Military nightmare, and not very practical. Taking Islamabad is far more easier.

While economically it's insignificant, it does have strategic importance. Cutting off Pakistan from China, and opening up a border with Afghanistan and further to central Asia.
Good, people in London might actually be able to afford a home, rather than entire blocks of apartments being rented out to nobody for money laundering.
Yup. At last count dozens of economic offenders , narcotic smugglers , terrorists etc apart from murderers who happen to be fugitives of justice from India have found refuge in UK with massive investments in UK too in real estate , stocks , finances etc .

The last time we faced a similar issue with Dubai a couple of high profile assassinations took place by rival gangs from India engineered by our intelligence agencies & UAE got the message. They cleaned up post haste .

You know why BJ & UK are in a sweet spot now . I foresee UK overestimating its power once again & hosting all those Ukranian nationalists along with dissidents from Russia as it usually does but with a caveat . This time London would be actively involved in financing arming & plotting such actions inside of Ukraine & Russia.

Boom ! That's a sound you ought to familiarise yourself with . For with the last of the restraints on Putin lifted he's going to actively plot assassinations of these characters in the UK . That would no longer mean injecting radioactive substances surreptitiously but car bombs , gun battles etc .

It's The Troubles once more, Paddy . This time in all of UK instead of NI exclusively. Then there are the Islamists who call UK home & who desperately are yearning to teach your establishment a few lessons apart from implementation of Sharia'h & conversion of all of UK into Islam. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if all your fault lines wouldn't be taken advantage of by the Russians. Tit for Tat or Tit for Tit . Take your choice.

Boy , you're sure in for some fun times . We don't even envy you . 😂
In reality, no one in the government have any serious plan of invading Pakistan occupied Kashmir. The main reason prime minister Nehru stopped 1948 Indian military campaign in J&K was due to the fact the territory under Pakistan control is economically worthless. Entire valley and popular settlements are under Indian control and that's when he stopped the war. 90% Pakistan admistated kashmir is constituted of Gilgit& Baltistan, a mountainous region with just 1.3 million population. It have like 50 mountains higher than 23,000 feet alone. Taking such a mountainous terrain is a Military nightmare, and not very practical. Taking Islamabad is far more easier.

While economically it's insignificant, it does have strategic importance. Cutting off Pakistan from China, and opening up a border with Afghanistan and further to central Asia.
That's what I thought, and you answered my next question, which was going to be, "why is it so valuable?"
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Which will all bring an added cost to doing business, while at the same time Russia loses assets and any trade with most of the world.

Dude, you really need to look into these things. A physics degree won't help.

But they will supply material support, Russia will not if China tells them so.

They are the ones who supplied to us at the fastest speed during any emergency. The same with emergency purchases. We bought 70000 AK-203s in Aug last year and got the whole lot by Jan this year. With America, the same order for SIGs needs 1.5 years.
Dude, you really need to look into these things. A physics degree won't help.

They are the ones who supplied to us at the fastest speed during any emergency. The same with emergency purchases. We bought 70000 AK-203s in Aug last year and got the whole lot by Jan this year. With America, the same order for SIGs needs 1.5 years.
Let's here from people with degrees in economics then.

Russia won't supply you at all in a conflict with China, which is when you'll most need it. By comparison Pakistan is a terrier and China is Panda on crack.
Let him try. If he fires a single round over the western border of Ukraine he's done.

NATO planes targetting Ru assets flying from airfields in NATO countries are legitimate targets. Any school kid will tell you that. Putin will demonstrate it to you . I think BJ should grab this opportunity to show you & your compatriots that he has cojones of steel since pretty much nobody outside UK does believe it to be so & I very much doubt most of the UK does so too .

I mean Iran is still laughing at the thought of BJ having any cojones leave alone steel.

Hence , BoJo should be taking the lead in organising such missions . It's the Battle of Britain once again Paddy.

The only thing keeping him alive is that NATO are kind of lazy and reluctant following the last 2 decades, but if he decides not to give them a choice and starts firing stuff over the border, that will necessitate action.

“Oh, to be alive in such an age, when miracles are everywhere, and every inch of common air throbs a tremendous prophecy, of greater marvels yet to be.”​

Walt Whitman

You can interpret it for your underprivileged underage undersized urchin of a cousin from across the Atlantic.

He's suffered enough aircraft losses in Ukraine, wait and see what happens if he f**ks with us.

How many pints of Guinness down the hatch Paddy ? Sounds like you had a lot of fun this weekend after ages. Feel 30 years younger don't we ?

It's the genes of the Neanderthal flowing in you which seeks to do what it does best. Don't repress it . Volunteer for the international Battalion for the defence of Ukraine . Go show the Russians what the Irish are capable of
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That's what I thought, and you answered my next question, which was going to be, "why is it so valuable?"

GB is strategically very important for both Pak and India.

It connects Pak with China and it can connect India with Central Asia.

Plus it gives us greater control over the Indus River, which will provide greater clout.

With advancements in technology and logistics, mountains have become a treasure trove of metals.
The reason for historical differences is simple. Pakistan was smarter than you and aligned with NATO during the Cold War and reaped the benefits of that despite often being in the wrong. You made a bad decision and aligned with the brotherhood of dictatorships (despite being a democracy) which had consequences.

Back in the day west/western allied nations were not necessarily democratic. While it is true that Soviet block didn't had any democratic country and most of western dictatorships slowly turned democratic.

Spain was a dictatorship, so was Portugal. NATO members like Turkey was also Military dictatorship. South Korea was a dictatorship, so was Taiwan and south Vietnam. India was anti colonial and many Western states were colonial up untill the 70s and that contributed mostly to India distancing from West in the early post war era. When Pakistan joined western alliance, India moved towards Soviets. Cold war alliances were mostly based on political interests, not ideological.
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Let's here from people with degrees in economics then.

Russia won't supply you at all in a conflict with China, which is when you'll most need it. By comparison Pakistan is a terrier and China is Panda on crack.
The Economist & NPR . One a fanboy of Chinese style Predatory business & the latter a mouthpiece of the US & den of wokes.

You're doing good Paddy. Any other sources ? What about your favourite The Guardian ? Now that's a rag worth quoting in these times
Let's here from people with degrees in economics then.

Um, that's irrelevant to what we are talking about. The middle class and poor always get screwed by sanctions. Until such time the govt can revive consumption again.

Russia won't supply you at all in a conflict with China, which is when you'll most need it. By comparison Pakistan is a terrier and China is Panda on crack.

The opposite. They will be very happy to supply to India in a conflict with China. They will be very glad to see us fighting and preferably winning a war with China.
He's remembering history a little too much. 1971 is 51 years ago now. As regards this war being the west's creation, nope. It was entirely the will of the Ukrainian people to break free from Russia and try to join the EU, and Russia could not handle that. The guy is lying to himself on that one.
50 yrs hence this would be history too as would you . What's your point ? You still keep celebrating your victory in WW-2 don't you & keep demonizing Hitler long after he & his loathed ideology perished .
Back in the day west/western allied nations were not necessarily democratic. While it is true that Soviet block didn't had any democratic country and most of western dictatorships slowly turned democratic.

Spain was a dictatorship, so was Portugal. NATO members like Turkey was also Military dictatorship. South Korea was a dictatorship, so was Taiwan and south Vietnam. India was anti colonial and many Western states were colonial up untill the 70s and that contributed mostly to India distancing from West in the early post war era. When Pakistan joined western alliance, India moved towards Soviets. Cold war alliances were mostly based on political interests, not ideological.
Spain did not join NATO until after it became a democracy.

Turkey held its first elections in 1946, before joining NATO.

And now Taiwan and South Korea are democracies with high GDP/Capita. Countries in the Russian/Soviet orbit like North Korea, PRC and Vietnam are still dictatorships, as is Belarus, as was Ukraine until 2013 in reality.